The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Elsie Buteau - Aflac
18/02/2014 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Elsie Buteau from Aflac. Elsie discusses the benefits of using Aflac. Audio file: elsie.mp3
Kevin Willett - How to follow up after a networking event
18/02/2014 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett offers advice on following up after a networking event. Audio file: kmwnetworkingfollowup12.mp3
Steve Loeschner - Chef Steve Personal Chef Service
18/02/2014 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Steve Loeschner of Chef Steve Personal Chef Service. Listen in as Steve discusses the advantages of having him come into your home to prepare a set of meals for your family. Audio file: chefsteve.mp3
Kevin Willett - The role social media plays in networking
18/02/2014 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett discusses the roll social media plays in Networking. Audio file: kmwsocialmedia12.mp3
Nathalie Hirte - Willowfield Web Solutions
17/02/2014 Duration: 20minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Nathalie Hirte from Willowfield Web Solutions. Nathalie discusses the importance of having a website for your business and the advantages of working with Willowfield Web Solutions. Audio file: willowfieldwebsolutions.mp3
Dan McGrath - Author of What you dont know about retirement will hurt you
16/02/2014 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Author Dan McGrath to discuss his book called What You Dont Know About Retirement Will Hurt You. Audio file: danmcgrath.mp3
Elaine Saunders - Dynamic Introductions
16/02/2014 Duration: 17minHost Kevin WIllett is joined by Elaine Saunders from Dynamic Introductions. Do you know someone who could use some help meeting someone special? Elaine can help them. Listen in to learn more. Audio file: dynamicintroductions2.mp3
Manny Andrade - Greater Lowell United FC
15/02/2014 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Manny Andrade from the Greater Lowell United FC. The Greater Lowell United FC is a professional Football ( soccer) club playing there home games at Cawley stadium in Lowell. Audio file: greaterlowellunitedfc.mp3
Elina Davis - Pilates & More With Elina
14/02/2014 Duration: 19minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Elina Davis from Pilates and more with Elina. In this segment Elina discusses the benefits of Pilates, How it is different than other types of exercise, and the various types of classes she offers at her studio in Manchester NH. Audio file: pilateswithelina2.mp3
Feer Vasquez - Chito Play Wheel
13/02/2014 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Feer Vasquez from Chito Play Wheel. Chito Play Wheel is a children's toy to keep them active & promote weight management Audio file: chitoplaywheel.mp3
Bonnie Robert - Home Helpers and Direct Link of Londonderry, New Hampshire
09/02/2014 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Bonnie Roberts of Home Helpers and Direct Link of Londonderry, New Hampshire. Home Helpers can provide Home care from a few hours a week to 24/7, we'll tailor a flexible care plan to fit your needs and budget. Audio file: homehelpers.mp3
Mary Alice Miller - MosaicHUB
09/02/2014 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Mary Alice Miller from MosaicHUB. mosaicHUB connects businesses with service providers. Audio file: mosaichub.mp3
Kevin Willett - New Smaller Networking Events
07/02/2014 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett discusses some of the smaller more focused networking events being offered by the Friends of Kevin Networking Group. These events include Women only networking, Table of Ten Networking, and events that focus on specific industries like Real Estate and Financial / Professional Services. Audio file: kmwnewevents.mp3
Elina Davis - Pilates & More With Elina
05/02/2014 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Elina Davis from Pilates and more with Elina for a great discussion about the advantages of Pilates. Audio file: elinadavis.mp3
Brian Dutton - Asinine Games
05/02/2014 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Brian Dutton from Asinine Games. Asinine Games makes cool apps and games for mobile devices such as Barn Blitz & SlenderCam. Audio file: asininegames.mp3
Greg Duval - NH Creative Club
03/02/2014 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Greg Duval to discuss the NH Creative Club. Listen in to learn about their upcoming inbound marketing seminar at SilverTech on Feb 11th. Audio file: nhcreativeclub.mp3
Dave Laine - Southern New Hampshire Services and NH Works
03/02/2014 Duration: 14minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dave Laine from New Hampshire Works and Southern New Hampshire Services. In this segment we discuss the benefits of the program to the employee and employer. This weeks hot jobs include a Technical Account Rep, Software Developer, Office Assistant, Engineering Technician. Audio file: davelaine0127.mp3
Gary Chamberlain - Pro Diagrams
22/01/2014 Duration: 13minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Gary Chamberlain from Pro Diagrams. Pro Diagrams is changing the way people create diagrams such as flowcharts, org charts, wireframes, or any other picture worth a thousand words. They believe that people should not have to pay a lot of money to create great diagrams, so they are launching; a site crafted from the ground up to make it easy to make diagrams on mobile devices. Audio file: prodiagrams.mp3
Diane Ivey - Lady Dye Yarns
22/01/2014 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Diane Ivey of Lady Dye Yarns. Lady Dye Yarns is an eco-friendly fiber arts business that creates colorful hand-painted yarns and accessories that are street art inspired. Audio file: ladydye.mp3
Walter Wise - The BPI Strategy Group
22/01/2014 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Walter Wise from the BPI Strategy Group. Walter is a Revenue Success Architect. He helps businesses grow revenue and reduce costs to improve profitability. Audio file: bpijan2014.mp3