The Friends of Kevin Radio Show airs on WSMN in Nashua on Mondays from 11am to 12pm. The show consists of three segments approximately 15 minutes each where I interview guests. I ask all of my guests to provide me with between 12 and 15 questions to ask them on the show. Please send me an email at if you would like to be a guest on the show.
Len Deming - Deming Law Office
01/12/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Led Deming from the Deming Law Office. In this segment we speak about why someone may file Bankruptcy and the impact it will have on your credit. Audio file: deminlaw1.mp3
Dan Hebert - NH Jump$tart Coalition
27/11/2013 Duration: 19minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dan Hebert of the NH Jump$tart Coalition. The mission of the NH Jump$tart Coalition is to improve the financial literacy of pre-kindergarten through college-age youth by providing advocacy, research, activities, standards and educational resources. NH Jump$tart strives to prepare youth for life-long successful financial decision-making. Audio file: nhjumpstart.mp3
Dave Laine - Southern New Hampshire Services
26/11/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Dave Laine from Southern New Hampshire Services. In this segment Dave discusses the advantages to the employer and employee of participating in the On The Job Training Program. If you are an employer please listen in to learn how you can qualify for a reimbursement of the cost to train a new employee Audio file: davlaine3.mp3
Florence Furaha - Meetcaregivers
26/11/2013 Duration: 10minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Florence Furaha of Meetcaregivers. MeetCareGivers uses video technology to make it easier and convenient for people to find and get to know the perfect caregiver that they are looking to hire. Users will be able to watch candidates talk about their experience, skills, personalities, backgrounds etc. Audio file: meetcaregivers.mp3
Susu Wong - Tomo360
21/11/2013 Duration: 11minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Susu Wong from Tomo360. Tomo360 is a full-service marketing consulting company -- helping business owners and nonprofits with their marketing and online strategies, ranging from email marketing and social media to website. Audio file: tomo360.mp3
John Simone J&R Auto Repair
14/11/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by John Simone from J&R Auto Repair in Lowell Ma. In this segment we discuss the importance of having a car checked out before you purchase it, What to do about noises that you cannot identify and winter car maintenance. Audio file: jrautonov.mp3
Cheryl Klufio from RightlySaid: Perfect Communication to Build your Brand
13/11/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Cheryl Klufio from RightlySaid: Perfecting Communications to Build Your Brand. RightlySaid leverages strategic communication, quality content marketing and high-impact PR to build your personal, destination or corporate brand. Audio file: rightlysaid.mp3
Nicole Christian - Nicole's Eye Sight Training
12/11/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Nicole Christian from Nicole's Eyesight Training. Nicole is an Eyesight Coach who teaches people how to improve their own vision without drugs or surgery. Her office is located in Salem NH. Audio file: nicoleseyesighttraining.mp3
Cathy Kuhn - NH Coalition to End Homelessness
08/11/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Cathy Kuhn from the NH Coalition to End Homelessness to discuss their efforts to prevent homelessness in the state of New Hampshire. Audio file: nhcoalitiontoendhomelessness.mp3
Orlando Torres - The Best Part of Planet Earth
08/11/2013 Duration: 15minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Orlando Torres from the Best Part of Planet Earth. The Best Part of Planet Earth aims to build raised beds on school grounds with the intention of selling fresh fruits and vegetables to students' families and farmers markets at an affordable price. Audio file: bestpartofplanetearth.mp3
Gaby Harris - Legal Shield
03/11/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Gaby Harris from Legal Shield. Gaby discusses the many benefits of Legal Shield. Audio file: gabbyharris.mp3
Kamal Jain - Lowell Makes
03/11/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Kamal Jain from Lowell Makes. Lowell Makes is A membership‐driven collaborative space equipped with a wide variety of tools, machines, materials, computers and other resources where individuals can gain and practice modern skills with state‐of‐the‐art technology, access to resources they could not otherwise, and a community of creative minded people who make all kinds of things. Audio file: lowellmakes.mp3
Reem Yared - Help Around Town
02/11/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Reem Yared from Help Around Town. Help Around Town's free community Job Board connects people needing help around the house, yard or business with local high school and college kids Audio file: helparoundtown.mp3
Kay Barretto - Holistic Wellness and Cancer Support
26/10/2013 Duration: 18minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Kay Barretto from Holistic Wellness and Cancer Support. Listen to learn how Kay helps her clients lower their risk of developing cancer. Audio file: kay.mp3
Jennifer Higney - My Life on the Spin Cycle
26/10/2013 Duration: 16minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Jennifer Higney from My Life on the Spin Cycle. Jennifer discusses her blog and her facebook group for women to share their day to day journey. Audio file: lifeonthespincycle.mp3
Melanie Nesheim and Victoria Mckinney Vareschi - Family Promise of Greater Rockingham County
26/10/2013 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Melanie and Victoria from Family Promise of Greater Rockingham County. We have a great discussion about their program and their upcoming fundraiser on Novemeber 9th. Audio file: familypromise.mp3
John Simone J&R Auto Repair
26/10/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by John Simone form J&R Auto Repair in Lowell Ma. In this segment we speak about the importance of building a relationship wit your mechanic. Audio file: jrautooct.mp3
Lester Sydney - Merrimack Valley Sandbox
26/10/2013 Duration: 12minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Lester Sydney of the Merrimack Valley Sandbox for a great discussion about their new coworking space and their upcoming Winter Accelerator Program. Audio file: sandbox.mp3
Tony and Laura Rocha of EFTS
15/10/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Tony and Laura Rocha of EFTS. We have a great discussion about Merchant Services, Atms, electronic check processing programs, Gift cards and loyalty cards Audio file: efts.mp3
Maureen Marasca of Maureen Marasca Healing With Intention LLC.
15/10/2013 Duration: 17minHost Kevin Willett is joined by Maureen Marasca of Maureen Marasca Healing With Intention LLC. We have a great discussion about the importance of being mindful in our interactions. Audio file: healingwithintention.mp3