Conversations with people who are making your experience with Drupal better.
104 Developing the Acquia Certification Program with Heather James, Ben Ortega, Peter Manijak and Prasad Shirgoankar - Modules Unraveled Podcast
16/04/2014 Duration: 01h04min## Acquia Certification Program * First off, what is the Acquia Certification Program? * Who was involved in developing the curriculum? * I took a quick look, and it seems that there are four parts to the test. Are those taken individually? Or all together? (And what are the sections?) * Will this accurately assess front-end developers? Or Backend/Sitebuilders. * What about specialists? * How is the exam administered? * Where can people take the test? * There has been talk about certifications in the past. Some have been for it, and some have been opposed. What kind of feedback have you received so far? ## Future * Will you be updating the program regularly? Absolutely * Will there be a D7 version and a D8 version? It will depend on the exam and the need s of the role we are validating * Should other certification programs be developed? ## Questions from Twitter * [Tanay Sai]( Any plans to launch further specialization/levels? Like for Architects, themers, Drup
103 Content Branching and Static Site Generation Using Zariz with Amitai Burstein - Modules Unraveled Podcast
09/04/2014 Duration: 39min## Zariz * What is Zariz? * How did this come about? * How does it help content creators? * How is this different from Workbench Moderation, and the default revisioning system? * You mentioned that it duplicates nodes, how do the URLs stay in tact? * Talk a bit about how you can create static site from a Drupal site. ## Use Cases * Content staging * Static site generation * What about authenticated users? * How does this help performance and scalability? ## Questions from Twitter * [Kate]( Is Zariz an alternative to
102 Project Management and ERP using ERPAL with Manuel Pistner - Modules Unraveled Podcast
02/04/2014 Duration: 29min## ERPAL * What is ERPAL? * Why did you guys at Bright Solutions decide to build ERPAL? What did you need that wasn’t already available? * What are some of the features of the distro? * CRM (contact and activity management) * Project management (timetracking, payments, agil and fixed price, expenses, gantt charts, requirement management) with Freelancer support * Document management and document creation * Contract management with reccuring invoices * Employee management (over hours, holidays, costs) * Invoice creation and PDF export * Calendars * Tell me about the mobile app. * I noticed that there are some addon modules listed on the project page. Did you want to mention some of those? * ERPAL Task Templates * ERPAL Repeatable Tasks * ERPAL Project Reports * ERPAL CRM Reports * ERPAL Contacts Importer * ERPAL GIT integration * Is this basically Basecamp built with Drupal? * What features do they have in common? * What does ERPAL have that Basecamp
101 Building an ePublishing Platform Using Drupal Modules with Liang Shen - Modules Unraveled Podcast
26/03/2014 Duration: 22min## PDF Yes. But pdf and epub modules are the second generation. Fileviewer module was the first generation. It uses Poppler, the popular pdf lib in Linux, to convert pdf file into png images and display them in browser. After several years, the Mozilla Foundation created pdf.js which allow browsers use HTML5 and JavaScript to display PDF file. Today pdf.js has become the default PDF plugin in Firefox. I wrote PDF module to integrate it into Drupal. * So, this just integrates pdf.js into Drupal? * Can you create pdfs with the module? ## ePub Since Amazon launched Kindle, ebook market was getting hot. Google and Apple joined the battle soon. Epub format as an open standard chosen by many new competitors in this market became popular. Thanks to Jake Hartnell the author of epub.js, an open source Javascript epub lib, we can display epub file in the browser as well. So I wrote epub module to integrate it into Drupal. Google Book Search has been renamed into Google Books and become a part of Play Books. Both
100 Starting a New User Group with Micah Godbolt - Modules Unraveled Podcast
19/03/2014 Duration: 43min## PDXSass * What is PDXSass? * Why did you decide to start the meetup? * What does a typical meetup look like? * How did you decide on a location? (And time?) * Do you have sponsors? * How did you get them? * If someone wanted to start a meetup, what advice would you give them? * What’s the first thing they should do? * Where do you get speakers? ## SassBites * I really enjoy SassBites, so I wanted to plug that here. For anyone that doesn’t know, tell us what SassBites is. * What are some of the topics that you’ve covered? * How much work is involved in producing a SassBite? * If someone listening wanted to start doing short screencasts, what would you tell them? ## NodeSquirrel Ad Have you heard of/used NodeSquirrel? Use "StartToGrow" it's a 12-month free upgrade from the Start plan to the Grow plan. So, using it means that the Grow plan will cost $5/month for the first year instead of $10. (10 GB storage on up to 5 sites)
099 The Core Mentoring Experience With Marc Drummond - Modules Unraveled Podcast
12/03/2014 Duration: 46min## Drupal Core Mentoring * For someone who’s not familiar with it, what is it? Or how would you describe core mentoring? * How long have you been taking part in core mentoring? * Do you remember what your first experience was like? Was it scary? * What are some of the way’s you’ve helped in core mentoring? ## Questions from Twitter * [Cathy Theys]( * After contributing once, what made him keep goin? * Has he ever done something that didn’t get feedback, reviews or moved forward in some way? * How did he deal with that practically to get it moving, or mentally to not get him down. * What would he say to people who were frustrated by trying to help? * What are his goals? * What improvements to d.o would make it easier for him in his daily (or weekly) contributing tasks? * How much time per week does he estimate is on contributing? * Is it interest driven, or a byproduct of projects at work or contracts? * What ways does Marc contribute beyond writin
098 Indivizo - A SaaS App Built With Drupal with Bálint Kléri - Modules Unraveled Podcast
05/03/2014 Duration: 45min## Project * First off, what is Indivizo? Indivizo is a web application that provides a set of products for human resources specialists. Our flagship product is Indivizo Selection, that is a video interview platform. * Allows HR professionals to use video interviews as part of their selection process * Asynchronous interviews — no need to schedule anything, everything is automatic * Question databank, interview plans * Each answer is recorded as a standalone video * Unique workflow: allows you to focus on the competencies and skills of your candidates * Other products: ATS, Search * Why is it a good approach to use video interviews in the selection process? * Saves time (up to 90%) * Better evaluation: objective, easier... * We recommend to use it for first-round selection, but... * Where did the idea come from? * My partners are HR consultants and organizational developers with over a decade of experience on the field. They have helped many organizations in selecti
097 The Kalamuna (Bootstrap) Theme with Mike Pirog - Modules Unraveled Podcast
26/02/2014 Duration: 28min## Kalatheme * What is Kalatheme? * Does this play nicely with Panels/Context etc? * I don’t actually have any experience with Panels In Place Editor. What functionality does that provide the theme? * What version of Bootstrap are you using? * Is Sass-ability built in? * On the Project Page, it says you can use other Bootstrap themes. How does that work? * You mentioned a subtheme generator. What is that? How does it work? * Is this a base theme that people should sub-theme? Or can people use it out of the box. * What are the Drush commands that work with Kalatheme? ## Use Cases * What do you see as the target audience for Kalatheme? * Do you know of any sites using Kalatheme that we can look at? ## NodeSquirrel Ad Have you heard of/used NodeSquirrel? Use "StartToGrow" it's a 12-month free upgrade from the Start plan to the Grow plan. So, using it means that the Grow plan will cost $5/month for the first year instead of $10. (10 GB storage on up to 5 sites)
096 The Template Picker Module with Bryan Braun - Modules Unraveled Podcast
19/02/2014 Duration: 24min## Template Picker * What is the template picker module? * Does it support all entities? (nodes/blocks/users/etc.) - Core Entities - Users - Taxonomy Terms - Comments - Nodes - Custom Entities - Doesn’t Support ECK (Yet) * Can you affect the different display types? or just full node? * How do you create new templates? * Where do you place the templates? * Can you set the default template to one of your custom templates? * Is there any way to affect multiple nodes at once? Or do you set the template individually? * How would you compare this to Display Suite? * Damien asked how does it compare to Panelizer? ## Questions from Twitter * [Damien McKenna]( How does it compare to #Panelizer? Does it handle revisions yet? #MUP096 * [Eric Rasmussen]( Any examples of other modules that have integrated using the template_picker_template_options hook? #MUP096 ## NodeSquirrel Ad Have you heard of/used NodeSquirrel? Use "StartToGrow" it's a 12-month
095 What's New and Updated in Panopoly 1.1 with Tom Kirkpatrick - Modules Unraveled Podcast
12/02/2014 Duration: 36min## Panopoly 1.1 * First off, what is Panopoly? * What was the reason for creating it? * What are some of the features built in? * What’s new in 1.1? ## Use Cases * Other distributions are built on top of Panopoly. What are some of the big ones you can think of? * Do you know of any sites that are already built on top of Panopoly? ## Questions from Twitter * [Damien McKenna]( Will 1.2 change over to CKEditor? #mup095 * [Chris Ball]( You mentioned open academy one of your other distributions. what is the state of open academy?
Audioblog: Metal Toad
10/02/2014 Duration: 08minThe following blog post was written and read by Joaquin Lippincott, President and Founder of Metal Toad with some production help by Steve Winters. This one’s not actually a straight read of the article, he’s made some modifications based on comments, and feedback. If you want to check out the original article where you can comment, and find all of the links mentioned in the blog, visit [the Metal Toad Blog]( Also, thank you for all of your feedback about the Audioblog! I haven’t heard anyone yet say that they think it’s a stupid idea. In fact, I’ve only heard good things. So, if you'd like to submit your blog post to be included in the Audioblog, you can contact me on Twitter [@ModsUnraveled](, or through the [contact form](
094 API Changes in D8 with Théodore Biadala - Modules Unraveled Podcast
05/02/2014 Duration: 25min## APIs * What are some of the APIs that have changed from D7 to D8? * Javascript frontend changes * Reduce use of jQuery * PHP API changes * Declare script dependencies in Yaml file * Removing drupal_add_js and drupal_add_css in favor of attachments * Can’t add scripts/css/js in .info files * How to test Javascript and frontend * Documentation * only covers php documentation ## Use Cases * Things ## NodeSquirrel Ad Have you heard of/used NodeSquirrel? Use "StartToGrow" it's a 12-month free upgrade from the Start plan to the Grow plan. So, using it means that the Grow plan will cost $5/month for the first year instead of $10. (10 GB storage on up to 5 sites)
093 The Master Module with Johannes Haseitl - Modules Unraveled Podcast
30/01/2014 Duration: 48min## Master * What is the Master module? * Does this integrate with Features? * How does this work in a Dev-Stage-Live configuration? * How do you go about defining your Master modules? * I was looking at your “Introducing Master” blog post, and noticed that any module that is not declared as either a master module, or a dependent of a master module are considered redundant and won’t be active on the site. Is that right? And what’s the reason for such tight control? * I saw that there was a D6 version, and that it had configuration in the UI. But it looks like the only way to use Master in D7 is with Drush is that right? * Are there any plans to introduce a UI in D7? ## Use Cases * There are a few commands on the project page. “drush master-status”, “drush master-execute”, “drush master-removables” and “drush master-absent”. Can you explain what those are and what they do? * drush master-status * drush master-execute * drush master-removables * drush master-absent * What are scopes? * How c
Audioblog: Improving Drupal 7 performance after a period of inactivity
24/01/2014 Duration: 03minThe following blog post was written by Colan Schwartz of, and is also read by Colan Schwartz. For a link to the original article which contains all of the links mentioned in the post, visit Enjoy! If you'd like to participate in the Audioblog, you can contact me on Twitter @ModsUnraveled, or through the contact form at
092 Drupal Dev Days EU with Gabor, Kristof, Zsófi, Márti and Andi - Modules Unraveled Podcast
15/01/2014 Duration: 31min## Project * What are Dev Days? Gabor: Dev Days is a traveling conference originating in Munich in 2010, which then went to Brussels, Barcelona and Dublin. It is a developer focused thematic event for Drupal enthusiasts. Software developers and site builders have the opportunity to focus on working on and learning about Drupal in depth. While the sizes have widely differed through the years, Dev Days usually has 200-400 attendees from all around the world. The events are mainly locally organized by volunteers. * Why is it in Szeged in 2014, that seems very far! Kristof: After we did DrupalCon Europe in Szeged in 2008, people kept asking when we would finally do another larger event, because they had such a great time at Drupalcon. If you don’t believe check out the interview video on the Drupal Dev Days website’s attendees page. I really fell in love with Szeged when I lived there, and that’s not just because my wife’s family is from there. So when Gabor said that the Drupal Dev Days didn’t yet have a city
091 Pinger and with Chris Hertzog - Modules Unraveled Podcast
08/01/2014 Duration: 21min## Pinger * What is the Pinger module? * How does it check for uptime? * Why is it needed? Why did you feel the need to develop it? * Why did you decide to build this with Drupal? * How does this integrate with Drupal? What aspects of Drupal does it leverage? * What are you using for charts? ## * What is * What is the benefit of using as opposed to just installing the Pinger module? * How much is it? -Free -14.99 -74.99 * Why Saas? ## Future * Do you have any plans for upcoming features? ## Coupon Code Use coupon code "drupal6" for a 6 month free trial of any plan on ## NodeSquirrel Ad Have you heard of/used NodeSquirrel? Use "StartToGrow" it's a 12-month free upgrade from the Start plan to the Grow plan. So, using it means that the Grow plan will cost $5/month for the first year instead of $10. (10 GB storage on up to 5 sites)
090 Why Headscape Chose Drupal with Ian Luckraft - Modules Unraveled Podcast
01/01/2014 Duration: 36min## Headscape * Before we jump into it, I want to get a little background on Headscape, so that people know where you’re coming from. What kind of sites do Headscape typically work on? * How big is Headscape? * What other technologies do you guys build with? * What was the driving factor behind going open source? * What’s your role at Headscape? What do you do day-to-day? ## Why Drupal * Paul and Marcus mentioned on the Boagworld Podcast that Headscape has put out a couple of Drupal sites recently. Which ones are those? * Since you guys aren’t a Drupal-only shop, why was Drupal the right choice for these projects? * Are you contributing anything back to * What problems have you encountered using Drupal? * How did using Drupal make the development process easier or harder? * Where do you guys host your sites? ## Questions from Twitter * [Ted Bowman]( What type of projects or project aspects will make you choose another system besides Drupal? What make you choose WP? Custo
089 Migrate in Core with Moshe, Melissa, Mike and Chx - Modules Unraveled Podcast
25/12/2013 Duration: 01h01min## Migrate in Core! * Why was the Migrate module chosen to get into core? This has been discussed for a very, very long time. The problem with the upgrade path is it runs Drupal 8 code against a Drupal 7 database so a lot of APIs need to be re-implemented in a more restricted fashion but obviously no one is too thrilled to waste time on code that runs essentially once per site at most so we tried to reuse as much code as we can with often unsatisfactory results. Code you’d think will work against a D7 database might turn out to work against a D7 *test* database but not the real ones. * How did this get into core even though Drupal is “frozen”? Well, ask Alex Pott. He raised the idea at DrupalCon Prague. You should remember Drupal 7 was held back by the upgrade path by about half a year. Decoupling the ready levels of any sort of data upgrade path and release is certainly a wise idea. Realizing some part of Drupal is broken beyond recognition and making a smart decision on how to solve the problem is someth
088 Tour Module Scrums with Nick Schuch - Modules Unraveled Podcast
18/12/2013 Duration: 20min## Tour Module Scrums * First off, what is a Scrum? * You’re putting on a Scrum to work on D8’s Tour module. Tell me a little bit about that. * What’s your role in regards to this Scrum? * When is this happening? * Where is it happening? * What can people do if they can’t make the hangout? Jump into IRC - #drupal-tour * Do you have any goals for this Scrum? * Who should come? (Developers/Site Builders/Novices) * Where can people find out more about this Scrum and future events? ## NodeSquirrel Ad Have you heard of/used NodeSquirrel? Use "StartToGrow" it's a 12-month free upgrade from the Start plan to the Grow plan. So, using it means that the Grow plan will cost $5/month for the first year instead of $10. (10 GB storage on up to 5 sites)
087 WFTools with Dave Hall - Modules Unraveled Podcast
11/12/2013 Duration: 29min## WFTools * What is WFTools? * What does the WF stand for? * How is this different from the workflow that hosts like Pantheon and #AberdeenCloud offer? * What’s the history of WFTools? Why does it exist? * What is the target audience? * What modules does WFTools contain? * WF * The base configuration feature for WF. * WF Environment * Entity module for managing the individual environments for the site. The wf_environment_generic module is a feature which contains the recommended configuration for WF Environment. * WF Job * Each change for the site is handled in a job which tracks the content, code and config (in code as features). wf_job_generic is a feature with a working configuration. * WF Site * WF Storage * Simple persistent key/value storage system. * WF User * Contains the roles and basic permissions required for a functioning WF management node. * WF Jenkins * WF Git * WF SSH * There’s an installation profile for this. Do I n