Conversations with people who are making your experience with Drupal better.
163 Easy Local Development Using Kalabox with Mike Pirog - Modules Unraveled Podcast
12/10/2016 Duration: 01h41s## Kalabox * What is Kalabox? * Brief story on history Kalabox * Is there a plan to use the “official” Docker for mac backend instead of VirtualBox? * Current update on state of Kalabox * How does Kalabox compare with other local dev tools like Mamp, DrupalVM etc.? * Specifically: Speed, flexibility * Is Kalabox, or will it be usable with server environments other than Pantheon? Ie: Acquia, VPS, PlatformSH ## Use Cases * Team standardization * Fast local dev * Automated repeatable tasks * Github workflow? * Composer based workflow? * Our three month roadmap ## Tandem * You mentioned Tandem in the into, and you gave me a brief description before the show, but can you expand a little bit on what that is? ## Links from the show: * Mike P. on - * Mike P. on Twitter - * Kalabox Website - * Main Documentation -* Pantheon Specific Documentation - * PHP Specific Document
162 Drupal 8 Enterprise Development with Allan Chappell and David Diers - Modules Unraveled Podcast
13/07/2016 Duration: 45minMigration In D7, we used the Migrate Drupal to Drupal module, what’s the case for D8? Speak on pattern of using Migrate Drupal as a basis for a migration. Migration plugins and yml configuration declarations are an improvement on an already excellent module - if you are going to handle migrations like you did in 7 - which might be appropriate depending on your use case Appropriate where you are significantly revising the content model, configuration or site composition. What are some of the pros and cons of the way Migrate Drupal works in D8? Pros Migration of most Drupal settings: registration emails, site name, debug settings, etc. Migration of most fields (work is ongoing to include contrib into upgrade migrations) Migration of all content types with nodes and revisions Cons By default, fixed ids (not ideal for staged work) Miss an opportunity to take out the trash Configuration management Let’s talk about configuration management. I know from working with you guys that you started out usi
161 Website Audits and How to Do Them Right with Jon Peck - Modules Unraveled Podcast
30/06/2016 Duration: 55minWebsite Audits What is a site audit? Why would you do one? Intended audience New clients? Existing clients? What are the goals of a site-audit? How do you approach a site audit? What are some other approaches you’re aware of? What tools and techniques do you use? How do you present the results? How often should you do them? What are some things to avoid? Links: Jon on - Jon on Twitter - Jon on GitHub - Jon’s page - Site Audit Module - Unused Modules Module - Security Review Module - Hacked Module - Cache Audit Module - Coder Module - PHP CodeSniffer - Drupal Coding Standar
160 The Workflow Initiative for Drupal 8 with Dave Hall and Dick Olsson - Modules Unraveled Podcast
01/06/2016 Duration: 59min## Workflow Initiative * What is the Workflow Initiative and what are the goals you’re trying to achieve? * What lead you into proposing this initiative for core and what’s the background story? * Dries mentioned in the keynote that official initiatives preferably should have a dedicated team, and have funding. How is that going to work for the Workflow Initiative? * How is it funded? * Who is on the team? * What will the process be like for getting this into core? [talk about the new governance structure for core initiatives] * Roadmap for Drupal ## How will it work? * How will the content moderation workflow work when it’s in core? * How will the full-site content preview work when it’s in core? ## Questions from Twitter * Jibran Ijaz [@JibranIjaz]( What will happen to the workflow initiative if Drupal shop(s) will stop supporting it? #MUP160 * Jibran Ijaz [@JibranIjaz]( How can we make sure that this'll be a community driven initiative not sp
159 Using Regression Testing to Preempt Website Errors with Micah Godbolt - Modules Unraveled Podcast
31/03/2016 Duration: 01h13minI’m really excited about today’s show because this is one of those topics that I know that I need to know, but don’t know where to start. So, I’m super excited that you agreed to come on and teach me what you know about regression testing! ## Regression Testing * What do you mean when you say “Regression Testing”? * Why is regression testing important? * Is there anything to install on your computer? (Testing server) * What types of regression testing are there? * Unit/Functional (Mocha/Chai) * Behavioral (WebdriverIO, Behat) * Authenticated/Anonymous * Qualitative (Sasslint, JS lint, JSON lint) * Performance (Pagespeed, Perfbudget) * Visual Regression (wraith, phantomcss, webdrivercss) * How does this work on pages that have dynamic content. Homepage photos, comments etc. * Where would you start? * Front-end * Back-end * Site-builder ## Where to learn * * * Free 6 day email cour
158 Using the Group module as an Alternative to Organic Groups in Drupal 7 and 8 with Kristiaan Van den Eynde - Modules Unraveled Podcast
23/03/2016 Duration: 01h06min## Group Module* What is the Group module? * A really awesome tool to basically create subsites within one site, private content, manage groups of people or all that combined.* Why did you create it instead of just using OG? * OG DX experience...* There are versions for D7 and D8. Which are you more focused on? * D8* How is the Group module different from Organic Groups? * Good question! The key difference is how the modules decide to structure their data, how that affects the user flow and how the configuration model is built.* What is the underlying architecture? OG uses entityreferences heavily. How does Group work? * Dedicated Group Entity* What’s the status? Is it usable now? (D7 and D8) * Available for Drupal 7 and 8, with the 8 version being a large improvement over D7. There’s a few minor things I need to add to the D8 version, but it looks and works great already!* Is there much difference between the Drupal 7 and 8 version? * Yes and no: the key concept remains the same, but the UX and data model wa
157 The Drupal 8 Port of Advagg with Nick Wilde - Modules Unraveled Podcast
09/03/2016 Duration: 30min## Advagg* First, can you give us an overview of what Advagg is? ## The Drupal 8 Port* Are you the main maintainer of the D8 version?* What was the porting process like?* What features are in the Drupal 8 version right now?* What's the status of the Drupal 8 version?* Do you know of any compatibility issues with other modules?* What do you have planned for the future?
156 Using BigPipe to Achieve Incredible Site Speed in Drupal 8 with Wim Leers - Modules Unraveled Podcast
17/02/2016 Duration: 01h02min## Big Pipe* What is Big Pipe?* This isn’t a Drupal specific thing right? Where did the idea of BigPipe come from?* How does it work? * Builds on Drupal 8’s caching system, specifically cacheability metadata (tags, contexts, max-age) * Rendering system (bubbling, placeholders) * page cache / dynamic page cache * BigPipe is built ON TOP OF ALL OF THE ABOVE* Does it work for anonymous and authenticated users?* Is this compatible with reverse proxies like Varnish?* Does BigPipe affect the need for something like redis or memchache?* How does BigPipe relate to authcache? ## Use Cases* How can we start using it? What’s the install process?* What do we need to do to configure it for our site?* Is BigPipe ready to be used?* Is there anything like this for Drupal 7? ## Questions from Twitter* Daniel Noyola [@danielnv18]( can I do to make my site compatible with BigPipe? O what shouldn't do?* Daniel Noyola [@danielnv18]( it compatible with contrib mod
155 Using the Block Visibility Groups Module as a Lightweight Replacement for Context and Panels in Drupal 8 with Ted Bowman - Modules Unraveled Podcast
10/02/2016 Duration: 39min## Scheduled Updates * What is the Scheduled Updates module?* How does it differ from the Scheduler module?* What are some of the use cases? What types of updates can be scheduled?* Is it ready to be used? ## Block Visibility Groups * What is Block Visibility Groups?* How does it differ from Context and Panels?* Do you intend it to be a replacement for context?* When would you use it instead Panels* What are some example use cases?* How does it work with other D8 block-related modules?* Is it ready to be used?
154 Commerce 2.x for Drupal 8 with Bojan Zivanovic - Modules Unraveled Podcast
03/02/2016 Duration: 36minCommerce 2.x for Drupal 8 What has been the biggest success of Commerce on D7? By starting from scratch on D7 technologies we created a solution that is intuitive to Drupal developers and easier to extend. And with 60k installs, we’ve set a record for ecommerce on Drupal in general. And what do you think have been its biggest weaknesses? Not prioritizing UX from the start. Took us a year after the 1.0 release to create Inline Entity Form and recreate the admin screens as a part of the Kickstart. At that point many people already had the impression that Commerce was hard to use. Not providing enough direction to developers. Flexibility is important, as is having unopinionated code. But developers also need to have a clear and obvious path forward. Having an opinionated layer on top, with sane defaults, can save a lot of development time and prevent frustration. Not prioritizing certain features, leaving them to contrib instead. Modules that make up the checkout ux (checkout progress, checkout redirect
153 Protecting Drupal 8 Sites From Spam Using Honeypot with Jeff Geerling - Modules Unraveled Podcast
27/01/2016 Duration: 46min## Honeypot * What is the Honeypot module? * What prompted you to contribute the Honeypot module? Why was it originally created? Flocknote (two employers ago) user registration A bunch of my blogs / comments * What methods or techniques does honeypot use to detect bots? A literal ‘honeypot’ Time delay * What types of foms can it protect? * What’s different about Honeypot vs. other spam prevention modules like CAPTCHA and Mollom? Avoid punishing the user (explain) ## Drupal 8 and Future of Honeypot * How did the port of Honeypot to Drupal 8 go? * Have you started developing new sites in Drupal 8? And if so, how’s that going? * How have spammers adapted to tools like Honeypot, and how do you try to keep ahead of them?” “More spam getting through Honeypot lately” ( ## Community Issues * You’re also involved a bit in other open source communities for projects like Ansible. How does the Drupal community compare? What are some things you would like to see improved? * Is
152 What to Do About Drupal 6 End of Life on Feb 24th 2016 with David Snopek - Modules Unraveled Podcast
20/01/2016 Duration: 32min## Drupal 6 End of Live* What does Drupal 6 EOL mean?* When is Drupal 6’s End-Of-Life (EOL)? * February 24th* Why is support for Drupal 6 being dropped by the Drupal project in the first place? (ie. why does our community even do this?) * What makes Drupal 6’s End-of-Life (EOL) different than previous ones (ie. Drupal 5)?* What, specifically, will happen after February 24th? * All D6 modules will be marked as “unsupported” on - which will mean the ‘update’ module will start telling you that ALL your modules are out-of-date * Also, the status information that the ‘update’ module uses could go away at any time - so, you’ll no longer be able to rely on that in general (myDropWizard or another vendor MAY create a replacement for the ‘update’ module…) * The Drupal security team will no longer be making Security Advisories (or coordinating security releases) * In general, most module maintainers will no longer pay attention to Drupal 6 issues and will stop making new releases* What should people with Dru
151 Using Composer to Build Drupal Sites Fast - Modules Unraveled Podcast
13/01/2016 Duration: 55minComposer What is composer? Dependency Manager for PHP How does it relate to Drush Make? Surprisingly similar “Getting off the island” What can you do with composer on a Drupal site? download dependencies, drupal modules, themes, profiles, drush, external libraries etc How do you download contrib modules? How do you download contrib themes? ^^ Can you specify where to download project? ie: modules/contrib and modules/custom? composer/installers & davidbarratt/custom-installer Where do you store custom modules/themes? Two methods: Committing to your repo or creating separate repos Reference repo in you composer.json Toran Proxy davidbarratt/custom-installer How can you specify and download a library to go with a module? module should specify it in composer.json if not submit a patch, and add to your composer.json for now Patches cweagans/composer-patches Use Cases drupal/drupal vs drupal/core
150 What You Need to Know About Theming in Drupal 8 with Lewis Nyman and Morten DK - Modules Unraveled Podcast
13/10/2015 Duration: 01h22min## Project* Drupal8 theming - why we did it* Plan for the unknown (responsive 2.0 how can we make D8 move forward & not break everything. * Seven theme & usability improvements in Drupal 8 * Were you involved with Seven in Drupal 7? * What are your thoughts on alternate admin themes like Adminimal?* CSS architecture in Drupal 8 * Why BEM?* Classy & Stable theme * Why you should always use a base-theme ## Use Cases* How do the changes affect people who want to create custom themes and base themes? ## Questions from Twitter* [Eric J. Gruber](, really.* [Dragan Eror]( to remove query string from the end of CSS link, so I can enable browser's live reload? #MUP150 #drupal8* [Eric J. Gruber]( are some common hooks have changed from D7 to D8 that we need to be aware of?* [Tamás Hajas]( about how can the new Stable theme help the work of fronte
149 Using Panopoly and it's Drupal 8 Future with David Snopek - Modules Unraveled Podcast
23/09/2015 Duration: 52min## Project* For people who might not know, what is a Drupal distribution? * Out of the box, vanilla Drupal doesn’t do much - you have to install modules and mold it into what you want * A distribution is Drupal prepackaged with contrib modules and themes, pre-configured for a specific use case (OOB, X+Y) * What is Panopoly? * A “starter site” distribution (replacement for vanilla Drupal) * A “base distribution” on which to build other distributions * A set of Features modules that can be used outside of Panopoly * Why would someone want to use Panopoly instead of vanilla Drupal? * Improved blank slate * Includes some the most popular modules and configuration that almost everyone is using anyway * Hide Drupal-isms from site managers and users * WYSIWYG, Media, responsive layouts, edit in place, live previews, improved search, UX improvements, a11y improvements * Include a bunch of stuff backported from D8: toolbar, responsive bartik, etc * Unified content/layout management system built on Panels eco-system *
148 Getting Up to Speed with Drupal 8 with Michael Marzovilla and Nick Selvaggio - Modules Unraveled Podcast
09/09/2015 Duration: 48min## Drupal 8 from a site-builder’s perspective * What makes Drupal 8 different from Drupal 7 and other previous versions? * What about Drupal 8 are you most excited about? * CMI * What contributed module(s) are you most excited to see for D8? * [Rules]( * CMI extensions * [Configuration Tools]( * [Web Profiler]( ## Drupal 8 from a developer’s perspective * What makes Drupal 8 different from Drupal 7 and other previous versions? * What about Drupal 8 are you most excited about? * What’s making developing contributed modules better from your perspective? ## StackStarter and * What is StackStarter? * What is
147 - Using Drupal Console with Drupal 8 with Jesus Manuel Olivas - Modules Unraveled Podcast
02/09/2015 Duration: 39min## Drupal Console * What is Drupal Console? * It is a suite of tools that you run on a command line interface (CLI) to generate boilerplate code and interact with a Drupal 8 installation. * How is it different from Drush? And are there overlapping features? * There are many similarities between these two tools, but the main difference is how it was built, using an object-oriented architecture and Symfony components. * Will we continue to use both? Or will Drupal Console replace Drush? * I think we will keep using both at least for now and maybe at some point we can merge both tools. * What are some of the things that you will keep using Drush for in Drupal 8? * Site alias (sync, backup), download modules, installing the site. * Are you planning to introduce those features into Drupal Console? * Yes we are actually working on site alias. * What are some things that Drupal Console can do that Drush can’t? * Who is the intended audience of Drupal Console? * You can use Drupal Console t
146 Drupal Update Automation and Drop Guard with Manuel Pistner - Modules Unraveled Podcast
26/08/2015 Duration: 28min## Update Automation * I’d like to talk a little bit about automation processes in general before we jump into Drop Guard, if that’s okay. What types of things are we talking about updating? Server configuration? Drupal projects? Deployment? * What are some of the technologies you were using before developing Drop Guard? Maybe the underlying pieces that make up the Drop Guard architecture. ## Drop Guard * What is Drop Guard? * Simply put, Drop Guard is a service to automate Drupal updates with seamless integration into development and deployment processes. Drop Guard helps Drupal shops and other Drupal support and service providers to automate their update work. In case of critical security updates Drop Guard will update the site automatically within 1 hour. This makes the operation of a site more secure and reliable and makes Drupal updates a full part of the development process. * You said it’s “integration into development and deployment workflows.” What do you mean by that? * Drop Guard works s
145 Project Workflow and Drupal Issue Queues with Joshua Mitchell - Modules Unraveled Podcast
19/08/2015 Duration: 01h28min## * Prioritizing work on * Unblock Drupal 8 * DrupalCI - testing infrastruture for Drupal code * upgrade to D7 * Improve search * Implement new documentation section and tools * Two Factor Authentication * Issue Credits * Funding work * D8Accelerate * Ongoing Funding ## Work that is coming later * Work that is coming later * Changes to projects (modules, themes, distros and how we discover them) * Continued implementation of the content strategy work [Structure content around areas of user activity]( * Issue workspaces [Improve Git workflow on by implementing issue workspaces]( ## Questions from Twitter * [hussainweb]( I think a hierarchical menu system has it's place - Gives a continuity and mark progress if you want to read a topic. #MUP145 * [hussainweb](ht
144 Using the Open Sourced Red Test Framework Instead of Simpletest for Faster Drupal 7 Testing with Neerav Mehta - Modules Unraveled Podcast
12/08/2015 Duration: 35min## Automated Testing * Before we actually get started talking about Red Test, can we take a step back and talk about what automated testing is in general? * I am sure you are all aware of manual testing and QA. Once you build a site or a feature in the site, you go to the browser and test it out. As an example, you added a workflow to your blog post. You will go to the browser and test whether the blog you create gets the draft state. Then you will log in as an editor and you will move it to published state. Now you will log out and check whether the blog post is visible to anonymous users. What you are doing is manual testing. It works very well for smaller projects. * For bigger projects, and especially for projects with multiple developers, what starts happening is adding a feature may break an older feature. Let’s take the example above. Earlier all the blog posts used to be published by the writer directly as soon as he saved the form and an email used to go out to all your blog subscribers that