Conversations with people who are making your experience with Drupal better.
124 Creating Drupal Configuration in Code Using CINC with Scott Reynen - Modules Unraveled Podcast
30/10/2014 Duration: 55min## CINC * What is CINC? * How is it different from Features or Configuration Management? * Is it something you use on an ongoing basis? Or is it just for the initial site setup? * What types of configuration can you manage with CINC? * What if you already have a content type created, and you want to add a field to the content type? * How does that affect existing content, and new content. * What about the reverse? Can you remove a field? * What happens to the data that is already in the database? * Can you undo configuration that you’ve created with CINC? * How do you prevent site admins from disabling the module and deleting their content types? * CINC YAML * CINC & Features * CINC & Drupal 8 Config API * * Sheet2Module * How do you see CINC working in a headless Drupal setting? ## Use Cases * Create dozens of fields quickly. * Add a field to a content type after an existing field. * Update configuration only if it still matches the default settings. * How do you use this in a dev/s
123 Planning Drupal Events with Bert Boerland and Imre Gmelig Meyling - Modules Unraveled Podcast
21/10/2014 Duration: 42min## Dutch Drupal Foundation * What is the Dutch Drupal Foundation? * Dutch Drupal Foundation supports Dutch Drupal Community. We’re groing. Trying to handle work in a professional way in a voluntary way. Lead double lives: daytime job versus community commitments. * How is this different from the Drupal Association? * How has that been going for you? * Would you recommend other regional areas start something similar? ## Events * What events have you organized recently? * Drupal Events in Dutch speaking part of EU (Belgium and Netherlands) became big. E.g. DrupalJam (350ppl), Drupal Training Day (250 students). Relatively large events become routine. Now ppl spreading cross border on tour to share experience * Tell me about DrupalJam. What is it, and how long have you been putting it on? * DrupalJam largest event in Netherlands. Started small in 2007 with 30 persons and some pizza boxes in a basement. Now 350 ppl / €25K. Outgrown study dorm and pizza’s. Also started Drupal Training Day (largest wo
122 The Drupal Security Team With Greg Knaddison and Michael Hess - Modules Unraveled Podcast
17/10/2014 Duration: 54min## The Drupal Security Team * What type of people are on the Drupal Security Team? * * Mostly coders, some project managers, core maintainers * What does the security team do? * We fix issues in drupal * Resolve reported security issues in a Security Advisory * Provide assistance for contributed module maintainers in resolving security issues * Provide documentation on how to write secure code * Provide documentation on securing your site * Help the infrastructure team to keep the infrastructure secure * What doesn’t the security team do * projects without stable releases * Site support * Set policy around security with the security working group. * Is there a D7 security team and a D8 security team with different people? (What about Drupal 6) * How can others get involved? * What was the recent bug that was fixed ## Questions from Twitter * [Paulius Pazdrazdys]( How this latest se
121 The Harmony Forum Project with Alli Price - Modules Unraveled Podcast
08/10/2014 Duration: 46min## Harmony Forum * What is Harmony Core? * What prompted you to develop it over using the core forum module? * Did you take a look at the Advanced Forum module? * What didn’t you like about it? * So what are some of the features? * Kill switch * Entities * Revisions for Post entity, integration with Diff module * Views provides all listings including on a thread page * Flag action for "Like" of posts * At.js * Does this integrate with other community related module? ie: Organic Groups * What are some of the sub-modules, or add-on modules that enhance Harmony Core? * Harmony Access * Harmony Forum Access * Harmony Search * Harmony Moderation * Harmony Migrate ## Use Cases * Who’s using Harmony now? * You mentioned some upcoming events what are those? * How can people get involved? * Where should people go to find out more? ## Questions from Twitter * [Scott Wilkinson]( What kind of moderation tools will Harmony have? Like pru
120 DrupalCon Latin America with Carlos Ospina - Modules Unraveled Podcast
01/10/2014 Duration: 44min## DrupalCon Latin America * What’s your role with regards to this DrupalCon? * What is a DrupalCon? (I’d like to start out by getting a brief overview of what DrupalCon is for anyone that might be listening who hasn’t been to one. Maybe explain that there are sessions, BOFs, Day stage, vendors, pre-conference trainings, post-conference sprints etc.) * Where is the DrupalCon going to be? * Why Bogotá? * Central place, cosmopolitan city. Easy access for most Countries and a technology hub for the region. * When is it? * 10-12 February 2015 * With sprints before and after * What will be the spoken languages? What percentage of talks will be each language? * The languages in Drupalcon Latin America will be English, Spanish and portuguese. * Do we know who any of the keynote speakers will be, and what will they talk about? * Dries And Larry Garfield * What track will be represented? * * What events are happening, and where can people find out mo
119 The Classy Base Theme for Drupal 8 with Scott Reeves and David Hernandez - Modules Unraveled Podcast
24/09/2014 Duration: 40min## Consensus Banana * How did this all get started? and where does the “banana” come from. * From Morten: 2 years ago at BadCamp John Albin was holding a plastic sword from the pirate fest the day before. It was known as the sword of consensus. At DrupalCon Austin Morten had a banana that he was using to point to people and ask “So can we agree on X?”. That is how it became the banana of consensus. It was basically a pointing stick. * Technically, what is the change. * Moving classes from core to a base theme called Classy. * Multi-phased approach. * Phase 1, move classes out of preprocess functions and into the core templates. * Create the Classy base theme. * Phase 2, copy the core template with classes to Classy, remove the classes from core. * Why do themers need this. * Better options * Not everyone wants the same markup (themer survey) * Avoiding php * No time wasted undoing core. * What work has been done, what is left. * Preprocess changes (phase 1) far alo
118 Starting and Running a DrupalCamp in a Hobbiest Community with Adam Hill - Modules Unraveled Podcast
10/09/2014 Duration: 29min## Starting a local Drupal community * When did you start the DrupalCampNE meetups? * Started due to meeting a friend Richard at DrupalCons in Paris, Copenhagen and Denver and saying how crazy it was that we met at DrupalCons across the world but not in the North East where we’re both native. So we setup a meeting and promoted it on twitter and with some others we knew had at least dabbled with Drupal. We had 6 people at our first meeting and that happened in a pub which was to set the stage for the future meetups which have all been held in pubs. * I’ve thought about how cool it would be to start a local camp, but we don’t have a lot of people even coming to our meetups. What have you (or other organizers) done to get consistent attendance to events? * Consistency… Mixup of talks and social but always keep it social so expectations are not too high. For the camp we needed there to be a few people interested and then had backing from my company to allow us to dedicate time. Dedicated time has been vit
117 The Drupal Project Application Process with Jeremy Rasmussen - Modules Unraveled Podcast
03/09/2014 Duration: 47min## Project It’s easier than you think to publish your module on This is my experience going through the entire process. Sharing this experience I hope to convince you and others to do the same. Contributing back to the community that gives all of us so much, to many of us our livelihood. * When Doug first recommended that I talk to you about this, I wasn’t really thrilled. But, I took a look at your slides, and thought that it actually looked like really good information. So, what made you decide to put together a presentation on the project application process in the first place? My “Why” Finally published a module to help solve my own problem My project that took me through this process is Display Suite Extra Layouts Projects don’t have to be the 100% perfect solve for everyone, everywhere It’s more about: Giving back, centralizing code, helping others make great projects too. * So what are the steps to getting a project reviewed and accepte
116 What's new in D8 with larowlan - Modules Unraveled Podcast
27/08/2014 Duration: 39min## New stuff in Drupal 8 * Twig autoescape * Security improvements * Cleanup around Entity * kerneltestbaseng * mink test base ## * What’s the story behind * What are the plans for * How can people get involved with this? ## Drupal Module Upgrader * What is the Drupal Module Upgrader? * How does it work? * Is it perfect? ## PatchADay * What is #PatchADay? ## Questions from Twitter * Chris Weber asks: * What's your favorite way to get an autoloader working with Drupal 7? * Talk about Drupal 8 menu system. * Will it be possible to export/import content?
115 Drupal Core Gittip Team with Jennifer Hodgdon, Bojhan Somers Alex Pott and Cathy Theys - Modules Unraveled Podcast
20/08/2014 Duration: 49min## GitTip * What is GitTip? How does it work? * What is a GitTip team? ## Drupal Core GitTip Team * How did the Drupal Core team come about? What prompted it’s genesis? * Who is the organizer of the Drupal Core team, and who is benefiting from it? 19 members, Alex and Cathy are administering the group, a couple are on vacation. 16 others are taking money. * On the GitTip page it says your goal is $5,000 US/week. What would that cover? Cathy: This week is the first week that we will not be able to fund the modest goal of giving people $64/week. The past few weeks we have been paying out $700. We have now eaten all our balance and have only $350 coming in this week. The $5k goal is what a guess at funding 6 people about ¼ time. * What have you all been working on lately as a result of this funding? Cathy: tips are for work already done, so… I'm not sure. Maybe it motivates future work, or planning to be able to do future work? Jen? Bojhan? What has this funding enabled you to do?
114 What PHPStorm brings to Drupal Developers with Maarten Balliauw - Modules Unraveled Podcast
06/08/2014 Duration: 28min## PHPStorm * I’ve recently started using Sublime Text, how would you compare PHPStorm to other text editors? * What is an “IDE”? * What are some of stand out features of PHPStorm? * Where can people find out more about how to use the features of PHPStorm? * What is the pricing structure? PHPStorm and Drupal * What integrations does PHPStorm have with Drupal 7, right now? * What will PhpStorm do for Drupal 8? ## Questions from Twitter * [Marc Drummond]( Really enjoy using [@phpstorm]( Always interested in learning how to get more out of my use of it.
113 - Updates on the WalkHub project with Kristof Van Tomme - Modules Unraveled Podcast
30/07/2014 Duration: 34min## Walkhub * You’ve been on the show before to talk about, but some things have changed since then. So, can you give us an overview of what Walkhub is? * What are walkthroughs? * What is your pricing model on Walkhub? * You’re in the process of a second Indiegogo campaign, but what was the first one for? * How did your first Indiegogo campaign go? * What is the current Indiegogo camaipn for? * What’s the status on that? * Why are you doing another campaign? Why aren’t you out of BETA yet? What’s the story there? ## AMA * You just did an AMA on Reddit yesterday. How did that go? * What were some common questions? Or ones that stuck out to you?
112 Kalabox 2.0 with Mike Pirog - Modules Unraveled Podcast
26/06/2014 Duration: 18min## Kalabox * What is Kalabox? * How is it different from MAMP, Aquia Dev Desktop, etc.? * What comes with Kalabox? * How does it work? * What if a shop already has a stardard set of tools? How difficult is it to start using Kalabox? * Some VMs get slow when you run more than one at a time, how does Kalabox scale/perform? * How does it integrate with Pantheon? * Can you pull cone from dev and database from live? * Are you planning to integrate with other platforms? * Are you planning/willing to work directly with other providers like #AberdeenCloud to build their integration plugin? * What’s different in the 2.0 verson? * You’re running a kickstarter. Tell me about that. ## Use Cases * Things
111 Backup and Migrate 3.x with Ronan Dowling - Modules Unraveled Podcast
23/06/2014 Duration: 15min## NodeSquirrel * Let’s start out by getting a quick overview of what Backup and Migrate is. * What are some of the new features in version 3.x? * Files * New UI * Notes about backups * Backup to two places at once * Elysian Cron * Smart delete * One list for all backups instead of a list for each schedule * Restore from stored backup or upload * Ctools exportable * What are some of the limitations of the module? * How does this work in conjunction with Git? ## NodeSquirrel Plug * Since your the lead developer of NodeSquirrel, give us the pitch :) *
110 All About Sprints at DrupalCon Austin with Joe Shindelar, Brian Gilbert, Stéphane Corlosquet, Scott Reeves and Cathy Theys - Modules Unraveled Podcast
22/05/2014 Duration: 01h19min## Sprints * What topics/areas of Drupal will be sprinted on? * Contribution Sprints * Get involved with Core - (Workshop) * Core Mentoring - (Sprints) * Who should come to the sprints? (short overview) * Why do YOU attend sprints? * What do you do when you want to sprint and mentor? * What do we need to know before coming to the sprints? * What do we need to bring? (c:where stuck) * Who should go to Get involved with Core - (Workshop) * What happens at the workshop? * By the end what tools do most people have set up? * Web Stack * IRC client * Editor ? * * Joe what role have you had in the past? * What do you do to get ready to prepare/present the workshop? * Is it a big commitment for you? * Brian G what role .. * Brian G what big change are you excited about? * Funding * Problems with fundus * Paypal, if you don’t meet your goal * network at event for btsync *gittip (can’t * Community Tools Changes * (Brian G) What was invo
109 Getting Rules Ported to Drupal 8 with Josef Dabernig, Klaus Purer and Wolfgang Ziegler - Modules Unraveled Podcast
21/05/2014 Duration: 54min## Rules * For those new to Drupal, what is the Rules module? * Intro Rules: events, conditions, actions * Programming for site builders * Giving workflows into the hands of the site builders, workflow building blocks like Lego The Rules module allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (known as reactive or ECA rules). Example use cases Build flexible content publishing workflows changes Send customized mails to notify your users about important updates Create custom redirections, system messages, breadcrumbs, ... Build an e-commerce store using Drupal Commerce And many more… Rules has fantastic integration with Drupal Core APIs and all structured data exposed using the Entity and Fields systems, over 350 other contributed modules specifically integrate with the Rules API by to provide their own custom events, conditions, actions or exposing custom data in a reusable way. Use case: Automating processes Rules serves the need for automating pro
108 Updates on Drupal 8 Development with Larry Garfield - Modules Unraveled Podcast
16/05/2014 Duration: 01h21min## Drupal 8 * What’s the status of WSCCI, SCOTCH etc? * What do you think will be held off until Drupal 8.1 * What else have you been working on since the last time we talked? ** Getting off the island ** FIG * How have all of the initiatives influenced each other. * Changes for developers? * OOP * Drupal 8 Acquia Webinar * Changes for sitebuilders? ## Questions from Twitter * [Marc Drummond]( Are you arguing with @eaton right now? How about now? What about this moment? Or the next? #MUP108 * [Marc Drummond]( Serious question. I'm trying but still struggle with learning OO concepts and patterns. Good resources? #MUP108 * [Marc Drummond]( I keep trying to get my head around concepts like Factory methods and things like that. Hurts my brain! #MUP108 * [MD]( D8 API documentation? You're D7 Module Development book was excellent in content and timing. Anything similar? #MUP108 * [Ted
107 The Community Summit at DrupalCon Austin with Addison Berry and Mortendk - Modules Unraveled Podcast
14/05/2014 Duration: 41min## Track * What exactly is the Community Summit? * When is it? Monday, June 2 - the day before the conference itself starts * How did it go in Prague? * Is there anything that will be new or different in Austin?
106 All things Drupal 8 and Twig with Mortendk - Modules Unraveled Podcast
07/05/2014 Duration: 56min## D8 Theming * What were the results of the theming survey? * People use Sass * Themes people are using ## Twig * For anyone who’s been hiding under a rock, quickly explain what Twig is. * * #drupaltwig * What do you know of that’s going on at DrupalCon Austin? * Frontend United copenhagen 29-31 august 4 weeks before Drupalcon Amsterdam ## Questions from Twitter * [Marc Drummond]( You should ask @mortendk if he will write a Viking Edda hailing his love of divs and classes in Drupal's default markup. * [Marek Sotak]( I thought DK in your nickname stands for Denmark, now I know - Morten DivKiller? :D
105 Using Membership Entity to Set Up a Drupal Based Membership Site with Caleb Thorne, Bryan Jones and David Csonka - Modules Unraveled Podcast
23/04/2014 Duration: 42min## Project * What is the Membership Entity module? Project background First membership site developed was Mercedes-Benz Club of America ( Involved a bunch of custom code. Development Entity API Key features Multiple users per membership (primary and secondary) Join/Renew online Role management Membership terms and modifiers E-Commerce solutions (coming soon) Commerce integration (Caleb) Ubercart integration (Bryan) product class Using product attributes to store membership data. Investigating better ways to store data before official release. * Do you handle pro-rated renewals? * Trials? * How are you guys dealing with role based permissions, and time limited access? * Are there different levels of membership? * Do you deal with CC details? * What other solutions did you guys look at before creating this one? * Why not just use profile2/rules/civiCRM or other existing modules? The big problem with Profile2 is that it only allows one user per profile. Some fields should be shared