Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance



Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.


  • Podcast Episode #33: Indoor Cycling, Spinning & Energy Drinks

    23/10/2011 Duration: 41min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this February 24, 2009 free audio episode, I have a 20 minute conversation with Jennifer Sage, a master spinning instructor, about her new book "Keep It Real", and a huge number of tips, tricks and valuable information about indoor cycling and spin classes, including: The mechanics of pedaling on a spin bike with a weighted flywheel and the huge implications it has on training techniques, cadence and pedal stroke Which techniques are applicable to fitness, fat loss, and outdoor riding and which techniques you should sit out, no matter what your spin instructor says How to select your gear or hill (resistance) and your cadence to best simulate what you do outside, adhering to the rules of "specificity of training" 13 popular movements that all cyclists (and non-cyclists alike) must avoid in indoor cycling classes, and why How to increase your climbing skills and strength indoors How to improve your endurance and maximize fat

  • Podcast Episode #32: “The Return of the Goats: Goat’s Milk vs. Cow’s Milk”

    23/10/2011 Duration: 30min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this February 17, 2009 free audio podcast,I interview Joe Stout about some very interesting properties of goat's milk that make it much, much different than cow's milk. During the discussion, Joe includes information on five compelling reasons to think a bit more about adding goat's milk into a diet for lean muscle, fat loss, or sports performance. Included in this talk: 1. The difference in allergic reactions between goat's milk and cow's milk, and why the difference exists. 2. What happens to cow's milk during homogenization that might make it especially dangerous for athletes and people worried about cancer. 3. Why the body absorbs goat's milk protein at a much, much faster rate than cow's milk protein. 4. What causes lactose intolerance, and why this rarely happens with goat's milk. 5. Why goat's milk "matches up" to the human body better than cow's milk. 6. Where you can get goat's milk if you don't have access to a raw,

  • Podcast Episode #31: Mysterious “Product X” Destroys Microbes, Blowtorches Body Fat, Fights Fatigue, and Powers Performance.

    23/10/2011 Duration: 56min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben.   Alright folks -  I usually don't get this excited about a discovery, but when we're talking about a substance that is all-natural, amazingly simple to find, and incredibly diverse, it is well worth the buzz. In this February 10, 2009 podcast, I interview a farmer in Palouse, Idaho. And what he reveals to me is going to blow your mind. Let's just call it "Product X" for now. Before I tell you more about Product X, I want to remind you about three important studies that are highly relevant to fat loss, and that are going to help you understand why your body is probably more messed up that you think it is. These are studies that your physician, personal trainer, and nutritionist are probably not going to tell you about. This is NOT run-of-the-mill fat loss advice. Here's the first study (and remember, you should read this part because it ties in very closely with Product X): 1) "Antibodies Against Food Antigens are Correlated wit

  • Podcast Episode #30: A Double Episode Super-Special – “Primal Reflex Release Technique” and “Psyche-Up” Tactics!

    23/10/2011 Duration: 57min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this February 3, 2009 podcast, Ben Greenfield features two exciting interviews! "Primal Reflex Release Technique", also known as PRRT, is sweeping the country as a fast and highly effective fix for troubling injuries, muscle spasm conditions, and annoying or frustrating pains in athletes and recreational exercisers. You've probably never heard of it because it has been flying under the radar compared to more expensive techniques or therapy modalities. In the first part of this podcast, Ben interviews Spokane physical therapist and wellness expert Jim Adcock about how PRRT actually works for problems like: -trigger points -muscle spasm -joint aches & pains -psychological stress If you have an injury you're trying to beat, you'll definitely want to listen in to this interview about primal reflex release technique! And speaking of psychological stress, the second interview in this episode is with Jolene Wilkinson, a top-not

  • Podcast Episode #29: How Many Critters Are Living In YOUR Gut, Making You Fat, Tired, Lazy, Bloated and Sick? (hint: more than you think)

    23/10/2011 Duration: 56min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. One of the most cutting-edge, exciting and life-changing interviews yet featured on our show! In this January 27, 2009 podcast, Ben Greenfield interviews New York Times bestselling author Ann Louise Gittleman about her brand new book, "The Gut Flush Plan". Ben gets the full scoop from Anne about dozens of tips, tricks and secrets that you can use to cleanse your body of toxins, maximize athletic performance, destroy the yeast, superbugs, parasites growing in your gut, and eliminate food sensitivities. Included in this episode: -The exact foods that you must begin avoiding today if you want to maximize your energy -The #1 recommended way to get tested for food allergies (hint: it ain't blood) -Ann's 3 most recommended compounds for reversing the damage that you've done to your digestive system -A top-secret Romanian supplement that Ben Greenfield has never heard of, but that he's going to try -Two herbs that will wreak hav

  • Podcast Episode #28: What’s the Deal With Dairy?

    23/10/2011 Duration: 43min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this December 29, 2008 podcast, I interview personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and health specialist Paul Eastwood about dairy products and the effect of milk on the human body. There is quite a bit of confusion about whether dairy is good for fat loss, human performance, and overall health, and Paul and I have a conversation about some important things to consider before you tip back that glass of milk or grab another serving of string cheese. Included in our discussion: Is milk a “low glycemic index” food, and if so, is that a good thing? How has the dairy industry changed over the past century, for better or worse? Is raw milk even safe? How can you get it? Are soy milk, almond milk, or rice milk good alternatives to cow milk? What about milk from animals other than cows? What about osteoporosis? Is that a concern for non-milk drinkers? For further resources, Paul recommended the following books: “The Deadl

  • Podcast Episode #27: Is Your Shampoo Killing You?

    21/10/2011 Duration: 49min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this December 23, 2009 podcast, Ben Greenfield interviews Susan Jeske, a former Ms. America with a background of more than 20 years in the beauty, cosmetic and personal care products industry, including a successful career with an international cosmetic company. During this interview, Susan reveals some shocking truths about the true health effect of beauty and personal care products. -Why Susan quit her six figure job and successful career with an international cosmetic company. -How the FDA is failing to protect our health when it comes to personal care products like shampoo, lotion, conditioner, moisture, and make-up. -Which cosmetic industry-funded panel is currently in charge of reviewing the safety of cosmetics, skin care and personal care items. -The exact compounds that put you at the highest risk of biological mutation, reproductive complications, acute toxicity, tumors, and skin and eye irritations (click here for a

  • Podcast Episode #26: The THREE Main Causes of Illness and Poor Performance

    21/10/2011 Duration: 01h02min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this December 16, 2008 podcast, Ben Greenfield interviews Dr. David Minkoff, a complementary and alternative medicine expert, owner of Body Health, director of the Lifeworks Wellness Centerin Florida, and finisher of 35 Ironman triathlons. Dr. Minkoff explains his fascinating theories on the three main causes of illness and poor performance and outlines a series of unique steps individuals can take to optimize their body systems and return to health naturally, without drugs. Included in this interview: -The ONE vitamin that Dr. Minkoff observes to be the single greatest nutritional deficiency -How to test your personal levels of this ONE vitamin and how to naturally get it -The most effective method to have your body analyzed for food allergies -How to understand "toxins" and understand whether you are at risk for exposure -A unique strategy for affording supplements, organic foods and preventive health care -How Dr. Minkoff

  • Podcast Episode #25: What Your Parents Didn’t Tell You About Metabolic Testing

    21/10/2011 Duration: 58min

    In this podcast: Ben Greenfield answers your questions about metabolic testing, covering inquires that include: Q: Why should I perform an Exercise Metabolic Test? Q: What is an Exercise Metabolic Test? Q: What exactly is measured in an Exercise Metabolic Test? Q: How is my data gathered? Q: What do all those measurements tell me? Q: How often should I do an Exercise Metabolic Test? Q: When can I do an Exercise Metabolic Test? Q: How high should my fitness level be before I do an Exercise Metabolic Test? Q: How does an Exercise Metabolic Test help me manage my weight? Q: What kind of equipment do you use? Q: Shouldn’t I do a VO2 “Max” test? Q: How long does an Exercise Metabolic Test take? Q: What is Anaerobic Threshold, and how is it different than Lactate Threshold? Q: Why is Aerobic Threshold and Fat Burning so important? Q: Can I use test results from one sport, like cycling, and use it for another, like running? Q: What’s wrong with using training zones based on my Estimated Max Heart Rate?

  • Podcast Episode #24: Are You Making Your Kids Fat?

    21/10/2011 Duration: 42min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. Why should you care that kids are getting fatter? Because it is costing you millions of dollars in health care costs,  because it is a direct reflection of the choices and examples that you make, and because we owe the children in this nation a better future. In this Podcast Episode #24, I interview Monica Reinagel, host of The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips Podcast. During this interview, we talk about the seriousness of the childhood obesity problem, and the fact that kids are dying of "adult" diseases that are intimately tied to junk food, fast food, portion control, and other important nutritional issues. Included in this podcast: -The underlying nutrition considerations behind this problem. -How to approach the difficult position of wanting your child to be able to "enjoy" perks like McDonald's and Coca-Cola. -How children can eat healthy and still enjoy food, with examples of meal decisions, substitutions or changes

  • Podcast #23: Holiday Special! Thanksgiving’s Five Fattiest Foods and Our Top Holiday Fitness Tips

    21/10/2011 Duration: 01h04min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this week's Podcast Episode #23, I host a roundtable with personal trainers Mark Cavallaro and Jolene Wilkinson. During this episode, we talk about very practical and easy ways to maintain fat loss and fitness during the holidays and Thanksgiving. If you're trying to lose fat or get fitter during the holiday season, you won't want to miss this episode, which includes: -The top five fattiest foods and perfect substitutions -Smart strategies straight from top trainers at Pacific Elite Fitness -How to make food less likely to get stored as fat -Tricks for staying motivated to exercise -Ways to make "Holes in Your Calendar" for fitness Also included in this podcast is an answer to the following listener question: I listened to podcast #21 where you gave your 1-2-3 secret to fast fat burning and basically, you advocated 20-30 min @ 60% MHR an on empty stomach.  My question is that I work out 5x a week at an hour each morning

  • Podcast Episode #22: “Eight Ways to Instantly Increase Your Low Metabolic Rate.”

    21/10/2011 Duration: 20min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this November 18th podcast episode, Ben Greenfield talks all about low thyroid, low metabolic rate and natural methods for improvement. Included in this podcast: -The most accurate home test to determine if you have a low metabolism. -Will too much exercise damage the metabolism? -Which thyroid medication might be your best bet. -The one oil that you should be consuming (at least 2-3 tablespoons daily). -A shiny, blue-black, solid mineral that is crucial to thyroid activity and metabolism. -Two compounds that must appear on the nutrition label of your multi-vitamin. -A home recipe for thyroid maximizing juice. -Eight foods you must completely avoid if you have a low metabolism. During this audio episode, Ben Greenfield also unveils how anyone who lives in Spokane, Washington can easily win a FREE Gymstick, the hot new European muscle-toning exercise tool that is just now hitting the States! Also featured in this podcast:

  • Podcast Episode #21: What You Need to Know About Chinese Medicine, Ben Greenfield’s Secret 1-2-3 Rapid Weight Loss Strategy and…Can Fat Make You Fat?

    20/10/2011 Duration: 50min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. This is a jam-packed, must-listen audio episode! Here's 5 important peak previews of this week's podcast: 1. Ben Greenfield reveals a 1-2-3-Step Proprietary Fat Loss Technique to help you lose 5 pounds in 2-4 weeks! 2. John Gilbert and Ben Greenfield have a disagreement about whether "Fat Can Make You Fat", and John talks about this week's newsletter article on "9 Nutritional Myths". 3. An interview with Dr. Pamela Langederfer about how Chinese medicine and acupuncture can be used for wellness management, sports performance and smart exercise recovery. Click here to listen to the podcast and learn exactly why this may be the key to healing your injuries, boosting your immune system and enhancing your energy. 4. More coupon codes for metabolism boosting supplements (definitely listen to minute 46:35 on the podcast!) 5. Shownote links from this podcast include: - Brand new Spokane personal training, metabolic testing and nutriti

  • Podcast Episode #20: What You *Don’t* Know About Sugar

    20/10/2011 Duration: 42min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this November 4, 2008 podcast, Ben Greenfield interviews registered dietitian and sugar expert Stacey Trogdon. You'll hear some fascinating and very practical advice on What You *Don't* Know About Sugar, including: -the true link between sugar and fat -the one hormone that could both make you gain weight and give you diabetes -a scary syndrome that you might actually be developing -the amazing link between sugar and inflammation -the difficult sugar decisions that athletes must make ------------------------------------ Also in this podcast: -Special Newsletter Series from human nutrition & metabolism expert John Gilbert - be sure to sign-up for the newsletter to access this fantastic series! This week's article features some very practical tips about How Not To Get Fat While You're Eating at Work. -"Quality Over Quantity" Ironman 6 Month Training Plan, brand new design from Ben Greenfield - click

  • Podcast #19: Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition & Performance

    20/10/2011 Duration: 17min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this October 28, 2008 audio episode, Ben Greenfield interviews Dr. Todd Schlapfer of Coeur D' Alene Healing Arts. Dr. Todd introduces the concept of naturopathic medicine, and differences between allopathic and naturopathic, then proceeds to give concrete examples of: -how active individuals can determine proper dietary protocols via specific types of testing... -what the optimum nutritional philosophy should include... -how to enhance recovery and muscle repair with mineral intake... -why excessive protein intake can be harmful... -the importance of the right type of fat, and ideal dietary sources... -how chronic inflammation, an acidic body pH, performance, and health are interrelated... Click here for a link to a previous podcast on medium chain fatty acids (MUFA's), which are introduced as a healthy energy option by Dr. Todd. Also in this podcast: -listener Q&A: is it possible to become stronger and aerobically fit at

  • Podcast #18: Mid-Week Update, Extreme Workout Challenges & ThermoFactor

    20/10/2011 Duration: 07min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. SPECIAL MID-WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT #1: Click here for a complete list of Ben Greenfield's Six Extreme Workout Challenges. Video record yourself completing any of these challenges in the allotted period of time, and receive a FREE copy of Shape21: The Complete 21 Day Lean Body Manual. SPECIAL MID-WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT #2: Podcast Discount on Fat Loss Capsule - at the end of Podcast #18 is a special discount code that automatically gives you a ten dollar discount on ThermoFactor! Click here to order with your discount code. ThermoFactor is a synergistic formula that successfully addresses major issues associated with weight gain. The ingredients provide powerful thermogenic support and help control the appetite and blood sugar balance: Citrus aurantium Extract (Advantra Z) Advantra Z is extracted from the dried immature fruit of the bitter orange. More effective than ephedrine upon thermogenesis, it increases metabolic rate without the s

  • Podcast Episode #17: Eating Before Workouts, Recovery & Endurance Secrets

    20/10/2011 Duration: 37min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this October 12, 2008 podcast, Ben Greenfield podcasts from the Hawaii Ironman Medical Conference on the following topics: -cutting-edge research on getting the most out of your cardio training -managing gut issues during exercise -proprietary methods for enhancing recovery from your workouts -how to achieve vast amounts of endurance in a very short period of time This podcast also includes a special announcement about a new "Tip of the Week" newsletter from Ben's book: "100 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism". Links included in this podcast: 100 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Newsletter Article on "Eating Before Your Workout" Muscle-Trac Muscle Rolling Stick (recovery) Foam Rollers from Perform Better (recovery) Recover-Ease (proteolytic enzyme source for recovery) Ben Greenfield's Triathlon AdventuresSee for privacy information.

  • Podcast Episode #16: All About Protein, Enzymes & Probiotics!

    20/10/2011 Duration: 47min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this September 26, 2008 podcast, Ben Greenfield interviews Joe Stout, an expert in the field of animal proteins. During this 30 minute interview, Ben and Joe discuss many topics, including: -goat vs. cow vs. vegetable based protein -whey protein vs. casein protein -colostrum for sports performance or immune system integrity -probiotics -digestive enzymes This podcast also includes a Q&A on creatine supplementation, a review of Ben Greenfield's recent post on aqua jogging for fitness maintenance, and an exciting announcement about the fitness synergy system from Pacific Elite Fitness. Links included in this podcast: CREO2 by Millennium Sports Mt. Capra Nutritional Products Good Source for Probiotics, Colustrum, and Goat Protein (Use code BGF for 5% discount) Pacific Elite Fitness - personal training from Ben GreenfieldSee for privacy information.

  • Podcast Episode #14: Foot and Ankle Health, More Nutrition Questions

    20/10/2011 Duration: 42min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. In this September 12, 2008 podcast: -An interview with Dr. Darron Woolley about how the foot and ankle health affects the rest of the body, common injuries among active individuals, mistakes that people make when treating themselves, and the million-dollar question - how often should you change your shoes? -Listener Q&A: carbohydate depletion and the pre-workout meal; nighttime eating; chiropractic questions. -Special Announcement: September 24 Nutrition Clinic in Spokane, WA -Websites mentioned in this podcast: - recommended book to fix low back pain permanently - nutrition and meal content research - Dr. Darron Wooley's website - Ben Greenfield's favorite shoe - a physiology lab in action! - free articles, coaching, and

  • Episode #167: Why Fat Is Good, How We’ve Been Lied To About The Obesity Epidemic, And How To Be A Fat Head.

    19/10/2011 Duration: 01h11min

    Click to Subscribe to All Ben's Fitness & Get A Free Surprise Gift from Ben. Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode. Do you have a future podcast question for Ben? Call toll free to 1-877-209-9439, Skype to "pacificfit" or scroll down on this post to access the free "Ask Ben" form...   In this October 19, 2011 free audio episode: Why fat is good, how to exhale when swimming, preventing cramps in high school athletes, are boot camps enough for strength, DMAE supplements, what happens when you taper, the difference between prebiotics and probiotics, is it normal to gain weight in the winter?, what should your partial pressure of oxygen be? Remember, if you have any trouble listening, downloading, or transferring to your mp3 player just e-mail And don't forget to leave the podcast a ranking in iTunes - it only takes 2 minutes of your time and helps grow our healthy community! Just click here to go to our iTunes page and leave feedback. ---------------

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