Welcome to the Regularity Mind Redux. I originally started this podcast on SoundCloud with the intention of giving my point for certain events going on for video games, movies, TV shows, music. With that being said, I am back to give you my take. Everything I usually say is my opinion, so take it as you want and once again, thank you for tuning in.
A mini update & The Lion King 2019 review
31/07/2019 Duration: 20minso it has been some time since I last recorded anything for this Podcast, but I have not forgotten about it at all. please give it a listen and run up the number of listen by sharing and hitting me up. I now have a Facebook page dedicated to this podcast that I run, so go check it out and hit me up through there to speak with me. Be safe out there and thank you for the love and support.
The Megaman Fully Charged Opinion
05/08/2018 Duration: 16minsorry for not recording but there are some personal events going on in my everyday life, so that's why I have not made episode three. With the amount of time I had to myself, I decided to make this episode in response to seeing the new Megaman cartoon that the CN released. give it a watch and let me know what you all think.
Origin: Redux
22/05/2018 Duration: 06minThis is a Redux of my podcast that I decided to do all over but this time, on a different app. Just give it a listen and support by giving me feedback and waiting for the next one