Come one, come all, you are listening to My Thing is this with your host MSPrina. The Podcast with that woman who always got something to say about everything. Pop culture, social media, news and things that you talk about after youve had a few glasses of wine. Sit back and dont fast forward- My Thing is this starts Now! (intro music by Ryan Little CC creative Commons license)
Ep. 4 Not a Stereotype
05/04/2018 Duration: 24minIn this episode I discuss a conversation between me and my sisters on Easter. Being exposed to sexual abuse is not something you tell everybody about, but while discussing the story of our lives the topic came up. I am not what the world says I should have been and I can only thank God for that.
Episode 3: What about your friends
28/03/2018 Duration: 29minIn this episode we talk about what is a friend really. There is a Facebook post going viral right now about a boy with no money and his friends let him starve. What kind of friend is that? I also included a part two. Do you show your girls your husband's nudes? Just Friends by D. Valor is licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Ep. 2 Toys R Us: Blame Game
21/03/2018 Duration: 22minIn this episode of My Thing is This, Toys R Us decided to blame "Millennials" for their bankruptcy woes. I am not having it. I have a long list of things they could have done in the last year to prevent this. Seriously! Where are the Care R US baby sitting facilities! Check out my rant
Ep. 1 Reboot Rant
14/03/2018 Duration: 18minThe Podcast with that woman who always got something to say about everything. Pop culture, social media, news and things that you talk about after you’ve had a few glasses of wine. Sit back and don’t fast forward-