Hip Hop artist kNERO Lapaé and his wife, Ria Lapaé are not your ordinary. Theres a cliche that being happily married doesnt last long. For these guys, its been years of falling in love over and over again. Their distinctive approach to life opens their minds to a better understanding and communication. The chemistry they share comes naturally. Their passion to share their experience and advice comes from a desire to help others find complete happiness within themselves and their marriage.
Effective Communication
14/06/2022 Duration: 35minWe know one of the most important things in a successful relationship is communication but sometimes, we fail to communicate effectively. Instead of hinting and partially expressing, we should express what we actually want our partner to hear.
What Do You Consider Cheating?
17/12/2019 Duration: 36minReturning back, in this episode Ria & kNERO conversed about their views on cheating in relationships. Cheating has a different definition in every relationship. What you consider cheating could something normal to another.
Effects of an absent parent
13/11/2018 Duration: 31minIn this episode, Ria & kNERO gives you a glimpse of their perspective about how growing up with an absent parent can leave one with a deep sense of shame and loss, that will grow with you if you're not self-aware and can eventually affect your future relationships.
Best Way To Ruin your Marriage
04/09/2018 Duration: 01h26minThey are back from their hiatus to give you the best way to ruin your marriage, humorously, toward precisely how not to behave in your most cherished relationships.
Looking At Others
31/07/2018 Duration: 01h04minIn most relationships, looking at others can get you into some serious trouble with your partner. Ria and kNERO chat about why it shouldn't be a big deal.
Interfaith Marriage
31/07/2018 Duration: 47minThis week Ria and kNERO Lapaé discuss the possible issues in interfaith marriages in America. Also, Ria gives us insights into her marriage with kNERO while he was practicing Islam and how they handled their different beliefs.
Secret Days Off
31/07/2018 Duration: 44minRia and kNERO end the week with a very interesting topic they call the "Secret Days Off". Don't want to give away what that means, so I highly recommend you to sit back and enjoy the ride!
Keeping Them Out
13/06/2018 Duration: 47minOn this episode, kNERO and Ria talk about why they keep their families and friends out of their marriage. Venting and seeking advice from someone outside of your marriage may be tempting but, is it worth confiding in them about your marriage? Will they only make it worse?
29/05/2018 Duration: 40minThere's a reason why every doctor asks about your parent's medical history. It's because our parents will always pass down something through generations. But for this conversation, it's about the upbringings!
Money Issues
25/05/2018 Duration: 49minAs they say, money is the root of all evil. Ria and kNERO kickback "counting stacks" ending this week with another episode discussing the causes of possible breakups or divorces by money issues within a relationship.
22/05/2018 Duration: 50minCo-parenting can have a negative stigma attached to it. It doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing, co-parenting can work just as well as a home with mother and father. Its all about understanding and accepting the fact that the child is the only one that matters after a divorce. Any animosity from the past based on the relationship with the parents needs to be set to the side.
Do All Black Men Cheat?
15/05/2018 Duration: 01h02minRia and kNERO talks about the benefits of communicating through writing to express one's emotions for each other in a relationship, to avoid heated arguments and cheating.