In the Podcast I ask my guests to pick a Film they love or really resonate with, as we all have that one film we adore or just have to watch every 3-6 months. As we discuss the protagonist's journey within the film we start to discuss my guests own personal journey and investigate the big moments, events and experiences that have shaped their lives. As we explore the varying aspects of the Hero's journey my guests can start to become aware of those moments where they moved away from their illusory world, into the gap of confusion, uncertainty, love and maybe fear. We discuss and explore the circumstances and events that led them to the "Gap" and how long they took to accept the call to adventure. Once in the "Gap" how did they feel, was it blissful, joyous or terrifying? How long have they been in the "Gap and what do they feel they need in support, clarity or belief to escape the feeling of being stuck and move beyond the Gap into a new life. I expand on spiritual, coaching and Transactional theory and techniques to explore all aspect of my guest's journeys and live
Let Go Let God with Linda Paalman
27/06/2018 Duration: 01h08minHello, I am really excited to talk about the William Parker 2013 Film "let go Let god " otherwise known as the "Trail". , with my Follow Business entrepreneur Linda Paalman. Linda's work and music can be found at's story is one of a True Hero's journey as she courageously talks about being in a cult and how she is recovering and reintegrating into her family structure after Narcissistic Abuse for 3 years
Vaxxed with Garima Heath
21/06/2018 Duration: 01h05minHello, I am delighted to discuss the controversial 2016 Andrew Wakefield Film "Vaxxed” with my very knowledgeable guest Garima Heath. You can find Garima at her podcast "Under the Stars” , and her Facebook page "". We get into a lot of debate around vaccines, big pharma and cognitive dissonance regarding people's opinion and refusal to look at some of the evidence.
Cloud Atlas with Mark Devlin
19/06/2018 Duration: 01h10minhi, I am very pleased to discuss the Tom Twyker, Lana Wachowski and Andy Wachowski's (2012) film "Cloud Atlas" with my guest Mark Devlin. Mark's extensive video catalogue can be found at and his audio podcasts are "Good Vibrations" and "Sound of freedom Conscious music " found at main website his where you can buy his books "Musical Truth 1+2" via an email at We got into the idea of good and evil, karma, reincarnation, social engineering and how film and lifetime actors are used to seed thought and ideas.
Caesar's Messiah with Joe Atwill
20/05/2018 Duration: 01h27minHello, today I am delighted to have on my show "Joe Atwill" as we discuss Joe's 2006 book Caesar’s Messiah. The book and Documentary have created a big stir in the religious and scholarly fields of Christianity the book re-examines the relationship between the Roman Empire and the founding of Christianity and questions the legitimacy of the historical writings. We go into a deep conversation regarding social engineering, Freemasonry and the depiction of historical events that people may find hard to integrate, so be prepared to enter the Rabbit hole. Joe is a regular contributor on the podcast "Powers and Principalities” with theYou can reach Joe at and https://Caesarsmessiah.comPlease contact me at if you are interested in coaching sessions and support with
Interview with Garima Heath (Under the Stars Podcast)
18/05/2018 Duration: 01h02minHello today i was interviewed by Garima Heath on her Podcast "Under the stars" where we discussed relationships , parental conditioning and the concepts of narcissism . We discussed how parental modelling effects the realtionships we choose unconsciously and only when accept, grieve and move away from such patterns can we have better relationships . You can find Garima's other episodes at . Please contact me at if you are interested in coaching sessions and support with current issues .
John Wick with Ken Martin Arciga
18/05/2018 Duration: 53minToday i had the great joy of discussing the 2014 film "John Wick" codirected by David Leitch and Chad Stahelski. We got into the reasons behind he choose of film and how that related to parts of us we all have and would love to express. We moved into a brilliant discussion around the 7 qualities men should aim to integrate into their sense of being and how men ae being emasculated by the demands and neglect of society. Please contact me at if you are interested in coaching sessions and support with current issues
Avatar with Swanette Kuntze
10/05/2018 Duration: 51minHello, Today I am honoured to discuss James Cameron's 2009 groundbreaking animation film "Avatar", with my guest and fellow podcaster Swanette Kuntze. You can find Swanette by clicking the following links and We discuss the battle between Nature and technology as we follow Jake through the Hero's journey watching him move between the steps to love and spirituality. You can also contact me at if you would like some coaching on personal, professional, emotional or spiritual concerns and struggles.
George Harrison -Living in a Material world with Mike Williams
09/05/2018 Duration: 01h23minToday I am honoured to interview Mike Williams otherwise known as the Sage of Quay. Mike had been a big influence on me with his wisdom and greater understanding of the world. We discuss Martin Scorsese’s 2011 documentary around George Harrison's life, inner battles and search for meaning and spiritual growth. Please contact me at if you are interested in coaching sessions and support with current issues. Please look up mike at* Patreon:* Sage of Quay Hub Website:* Sage of Quay blog:* Sage of Quay on DTube:!/c/sageofquay * Sage of Quay on Mixcloud:* Sage of Quay on Spreaker: * Twitter:
Interstellar with Susan Guner
03/05/2018 Duration: 23minToday I am delighted to share a discussion with my London Real Team leader around Christopher Nolan's 2014 film "Interstellar " . with the short period of time i feel we covered great aspects of the film in relation to Susan's great journey.You can also contact me at if you would like some coaching on personal, professional, emotional or spiritual concerns or struggles.
Le Belle Verte (The green Beautiful ) with Hilary Moore
03/05/2018 Duration: 32minToday I have great pleasure in welcoming a spiritual millionaire onto the show. Hilary runs a Podcast where she interviews a wide variety of spiritual enlightened guests who have created lives in alignment with their purpose and be financially free. Today we discussed Coline Serreau's 1996 "le Belle Verte " which is becoming a cult classic in France as more people are awakening to our ecological problems. here is the link to the film can also contact me at if you would like some coaching on personal, professional,emotional or spiritual concerns or struggles.
Interview with Real Men Real Issues
27/04/2018 Duration: 56minToday I am interview by Teresa Mullaney, for her podcast Real men Real issues. We discuss my journey through therapy, awakening and learning to be more vulnerable and intimate, moving away from cultural Be Strong drivers and Don't be Close Injunctions. You can also contact me at if you would like some coaching on personal, professional, emotional or spiritual concerns or struggles.
Groundhog Day
25/04/2018 Duration: 35minToday I welcome my Guest Phil Hampton, a professional cartoon animator and fellow podcaster onto Mind the Gap.We discuss and explore the 1993 comedy classic "Groundhog Day" in relation to everyday life and Phil's own concept of a Groundhog existence, how he changed that existence and what the future entails for him.
The Perfect Ending
24/04/2018 Duration: 44minToday I have the pleasure of welcoming Teresa Mullaney as my guest as we discuss Nicole Conn's 2012 film 'The Perfect Ending ' where we explore a journey of vulnerability, intimacy and sexual passion. We explore the issues of cultural taboos and Sexual freedom when faced with life-threatening situations as we enter the Gap. You can also contact me at if you would like some coaching on personal, professional, emotional or spiritual concerns or struggles.
Pulp Fiction
11/04/2018 Duration: 01h09minToday my guest Russell Bijum and I discussed his choice of film "Pulp Fiction " and the reasons why he chose the film and resonated with the characters. We entered into an interesting debate between views and observations as we explored Russell's personal life with the way he chose to read and perceive the narrative and meaning to the film. You can also contact me at if you would like some coaching on personal, professional, emotional or spiritual concerns or struggles.
Mind the Gap :Intro
02/04/2018 Duration: 03minAn introduction to my personall history , podcast ideas and hopes for the future