Scott and Brittney Schwertly uncover the secret ingredients presenters use to woo their audiences and wow their listeners. Whether in a boardroom or a ballroom, you'll learn how to achieve presentation greatness. So prepare yourself for standing ovations.
#011: 3 Tips on How to Manage Public Speaking Anxiety
13/09/2018 Duration: 20minPublic speaking does not need to be scary or intimidating. In this episode, we unpack three items you can deploy right now to combat public speaking and eliminate anxiety forever.
#010: How to Master Your Voice When Presenting
22/08/2018 Duration: 16minPresenters often focus on body language and other non-verbal behaviors but neglect an equally important item - their voice. The quality of your inflection and tone matters. We unpack how you can improve the quality of your voice in this episode.
#009: 3 Non-Verbal Mistakes You Should Avoid When Presenting
16/07/2018 Duration: 19minDoes your body language match your message? You can spend a countless amount of hours creating a powerful narrative and building beautiful looking slides but if your delivery is littered with bad habits then your previous efforts were futile. A great talk must always be complemented with a great delivery and that starts with avoiding common non-verbal mistakes.
#008: 3 Non-Verbal Essentials for Public Speaking
25/06/2018 Duration: 19minMost presenters don't know what to do with their body when in front of a room. They second guess what to do with their hands and feet and their presentation delivery soon becomes an awkward mess. But, it doesn't have to be this way. There are some basic items that every presenter can deploy to be more comfortable and exude more confidence. We unpack these essentials in this episode.
#007: How to Outline Your Presentation
11/06/2018 Duration: 19minWhen most people think about presenting they immediately think about the process of designing their slides and practicing their delivery. That's fantastic, but in doing so, they neglect the process of structuring their message which is actually the most important part of any talk. In this episode, we discuss how to not fall into that trap and provide a blueprint to start outlining your presentations the right way.
#006: Public Speaking: How to Handle Haters and Hecklers
04/06/2018 Duration: 19minDo you fear hecklers and haters when giving a presentation? The sad reality is that it is inevitable but there are things you can do right now to reduce the negative impact. We address those specific items in this episode.
#005: How to Write Thank You Notes
23/05/2018 Duration: 18minIn today's drive-thru culture, we can often forget to slow down and thank those who have helped us in life. Whether it's thanking friends for joining us for coffee, tell our parents how much we love them, or leaving a strong last impression with a new employer...we 1) forget to send thank you notes, but 2) we don't capitalize on how to maximize the moment.
#004: How to Choose What to Wear for Your Next Presentation
17/05/2018 Duration: 15minKnowing how to dress for your next presentation can sometimes become an unexpected challenge. Should you wear a suit and tie, jeans, that piece of can all become quite intimidating. So, in this episode, we offer three simple guidelines to help guide your decision making.
#003: How to Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence
09/05/2018 Duration: 16minMany people believe that public speaking is a blend of art and genetic advantage. As if some people were given a special slice of DNA that enabled them to be magnetic and form a special connection with their listeners. That is so far from the truth. Confidence on stage is earned, not given.
#002: 3 Tips for Mastering Small Talk
30/04/2018 Duration: 18minIt's never comfortable walking into a room and starting a conversation with a complete stranger. For most of us, it's something we dread. We don't know what to ask or say. That's why we have to put together three simple tips to help make small talk easy for you.
#001: How to Create Memorable Presentations
27/04/2018 Duration: 18minA great presenter has the power to move people. But most of us settle for simply covering the information on the slides. We get done speaking and no one is rushing up to meet us. We completely miss the opportunity to create memorable experiences for our audience. In this episode, we discuss 3 ways to make sure that missed opportunity never happens again.