Doctor Whom Cosplay Team Podcast.We are a small group of six like minded individuals, fanatical about cosplaying TV and film characters from shows such as Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and many more.We hope you enjoy our podcasts were we try to provide fans with discussions, reviews, news and general entertainment.Even though we primarily look into the world of Doctor Who we do like to discuss and delve into other fandoms.If you enjoy these podcasts please remember to tell you friends and subscribe!Let us know your thoughts anytime at
Episode 11 - "What 'Toy' Expect Soon!" - Part 2
16/07/2018 Duration: 29minThe second part of our "What 'Toy' Expect Soon!". We talk about the latest toys and merchandise that will be (or in some cases have been) released for Doctor Who.
Episode 10 - "Doctor Whom's 'Logo'polis"
24/06/2018 Duration: 44minOur latest Podcast features a few members of the Doctor Whom team discussing the brand new Doctor Who logo.
Episode 9 - "Potter Knows Quiz!" - Part 1
03/06/2018 Duration: 26minThe Doctor Whom team are faced with its most fierce and terrifying challenge to date, even more terrifying them the previous "Who Knows Quiz"... A Harry Potter quiz!! This will the first of a series of podcasts where various members of the team will have to defend their Hogwarts knowledge.
Episode 8 - "What 'Toy' Expect Soon" - Part 1
18/05/2018 Duration: 31minMembers of the Doctor Whom team talk about the new releases we can expect over the following months for Doctor Who toys.
Episode 7 - "Who Knows Quiz!" - Part 1
07/05/2018 Duration: 24minMembers of the Doctor Whom team are faced with its most fierce and terrifying challenge to date... A Doctor Who quiz!! This will be the first of a series of podcasts where various members of the team will have to defend their Whovian knowledge.
Episode 6 - "But Whom will be joining us?"
04/02/2018 Duration: 22minA very special podcast to welcome a brand new member to the Doctor Who Cosplay Team family.