Former frazzled and exhausted wife and mother who has turned losing my health through exhaustion, adrenal fatigue and then cancer into the most amazing life altering journey. Now an AFPA Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, I have healed my life and my body through giving my mind and body the grace it deserves and fueling my nutritional needs through a Ketogenic lifestyle. I am excited to show you how to do the same!
Why You Should Start Treating Yourself Like a Baby and What You and Babies Have in Common.
19/06/2017 Duration: 13min -
Guest Interview with Dr. David Pennington, our local Educational Superintendent
27/03/2017 Duration: 47min -
Part 5 of Why the “Calories in Calories out, Exercise More and Eat Less Hypothesis is Full of Shit “
15/01/2017 Duration: 18min -
Part 2 of why “Calories in Calories out, Exercise More and Eat Less ” is Full of Shit
07/01/2017 Duration: 20min -