Sensuality Empowerment Podcast



This pod is dedicated to empowering men to step out of their vulnerability shame, ignite self expression, self love & step into freedom. I interview a number of inspiring leaders within the community, to discuss topics such as sex, love, relationships, spirituality & self development.


  • Dane Tomas - The Dark Wizard of Business

    26/01/2023 Duration: 49min

    Todays guest is Dane Tomas, referred to as the Dark Wizard & Esoteric Entrepreneur.He is the author of 7 books, the creator of various transformational practices and the founder of the EE Academy - a not so secret society of spiritual entrepreneurs who want to have a significant worldly impact.Dane certainly embodies his work as a creative visionary which he combines with money magic wisdom, teaching people how embody their $exual energy, change their mindset & attitude towards money to get wealthy. Dane is able to balance out the practical and magical elements to create his own potion of witchy wisdom that is innovative, transformative and will change how you market yourself & your business. This is a juicy and rich conversation offering great advice on money mindset and how to to breathe your business with authenticity, passion and from heart.You can find Dane at:

  • Jenni Mears - The Fembodiment™ Method / Women’s Self Empowerment

    11/12/2022 Duration: 01h07min

    Latest episode is a juicy one!Jenni is the Creator & Teacher of The Fembodiment™ Method. She is a Women's Self-Empowerment Holistic S€xuality Coach and Couples S€x & Intimacy Coach. Jenni is incredibly passionate about supporting and empowering women/couples to thrive in life through pleasure & intimacy and helping people to reclaim their s&xuality.For a woman in her 60’s, Jenni is an embodiment of her work, truly leading by example - living her life in pleasure and freedom. Jenni covers so much in this conversation, I may have to do a part 2. She talks about the impact stress has on the body, nervous system and how this transfers across to our pleasure and intimacy with ourself and our partner. Jenni offers great tips on how to reduce stress and come back to a state of presence, through pleasure & s€x. We discuss how to come back to the body when we are feeling lazy or disconnected from ourselves . She encourages people to get curious and invests in s€x toys! This is a juicy conversa

  • Mark Pheely - Journey to Know Thyself

    24/11/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    I am excited to bring you this very heartfelt and incredibly inspiring interview with a man I have known for many years. I recently reconnected with Mark, a reputable Teacher who is known for his successful yoga studios in Melbourne where he offered yoga teacher trainings, workshops and for people to escape on his retreats to deepen their meditation & yoga practice. Two years ago, in the midst of Melbourne's harsh lockdowns, Mark realised he wasn’t living his life in truth. He sold his yoga studio, left Melbourne and took himself into another form of isolation. He moved away from any distractions life  offered, lived in the rice fields in Bali then returned home and lived in the forest in NSW.  He explored the depths of his being, confronted his darkness & allowed the teachings to fall away, so he could become his own practice. This truth revealed was the medicine he needed so he could re-emerge with deeper connection to himself and life. This is a beautiful interview and Mark walks us through hi

  • Dr Peter Mejia - Hormone Health

    04/10/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Today's guest is Dr Peter Mejia, a women’s health specialist who is dedicated and passionate about educating women to get to the root cause of their issues, particularly when it comes to supporting their hormones, gut health, fertility, pregnancy and entering menopause. I love how Peter uses his social media platform to provide great content and practical solutions to support women.Peter is the founder of Holistic Minds Holistic Bodies and Dr in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He understands that women's health can be complex so it deserves a lot of attention and special care AND this is where he comes into play. Peter is supporting and empowering women to overcome pain, whether its regulating your hormones, relieving constant gut issues, resolving your period pain, natural menopause relief and fertility. This is a great interview! Peter covers so much in this hour of hormone power:The role and the importance of progesterone, oestrogen and testosteroneHow to support progesterone levels to help w

  • Jessica Harvey PhD: Tantric Scientist /Love, Sex & Confidence For Men

    08/09/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    Today’s guest is Jessica Harvey, a woman who is incredibly passionate in working and supporting men around their shadows and $exuality. She believes our suffering comes from shaming our desire, disconnecting from pleasure, and lack of relational tools. Most of us were given zero understanding of our emotional world, our nervous system, how to communicate, and how to self- and co-regulate. You are going to love this interview with Jessica. She refers herself as a geek by nature because of her scientist background but after years in the lab, she was miserable. Jessica shares her story from scientist to 'Shadow & $exuality' Coach and why its her passion to be a guide for men to achieve insight into what they really want, to understand how women might be perceiving them, and to transform stuck patterns into intentional relating skills that really work.Jessica's Bliss Science program for men has emerged from all of the work she has done with hundreds of men in workshops, 1:1, and online programs

  • Leila Melki - Alchemy of The Warrior

    20/06/2022 Duration: 01h12min

    Today’s guest is a a very special guest.....someone who I have the pleasure to call one of my besties, a woman I absolutely adore and love.Leila understands that one of her purposes in life is supporting and inspiring people to step into their warrior archetype - to live life unapologetically YOU - in your authenticity! In this interview, she shares her process around this - you will love this discussion.We pack in a lot in this conversation, I may have to do a part 2! There is no holding back when it comes to sharing her personal journey of heartache and overcoming and healing domestic violence.  Leila put her Masters of Psychotherapy and Counselling on hold during humanity's most challenging times of the 21st century only to find herself creating a new version of herself and in this new version, she became the support anchor of many people in Australia. With a fierce heart to protect and be an upstanding fighter for truth and freedom, Leila took it upon herself to lead thousands of people during the pa

  • Dr Sarah Jane Perri - Network Spinal & Energy Chiropractor

    10/05/2022 Duration: 32min

    I recently interviewed Dr Sarah Jane - Owner/Principal Network Spinal & Energetic Chiropractor, Holistic Counsellor, Yoga & Meditation Teacher. I have been following Dr Sarah Jane’s journey for a number of years and her work as a Network Spinal Chiropractor and energy worker had me intrigued. I love how she documents her work on social media so you witness people’s body react to her non invasive energy adjustments and healing. It truly is so beautiful to watch especially as you see the responses from people’s body - from new clients to people who have been on this journey of healing for some time.Dr Sarah Jane’s goal is to empower you on your health and wellness journey, through light yet powerful touch, breath work and by honouring your body’s communication. She utilises the latest techniques and works within an evidence base framework. Currently, she is completing her Post Graduate studies and Masters in Chinese Medicine so she is one busy lady!In today’s interview, Dr Sarah Jane talks me through, w

  • Atira Tan - Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Integration Specialist / Embodied Feminine Leader

    10/03/2022 Duration: 56min

    Today I reconnect with a very special and gifted woman.  I have worked with Atira at the very early stages of my exploration with embodiment. Atira is a model of embodied feminine leadership and is passionate about supporting humanity to heal and empowering them to follow their authentic calling in the world. Atira is a trauma survivor of child abuse so she is informed by her own journey of recovery to support others to thrive and grow.A TEDx speaker, activist, somatic trauma specialist, #1 Best Selling Author, and trauma-informed yoga teacher & group facilitator, Atira Tan, is a powerful agent of transformation and change. She is the founding director of Art to Healing, an Australian charity that supports the trauma recovery of child s£x slaves in Asia. From the slums in Nepal to refugee camps in Burma, Atira has touched the lives of thousands of women, men, and children around the world, supporting them through her 19 years of experience in various somatic and creative trauma recovery approaches.Passion

  • Tiarnie - Codes of the Universe - Astrology

    28/12/2021 Duration: 59min

    Today’s interview is a goodie, an opportunity to step into the metaphysical realm and discuss how astrology plays an important role in informing people about their place in the world - whether its the guidance you need around your relationships, business, financial management or your purpose. There is no denying of the growing interest and fascination around Astrology.  I wanted to understand why so many people are turning to the stars for guidance SO I turned to Tiarnie, an influencer and passionate Astrologer who I have been following for a number of years. Its such a pleasure to have her on the show, sharing her magic, energy and wealth of knowledge with you.Tiarnie offers Astrology Activations in one-on-one sessions, Spiritual Mentoring, Astrology Business readings, Astrology Masterclasses, Liquid crystal consultations, annual overviews and so much more! Astrology is her cosmic language and her passion is to awaken and activate you to remember YOUR magic and to come home to your own medicine and create a

  • Mangala Holland - Empowering Yourself Through Pleasure

    23/11/2021 Duration: 53min

    I have the pleasure to bring back a woman I love and respect. Mangala is on a mission to help women become empowered through loving themselves fiercely, celebrating their s3xuality, and overcoming the fear, guilt and shame that keeps them playing small. She is supporting women all over the world to discover their power through connecting to their pleasure and their bodies. We cover SO MUCH in this interview. I have loved watching Mangala’s journey over the years and more recently, releasing an  free on series for women called Vagina - Pussy & Vulva. She has some credible guests on this show, offering practical solutions and tools to help release shame and to love your body. Its real and raw conversations - so that you get the necessary wisdom it takes to experience orgasms, get in touch with your body, and release the shame that holds people back in life. So delicious! I can’t wait to watch this.This interview is a great reminder that simplicity is the key and we don't need to over stimulate our nerv

  • Sebastian Guilhaus - Mental Health Awareness

    25/08/2021 Duration: 41min

    This interview is so timely, especially as most of us in Australia/NZ are in lockdown and the impact of these lockdowns are having on our mental health, bringing about a sense of fear and anxiety around the globe.Today’s guest doesn’t need much of an introduction as I am sure most of you will remember Seb as one of the favourite contestants from the Australian TV reality show - Married at First Sight, AKA MAFS. For those who are not familiar with MAFS, its a show following couples in this crazy experiment as they meet for the first time on their wedding day. This episode is not focusing on Seb’s experience with MAFS or relationships, but rather discussing a topic that we are both incredibly passionate and vocal about, that topic being Mental Health Awareness. I have been following Seb’s journey for over a year and what inspired me to reach out, was how raw, honest and open he is with his own personal obstacles and set backs, which has allowed the public to witness him in his vulnerability, which is not an eas

  • Freya Vajra - Pleasure After Trauma

    09/07/2021 Duration: 56min

    It was such a pleasure to connect with today’s guest, Freya. She came highly recommended by one of my dear friends Jenna, another great recommendation - thank you!This episode is one for anyone who would like to regain trust in their body or understand how to create safety and healthy boundaries plus so much more! I also get pretty personal on this episode, sharing my own emotional trauma that I experienced in my past relationship as well as my childhood trauma and what helped me come into self love and compassion.Freya is a trauma informed Coach and is incredibly passionate about human freedom and working with women so they can be trauma informed and live life feeling empowered, sexier and experience pleasure.  Going from being so open and connected to the magic of life to freeze and closing down was devastating but Freya shares very openly about her trauma journey and how this led her to being of service.You are going to love this interview. I resonated so much to what Freya shares, especially speaking abou

  • Jaguar Heart - The Holistic Therapist - Trauma

    06/06/2021 Duration: 55min

    This episode is  worth the wait folks!I am really excited to bring you Jaguar, a man that came highly recommended to me and after this interview, you will understand why. This conversation is a reminder that everything exists within, if only we get out of our way. The body is the subconscious mind and Jag frees people from the tight constraints causing suffering, bringing the unconscious into conscious so we can create space and freedom within.Jag is a man who helps and supports people who are suffering trauma, particularly sexual trauma. He helps people identify their core trauma/s and break the patterns that hold them back, by dissolving the energy which has been trapped. He helps people to love themselves by removing whats in their way - the self doubt, self hatred and victimisation so people can realise the true essence of what they are, which is LOVE and love is acceptance.After retreating into what was a deep path of soul searching, Jaguar decided to change his environment and moved to a farm in the mou

  • Dr. Tharshini Nirmalarajah - Womb Consciousness

    14/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    I am really excited to introduce my friend Tash, also known as Dr Tharshini. Tash is a traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor, a Global Energetic Specialist, Womb Medicine Teacher and the founder of Fertile Seeds of Life.  In this interview, Tash openly shares how she lived life feeling unworthy and disempowered because of her sexual abuse and trauma. However, through her own womb healing journey and spiritual awakening, she stepped into her feminine power to help others feel empowered and has healed many women with their suffering.  During her spiritual awakening, she was downloaded the gift of seeing light codes and DNA activation - this is so fascinating. Tash has a deep passion in educating women and teens, on the knowledge of the womb, through the menstrual cycle. Her love in this field to support our young girls, has now led her to work with an orphanage, creating a 6-month program to teach our young girls about womanhood, this is amazing. Why her 6 week Womb Wisdom and Menstrual Cycle Masterclass program

  • Emma Goldie - Reset your Mindset

    20/01/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Today’s guest is the vibrant and inspiring Emma Goldie, who I was introduced to last year. Emma is a Meditation, Mindset and Lifestyle Mentor, working with busy professionals to reset, restore, activate and become aligned to their soul purpose through polarity balancing, meditation and lifestyle navigation. Emma’s mission is to help people navigate the easiest path toward harmony and alignment, without having to change everything, meditate for hours a day or throw relationships off balance. Emma talks about her 5 day reset mindset exploration series, where you will discover bio hacks to overcome interrupting mental and emotional patterns. She teaches people simple meditation hacks and techniques so they can life life in flow state in only 10 minutes each day. The 5 day reset mindset teaches you to make peace with the past and release blame of self and others and stepping into a new space with clarity. Connecting with yourself and life with conviction and courage! Emma talks about energy, something I am person

  • Avalon & Jenna : Shibari - The Art of Surrendering

    25/10/2020 Duration: 55min

    If you are curious and fascinated by the intrinsic beauty of Shibari, then you are going to love this interview with my dear friends, Avalon & Jenna. Shibari, also referred to as Japanese Rope Bondage, is a unique, intimate & sensual art form that originated in Japan. It was originally developed as a form of capture, torture or presentation of prisoners by the Samurai but it has developed over time into a seductive and sensual rope craft. Shibari is about the intimate connection with the rigger and receiver - which Avalon explains in our conversation.Seduced by the sensual skill and artistic expression of Shibari, Avalon has developed his own distinctive style of tying and he gets to share this on stage, with his beautiful partner, Jenna. When you see these two performing, they take you on a magical journey and you witness the art of surrendering.Shibari literally translates to “to tie” or “to bind,” and it involved trying intricate and beautiful knots and patterns used to restrain and give sensation

  • Chad Charles - Medicine of Breath & 5-MeO-DMT

    04/10/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    Todays guest is the beautiful Chad Charles. I had the pleasure of working with Chad a few months ago. He held a sacred online breath-work session, after I had undertaken a deep journey with 5-MeO-DMT, also referred to as Toad or Buffo. This style of medicine is being touted as a healing modality for people who suffer trauma, depression or PTSD. I read somewhere that 5-MeO-DMT profoundly changed Mike Tyson’s life and he's never been the same. I can relate to this as my journey with this medicine has impacted me so much that I was able to heal a lot of past trauma and anxiety issues. Chad talks so eloquently of the curiosity that people have with 5-MeO-DMT and why its so effective and different to plant medicine. He brings so much into light and shares why people are gravitating towards this medicine but warning people to be more discerning, ensuring they do their research and inform themselves with the practitioners who offer this medicine. Chad immerses himself in the world of therapy, whether its psyche

  • Passionfruits - Sensuality & Pleasure Store

    13/09/2020 Duration: 34min

    Today I get to introduce one of my sponsors - Passionfruits. I refer Passionfruits as a one stop pleasure shop. From their elegant lingerie to the kink or bondage merchandise, sex toys and various pleasure workshops - you will soon understand why Passionfruits is not just your average sex shop. The sensuality boutique offers a luxurious range of products to enhance sexuality within a beautiful and positive environment.Michelle Temminghoff, the gorgeous founder of Passionfruits talks about the history of her business and why she is so passionate to ensure her customers get to experience and explore pleasure with a capital P. She created a store leaving people feeling delicious, inspired and confident within themselves. Michelle also holds events and has people delivering workshops such as the ‘dominatrix’ workshop and there is also a new offering - Virtual Passionfruit Parties, where you can learn all about their favourite products and get all their top tips. Each party lasts for 90 minutes. You will learn eve

  • Elisa Caro - How to Keep Sex & Intimacy Alive

    30/08/2020 Duration: 59min

    How can couples come out of an intimacy rut and bring the sexy back??A lot of couples are struggling with intimacy during lockdown OR if you are in a long term relationship, you may feel stagnant or disconnected with one another. Today’s guest is with the very sensual Elisa. Elisa is a sacred sexual shamanic and sexual practitioner who is devoted and passionate in helping men, women and couples to feel more confident in their sexuality and expand their pleasure potential. This is such a delicious and beautiful conversation that will inspire couples to get curious, out of their comfort zone and help you connect on a more soulful level with one another. We cover a lot in this conversation. Elisa offers so many effective and simple ways that will help you to connect to your body, pleasure and each other in a new & exciting way. She shares how to bring the spontaneity back into your relationship. What do men desire from their partner AND what women desire from their man? This is such a goodie - so insightful!

  • Tyran Mowbray - How to Penetrate Life

    16/08/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    This is a powerful conversation that will no doubt have you rethink the term ‘toxic masculinity’ or the meaning of a 'real man'. I have been following Tyran's work for a while and he recently grabbed my attention with a few controversial posts that resonated with me SO of course I had to get him on the show. Tyran is many things but to me, he is a man who is shameless in his authentic expression. He is sexy, passionate, raw, honest, triggering, vulnerable, strong and penetrates life with his energy. You won't find him hiding in the shadows, he is quite the opposite. He stands out and up for what he believes in. Tyran is not afraid to use his voice and speaking his truth is very much a big part of his personality - as you will find out in this very raw and honest conversation.  Tryan’s journey is to understand the truth of himself - dissolving many layers of his identity of what a man is. You will find out why he gets so worked up and annoyed with the term toxic masculinity or awakened man

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