Chalkboard Project is an independent education transformation organization dedicated to making Oregon’s K-12 public schools among the best in the country. We are funded by a consortium of Oregon’s leading philanthropic foundations that share a central belief that research and on-the-ground expert knowledge is essential to identifying policies and practices that improve outcomes for students.
Senate Bill 182: Aligning early learning and K-12 education systems
21/04/2017 Duration: 23minChalkboard Project's Sue Hildick and Children's Institute's Swati Adarkar discuss Oregon's SB 182, alignment between early learning and K-12 education, and the future of teacher professional learning.
Mentoring And Collaboration Amongst Teachers in Diverse Classrooms
11/11/2016 Duration: 07minThis episode focuses on full-time teachers serving as mentors for new teachers. This podcast also addresses the ever changing needs of individual students in each class and how peer collaboration is essential in dealing with these realities.
Leading For Learning helps principals become better instructional leaders
17/10/2016 Duration: 11minLeading for Learning helps equip superintendents and other central office staff with knowledge and tools to improve their instructional leadership skills and become better mentors and coaches to the principals they supervise. Cottage Grove Principal Iton Udosenata shares how working with his superintendent, Krista Parent, has improved his instructional leadership skills and how he is improving instructional practices among his teachers.