Is It Better Than Jurassic Park?

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 38:14:50
  • More information



Two idiots watch a movie and talk about whether or not it's better than Jurassic Park (THE GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME!). They usually involve a 3rd person for some reason.


  • Is Children of Men Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Tim Cook-Berry)

    12/06/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Stop your war for a second and look this way, Froleys and Bazookas. It's time for another FUN-filled episode of the podcast where Scott yells about the dinosaur movie. Scott and James sit down with the vacationing Tim Cook-Berry as he tells them why he thinks Children of Men is the best film of all time, and Scott tells him that he's wrong! Also they discuss memes, proper footwear, and B.D. Wong's hairstyles through the years. We all know that Dinosaur eats Man but will the Dinos of Jurassic Park eat the Hopeless Bleak Despair of Children of Men??

  • Is Charlie's Angels Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Emily Simon)

    01/05/2018 Duration: 01h53min

    A group of three highly-capable people with a very special mission: figure out if a certain movie is better than Jurassic Park! Today's assignment: 2000's Charlie's Angels. Emily Simon joins Scott and James to talk about the ladies-kicking-ass classic and as always there's another informative round of What Snacks Do You Like?, we talk about unrealistic airplane first class, and questionable dental hygiene. Also discussions of dancing that is better than La La Land. (Look out for a future podcast called Is This Dancing Better Than La La Land?) Also we talk about JP for a full 40 minutes so get excited for it.

  • Is The Shape of Water Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Grant DeArmitt) & The 2nd Annual Jurassy Awards!

    19/03/2018 Duration: 01h30min

    We've got too much show! Stop reading this and listen to the episode! It's chock full of stuff like Special Guest Grant DeArmitt! Jurassy Awards! Talking about Best Picture The Shape of Water! Severed human butts! Pee shyness! Waiting for Godot! And so much, much more on a 10 CD or vinyl set! Only 12 payments of 16.27! CALL NOW!

  • Is The Princess Bride Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Mickey Dennis)

    01/03/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    Grab your wheelbarrows and holocaust cloaks and get ready for another episode of Is It Better Than Jurassic Park! Mickey Dennis is with us to talk about a fave from his childhood, The Princess Bride: a classic tale of love, revenge, and polydactly. We also get into discussions of Wrestlemania, theatre history, medieval architecture, and the ethics of loving a robot; all in pursuit of the most noble cause there is--proving Jurassic Park to be the greatest movie ever made. 

  • Is George of the Jungle Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Caroline Andrews)

    20/02/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    The Queen of the Jungle (T-Rex) meets the King of the Jungle (Brendan Fraser's buttflap) in an all-time great episode. Caroline Andrews is back for a record 3rd time to talk about everyone's favorite movie about a man raised by apes that isn't Disney's Tarzan, Gerge of the Jungle! We'll hear another installment of James' movie theater rants, James adds Thomas Haden Church to his list of impressive impressions, and everyone tells a story about Inside Out! It's a wild ride that ends with you feeling like you got hit in the face with bark! You won't get that promise on This American Life.

  • Is Avatar Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Martine Harrison)

    07/12/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Grab your family close, hold them tight, and hope no one destroys your ancestral home while you listen to this episode. Martine Harrison joins us on this one to talk about the highest grossing film of all time (and the highest grossing film in her heart), the Papyrus-fonted Avatar! We'll be talking about Dawson's Creek, trash candy, and everyone gets to try on an Australian accent just for fun. Then we wrestle a sky beast and make it fight a T-Rex, because that's pretty much just what we're about now. Statistically, you've all seen this movie, so as soon as you get tired of hearing us talk, why not share your thoughts with us in the comments section?

  • Is Drop Dead Fred Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Jenny Murray)

    19/10/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    It's another episode of the Airplane and Siren Hour AKA Is It Better Than Jurassic Park! This one is a real rager. We've got Jenny Murray back in the hot seat to talk about childhood favorite Drop Dead Fred ad nauseam. That means until we all PUKE!! While all that's happening, Snot Head Scott talks about Beyonce, Booger Breath James won't shut up about Casper for what seems like the 12 episode in a row, and Jerk Face Jenny gives good advice to child psychopaths. Also, the most dramatic moment in IIBTJP history: a wrong pipe situation. Wow! What an episode! Listen to it, won't you? Obviously dinosaurs are as fake as imaginary friends, but is Drop Dead Fred better than Jurassic Park?

  • Is Okja Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Jesse Owen)

    01/09/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Things get wacky on a hot and rainy summer night as lovable nugget Jesse Owen joins James and Scott for a discussion of the Netflix Original Film, Okja! We're gonna talk about some super pigs as well as some super wigs (probably not the wigs part) and then James gives us another round of subway complaints, we discuss whether or not you should live in a helicopter, and find out what you get when you cross a pug with a burrito. Of course all of this is just to delay the asking of the question: which genetically modified creature is better? #NotAllFrench #fuckbombs

  • Is Troy Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Uzodinma Okehi)

    23/07/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Hey put on your sandals and deep-vees because it's time for another wham bang episode of IIBTJP! We're talking Troy today (which incidentally is only 1 letter away from Tron while being a completely different film.) and we brought in the author of Over For Rockwell, Uzodinma Okehi. If that's not enough for you, then I guess we'll also have to talk about Soul Caliber, Casper, and freak-of-nature Lebron James. Is that enough to make you stop hiding in giant wooden animals to scare me. You know it's my one weakness! If you stop I'll let you know the answer to the question, Is Brad Pitt Taller Than A Dinosaur? That doesn't sound right....   Buy Uzodinma's book:

  • Is The Big Lebowski Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Matt Glasser & David Danby)

    03/06/2017 Duration: 58min

    This is a podcast. No need to get philosophical about it. Matt Glasser and David Danby are in it. We talk about The Big Lebowski. These are facts. No need to make this longer than it needs to be. We'll take a convoluted path through topics like milk products, the genesis of "Dude Where's My Car," and Kevin Arnold's grandpa from The Wonder Years. Scott and James are the hosts. You already know this. We'll ask whether or not The Big Lebowski is better than Jurassic Park. Nothing else matters. Bummer.

  • Is Working Girl Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Jenny Murray)

    03/05/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    It's the 80's babies!! Strap yourselves in for a high-octane coked-up Reaganomic laser show of an ep. The always radical Jenny Murray is here with us to talk about her fave film, Working Girl. It's about a girl who works. Not in the sense that she is functional, although she is that too, boy howdy. She's "working" as in she has gainful employment. She has an occupation. That's what this movie means by working. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Just listen to us talk about the movie. There's also skiing. We're gonna talk about Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (which is not actually called "Extreme Home Makeover"), Chris De Burgh's wife, and we get the opinion of one upset cat. You're gonna love it. So, in conclusion, the 80s were cool but was it a better time period than 65 million years ago and is Working Girl better than Jurassic Park? I guess that's not so much of a conclusion as it is a question. That's really more introductory territory if you ask me. Oh well. Here's a podcast.

  • Is Clueless Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Brett Bates)

    01/04/2017 Duration: 52min

    Teenagers! Slang words! Fashion! Murder? That's what we'll be talking talking about this month as the incomparable Brett Bates takes the hot seat to talk about a movie near and dear to his heart: Clueless! Along the way James drags the podcast down by talking about Ernst Lubitsch, we play a round of Franklin or Bash, and the loudest plane in podcast history makes a surprise appearance. Who would make a better runway model, Alicia Silverstone or a velociraptor? Also, is Clueless better than Jurassic Park? Get up on outta here, ya goof! That's a thing they say in the movie right??

  • The 1st Annual Jurassy Awards!!!

    26/02/2017 Duration: 54min

    Golden statues!! Golden statues!!! Golden statues!!!!!!!!!!

  • Is West Side Story Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Kara DJ)

    31/01/2017 Duration: 54min

    Boy did we get drunk during this episode! Like a couple of young ruffians. Speaking of, have you heard of that movie West Side Story? Yeah like the play musical but also it's a movie musical. That happens sometimes. Deal with it. Anyway we invited our good friend Kara De Jesus to the program to tell us what she thinks of it and that's what this episode is. Also we get real sidetracked into topics such as the origins of aspirin, Johnny Appleseed, and of course the Immortal Bard. Is "the immortal bread" anything yet? If not I call dibs! So that's what you'll get out of this episode. But if you don't understand what this podcast is by now and you still need hand holding, well don't look at me. I ain't the partner that brought you to this dance. I'm just here to throw cans. BIG CANS. ...but is West Side Story better than Ol' JP?

  • Is Last Holiday Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Jenny Park)

    20/12/2016 Duration: 55min

    It's the most wonderful time of the year! When we thank the Overlord this dumb year is almost through. But before we recede into our Winter cocoons, we've got one more podcast. And who better than to ring out 2016 than our good friend Jenny "Jurassic" Park!! She's bringing her favorite movie (holiday-themed or otherwise) starring The Queen herself (snowflake-shaped asterisk: not the movie "The Queen"), Queen Latifah..... the movie is call Last Holiday. That last sentence isn't grammatically correct. Deal with it. Just like we all dealt with this year. Ugh. Anyway. Laughs are shared amongst friends just like one would expect in this wonderous season. But behind every laugh is a dark secret. And behind every discussion of a movie, there's a discussion of airplane etiquette, proper etiquette for honorifics, and auto-erotic robots?????? Are we talking about Westworld? No. Do you want to? You probably do. You're on the internet right? Or are you the internet? Are we all the internet? Oh god I've discovered the Mat

  • Is Miami Vice Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Matt Glasser)

    29/11/2016 Duration: 55min

    Well I forgot to say his name while I was introducing him, but you know Matt Glasser is this episode's guest. You can read the episode's title. I don't need to tell you. But Matt Glasser is here to talk about the life-changing Miami Vice!! There's a lot of boat talk in this episode, so if that's something you're not into, get on a train or whatever makes you happy. We'll also talk about the perks of being an adult and Matt throws his Tom Hanks into our stable of classic celebrity impressions. And then we'll ask the obvious question: What if you put a T-Rex on a boat? Oh wait, they already did that in JP2... It did not go well for anybody. Oh well here's an episode of Is It Better Than Jurassic Park?. Enjoy it with a live grenade.

  • Is Jaws Better Than Jurassic Park? 20th Episode SPECTACULAR!!! (w/ Sky Friedlander)

    03/11/2016 Duration: 57min

    Ahoy-hoy! It's our 20th episode AND our 1 year anniversary, so we brought our A game to this episode. (Well B, maybe B minus...) Boats connoisseur Sky Friedlander is back with to get into the water with Spielberg's JAWS! It's sink or swim time for old JP, as we examine the head, the tail, the whole damn thing! That's a quote from Jaws. Have you seen Jaws. You should see Jaws, it's pretty good. Is it better than Jurassic Park? Well we talk about that in the podcast. It's kind of the premise of the whole podcast. Actually we mostly get sidetracked through a whole range of topics, like selling teeth to keep yourself flush with crackers, holiday-ruining movies, the musical Starlight Express, and pretty much every piece of media that isn't Jaws. Eventually we get back to business and ask the question: Is It Better Than Jurassic Park? I know I already said that once in this episode description, but so what? Is it better than Jurassic Park. There. I did it again. That's fine. I can do what I want. I'm the one that's

  • Is Mission: Impossible Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Michael Chin)

    19/10/2016 Duration: 56min

    Hey we're back! We got caught by the Kremlin or something else spy-related but now we're not anymore so here's another episode. James and Scott welcome professional swell guy Michael Chin to the podcast to discuss a movie from his youth. And guess what? It's Mission: Impossible! If you can't hear it in his voice, James can't stop smiling during this ep because he finally gets to talk about Tom Cruise without any of us rolling our eyes constantly. (We get it James...) There's also some talk of Michael's fear of elevators, Scott surfs the web, and you'll hear a healthy heaping of hat hate. Tom Cruise probably can't outrun a velociraptor ("veloci-" is right in the name. That means fast!!!), but is Mission: Impossible better than Jurassic Park? This podcast will self-distruct in 100-a billion years. Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast Toast 

  • Is Waterworld Better Than (The Lost World:) Jurassic Park? (w/ Scott Volz)

    18/08/2016 Duration: 54min

    I really hate that man! The podcast's one true villain, Scott Volz returns to the podcast to discuss the first movie he thought of probably--1995's monumental flop Waterworld! He joins an exasperated James and Scott for a discussion of the Jurassic Park sequel The Lost World and then sidetracks them through conversations about mutated spiders, the best boat jokes, and the greatest movie about ghosts on a ship, Ghost Ship! Waterworld is a terrible movie. But is it more terrible than The Lost World: Jurassic Park? Is that what we're doing now? Seeing what's worse? Is this a race to the bottom? This podcast used to stand for something. Something good. And now... Now I just don't know anymore. This podcast is supposed to be about being better. The word "better" is in the title. Scott Volz, you ruined that. I think I hate you. Anyway, enjoy a podcast. [slow fade to black]

  • Is Coming To America Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Milly Tamarez)

    25/07/2016 Duration: 52min

    Open up this episode like Patrice opens up packages that aren't hers. On a warm, siren-filled night in Brooklyn, we put on some Sexual Chocolate and ceremoniously discussed the Eddie Murphy classic Coming To America with special guest Milly Tamarez! It's a wild ride full of plugs for Crazy Ex Girlfriend (give us money!), the Samsung S5 (give us money!!), and the hit podcast Is It Better Than Jurassic Park? (so broke). Plus we get a bonus review of Spotlight from Milly and James says "Oh man, I love putting on makeup." What does he mean by that? Why are you asking me and not just listening to the episode? Are you really that unsure of the premise that you have to examine to episode description for clues? Or are you just pretending to not know what a podcast is so you don't have to engage with me, Dad! Anyway enjoy this...   All Milly's plugs and links: -Deadass ( -Dark Down Deep Down Dark ( -Boogie Manja (http://www.boogie

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