Is It Better Than Jurassic Park?

Is Coming To America Better Than Jurassic Park? (w/ Milly Tamarez)



Open up this episode like Patrice opens up packages that aren't hers. On a warm, siren-filled night in Brooklyn, we put on some Sexual Chocolate and ceremoniously discussed the Eddie Murphy classic Coming To America with special guest Milly Tamarez! It's a wild ride full of plugs for Crazy Ex Girlfriend (give us money!), the Samsung S5 (give us money!!), and the hit podcast Is It Better Than Jurassic Park? (so broke). Plus we get a bonus review of Spotlight from Milly and James says "Oh man, I love putting on makeup." What does he mean by that? Why are you asking me and not just listening to the episode? Are you really that unsure of the premise that you have to examine to episode description for clues? Or are you just pretending to not know what a podcast is so you don't have to engage with me, Dad! Anyway enjoy this...   All Milly's plugs and links: -Deadass ( -Dark Down Deep Down Dark ( -Boogie Manja (http://www.boogie