There's Nothing Ironic About Show Choir: A Glee Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 66:06:40
  • More information



Welcome to There's Nothing Ironic About Show Choir, a podcast about the vastly divisive mega musical television hit show Glee. Every week, join Raina Deerwater and special guest co-host to discuss every episode of this beautiful disaster.


  • 4.04: "The Break-Up" (ft. Avery Richardson)

    18/12/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    All teen love must end, as this week's episode of Glee teaches us. Avery Richardson (@awitchardson) joins us and THE FIVE TIMERS CLUB of this podcast to discuss the Duncan Sheik covers, how everyone got hot, and her and Raina (@itsrainaingmen) get real about their own past break-ups.  Follow @glee_podcast for a fun time, and if you're looking for new ~content~, check out @hello_viewers!   

  • 4.03: "Makeover" (ft. Shane Taylor)

    27/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Aaaaaand we're back! Another charged episode featuring all around fun guy Shane Taylor (@teysrol) is here to talk about his relationship to his own masculinity, therapy, and a crazy little thing called Glee. Shane and Raina (@itsrainaingmen) delve into the weird choices referencing the 2012 election, the musical Annie, iconic film The Family Stone and more!  Make sure to follow Shane's live gaming show @WhodunnitLeague and also @glee_podcast on twitter. If you're new (or not) to the podcast, we would love a review on iTunes so more people can here the sweet sweet gospel of glee!   

  • 4.02: Britney 2.0 (ft. Eric McBride)

    31/08/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    Friend, coworker, Britney super-fan, and most importantly a loyal listener of this pod, Eric McBride (@mcbrideric) is on today to talk one of the most unoriginal episodes in Glee's history. He educates Raina (@itsrainaingmen) about deep cut Britney, while they gasp at the audacity of one William Schuester! "Gimme More" Britney Spears also me asking you to follow glee_podcast on twitter!!  

  • 4.01 "The New Rachel" (ft. Enrique Villena)

    17/08/2018 Duration: 58min

    SEASON FOUR BABYY!!!! Raina (@itsrainaingmen) subjects Enrique Villena (@funrique), who has only seen one (1) episode of Glee in his life to watch this whole new world. Enrique is appalled at Kate Hudson's Spanish and the lack of Jane Lynch, and Raina is there to mansplain several unfortunate incidents.  review us!!! tweet us!! @glee_podcast

  • 3.22: "Goodbye" (ft. Amy Donovan)

    03/08/2018 Duration: 52min

    SHEE'SSS BAAACKKKK!!!! Hello everybody, we are back from the self-imposed hiatus with a stunner episodes. Straight from the hills of San Francisco, special guest and president and co-founder of her high school glee club Amy Donovan (@amykdonovan) is here to talk all the way through the season finale and what should have been the series finale.  @glee_podcast and rate us on itunes now that the break has passed!!

  • 3.21: "Nationals" (ft. Sarah Barnhard)

    27/04/2018 Duration: 56min

    High School Theater expert Sarah Barnhard joins us once more to talk about Nationals!! We delve into the weirdness of Will and Emma having sex, Jonathan Groff's charisma, and the concept of a GleEGOT (Whoopi has done it!). Raina also tells a story she maybe shouldn't have told about a certain cast member's new piano bar.... Please give us a review if you want to spew nice thoughts! Follow @glee_podcast as well!! 

  • 3.20: "Props" (ft. David Carliner)

    30/03/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    With nationals just around the corner, Raina (@itsrainaingmen) is joined by David Carliner (@davidcarliner) to talk about a truly delightful freaky friday moment, and a truly abysmal Taylor Swift cover. The revel in the fact that this was an enjoyable episode while still dragging some very 2012 elements of the show.  Follow @glee_podcast for more and vote in our bracket!!!! and drop us a review if you want to be a pal!  

  • 3.19: "Prom-asaurus" (ft. Sara Chaffee)

    16/03/2018 Duration: 58min

    The real prom queen Sara Chaffee (@sarachaffee) is back to talk to Raina (@itsrainaingmen) about how this episode is simply a redux of last years prom. They also discuss how glee could never hold a candle to Buffy's prom, and Sara's love of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Tune in to see who wins the crown and which glee boys Raina thinks are the members of One Direction. Please follow @glee_podcast and check out Sara making everyone cry on the wonderful Hello Viewers! 

  • 3.18: "Choke" (ft. Rachelle Martin)

    02/03/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Conintuing the tradition of appearing on the 18th episode of each season of glee, Rachelle Martin (@racehellephant) is back in full force to talk high school anxiety, gender dynamics, her father's love of Alice Cooper, and more! She opens Raina's (@itsrainaingmen) eyes to issues of objectification and Raina teachers her what an EGOT is!  Follow @glee_podcast! Watch One Day at a Time on Netflix! Dismantle masculinity! Give us five stars!

  • 3.17 "Dance With Somebody" (ft. Alicia Carroll)

    16/02/2018 Duration: 56min

    This episode is bless with two of our greatest icons, Whitney Houston and Alicia Carroll (@aliciadcarroll). Together, we talk how Glee's tribute episode stacks up, a very unfortunate letter Madonna wrote, and Alicia teaches Raina (@itsrainaingmen) a lot about the original Newsies (@glee_podcast). 

  • 3.16: "Saturday Night Glee-ver"

    02/02/2018 Duration: 45min

    The lovely Maggie Cannan (@magztagram) is back again to discuss the highs and lows and disco infernos of "Saturday Night Glee-ver" with Raina (@itsrainaingmen) We talk Bones (spoilers abound), Freaks and Geeks, and even a little bit of Glee! We put on our boogies shoes and get down the real stuff aka why Will is still a teacher.  An FYI: This episode and the following episode were recorded before the news about Mark Salling broke. It's something that we will discuss on later episodes. As of now, if y'all needs someone to talk to, the DM's are always open

  • 3.15: "Big Brother" (ft. Mike Ross)

    19/01/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    For the monumental occasion of the first episode Raina (@itsrainaingmen) has not watched of glee, we had to travel across the country to talk to glee expert Mike "McRib" Ross (@MCRossIsNotAPun). Mike talks about his experience with glee, writing angsty tumblr poetry about Kurt and Blaine, and how Matt Bomer is a "food network gay." We are also joined by the always lovely Emily Bateman (@emilyrbateman) to discuss the ins and outs of "Big Brother." Be sure to rate and review, follow @glee_podcast on twitter, and watch Speechless on ABC!!

  • 3.14: "On My Way" (ft. Gavin Gronenthal)

    05/01/2018 Duration: 01h28min

    The historic episode in which Raina (@itsrainaingmen) finally quit glee does NOT disappoint in being an abhorrent failure in everything it tries to represent. Gavin Gronenthal (@ghgronen) returns to help her talk about how this episode is not only unfortunate storytelling, but also incredibly disrespectful. Warning: What starts out as a lighthearted conversation gets very heavy in regards to teen suicide, and if that is something you do not want to listen to on a silly podcast, feel free to skip over this one. Resources such as The Trevor Project are always available. 

  • 3.13: "Heart" (ft. Fiona Merullo)

    08/12/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    The hilarious Fiona Merullo (@fionaderulo) brings her stellar commentary to the wildly unbelievable Valentine's Day special "Heart." Having stopped watching mid-season one as teen, she is truly in awe of the quality decrease. Her and Raina (@itsrainaingmen) chat about slam poetry, Jeff Goldblum and the poor choice of "Love Shack."  Follow @glee_pocast and give us a few stars on iTunes if you are feeling the Valentine's Day spirit this December! **this episode contains spoilers for Grey's Anatomy, Mr. Robot, and GLEE***

  • 3.12: "The Spanish Teacher" (ft. Jess Morse)

    01/12/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    This week as TWO super sexy guest stars - Ricky Martin (on glee) and Jess Morse  (@hessicaa) (on this podcast). They both come bring a welcome breath of fresh air, but unfortunately Ricky is not enough to stop William Schuester from being a certified bad person, as he butchers and entire culture. Jess brings her wisdom of Will's stupidity and Raina (@itsrainaingmen) is as starstruck as the glee kids are when Ricky does an LMFAO cover. 

  • 3.11: "Michael" (ft. Avery Richardson)

    24/11/2017 Duration: 57min

    The self proclaimed Meryl Streep of this podcast, the one and only Avery Richardson (@avrahamlincoln) is back to talk all things Michael specifically how Glee went in on some weird choices in their "poor-ass" Michael Jackson tribute. Listen to her and Raina (@itrainaingmen) commiserate about Santana's awful hat and Artie's character choices.  @glee_podcast to drag Raina for forgetting who won student body president three episodes ago. AND follow @hello_viewers for some more sweet content from Avery (and also Emily).

  • 3.10 "Yes/No" (ft. Shefali Vasudevan)

    17/11/2017 Duration: 51min

    There are two proposals in this episode of glee AND two ladies who are fans of the criminally underrated film "A Cinderella Story are hear to dissect this episode. The wonderful Shefali Vasudevan (@ShefaliVasudev1) is back to talk to Raina (@itrainaingmen) all about how INAPPROPRIATE William Schuester is!! They have a blast and a half!  You can too if you follow @glee_podcast! Also be sure to check out Shefali's website that she co-founded with previous guest Rebecca Todaro, Late Homework! This podcast and a bunch of other rad art has been on it, how magical!!

  • 3.09: "Extraordinary Merry Christmas" (ft. Rebecca Todaro)

    10/11/2017 Duration: 54min

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It's time for the second Glee Christmas special and there's no one more equipped to help us through some wildly rough choices than Christmas music aficionado Rebecca Todaro (@rebby_t)! Her and Raina (@itsrainaingmen) also gab about Death Cab for Cutie, mashups Raina has made Rebecca listen to, and, as per usual, the hit show BONES!  If you want to give this podcast and early Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) present, give us a nice five gold star review on iTunes. And follow @glee_podcast!!! 

  • 3.08: "Hold on to Sixteen" (ft. Magi Calcagne)

    03/11/2017 Duration: 56min

    Third time is the charm for Sectionals! Not for the quality of the music for sure, but boy oh boy we got Magi Calcagne (@crackcalcagne) to give Raina (@itsrainaingmen) both a nice cup of boba tea and THE tea about the sexiest songs on Glee! Listen to them both loudly suck the boba and talk about how a lot of glee also loudly sucks. What doesn't suck is our twitter @glee_podcast !

  • 3.07: "I Kissed a Girl" (ft. Ryn Soorholtz)

    27/10/2017 Duration: 54min

    Iowa showchoir force (@PacificRyn) and former tumblr gay (@itsrainaingmen) join together to provide much needed commentary from queer women about Glee's not great portrayal of queer women. Hear their flaming takes on the musical Newsies and this episode's lack of Brittany S. Pierce!! They both agree you should watch One Day at a Time and follow @glee_podcast! 

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