Synopsis members sit and talk about all things happening on Big Brother 14!
Big Brother 14 Double Eviction Recap
24/08/2012 Duration: 59minRecap of the big double eviction night on Big Brother 14 that saw 2 houseguests evicted in 1 night.
Janelle's Eviction Recap with Special Guest Michele Noonan
10/08/2012 Duration: 58minJoin us this Friday as we discuss the eviction of one of Big Brother's most legendary players, Janelle Pierzina! Also we will be joined by Big Brother 11 houseguest Michele Noonan!
The Coaches are Now Players on Big Brother 14!
03/08/2012 Duration: 01h16minWe talk about the coach's coming into the Big Brother 14 game, Chick Fil A, zombie apocolypse, and feature the now legendary impression of BB14's Joe!
Special Guest Jodi Rollins from Big Brother 14!
27/07/2012 Duration: 54minBig Brother 14 houseguest Jodi Rollins joins us to give her side of the story on her time in the BB14 house!
Big Brother Rises!
20/07/2012 Duration: 58minWe talk about last nights eviction, who would be what character from Batman in the Big Brother house, and of course, Dark Knight Rises opens today so we discuss way more Batman! Its a BATMAN BIG BROTHER!