Did you grow up on the classic movies of the 80's and 90's? Shawn Pfunder and Isaac Irvine talk about these classic movies and how they impacted who we are today as adults. These movies shaped how we looked at the world and who we are as adults.
Pretty In Pink
29/05/2017 Duration: 39minOn this episode we talk about John Hughes' coming of age classic Pretty in Pink and how to handle stereotypes and unrequited love. We talk about class and style and manipulative a**holes. Isaac fantasizes about riding his bike in the rain and sitting on newspaper stands. Shawn reveals that he dated the weirdest cheerleader in high school. And they both realize that they didn't really want to be Duckie Dale at all. They wanted to be smart and unique and brave and kind. They wanted to be complicated. They wanted to be Andie Walsh. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Better Off Dead
23/05/2017 Duration: 36minI wonder if that kid ever got his two dollars. Did we ever figured out the street value of a mountain of pure snow? Shawn Pfunder @pfunder and Isaac Irvine @theisaac talk about the classic 1985 film - Better Off Dead. Does it still tell the same story as adults as it told us as teenagers? Listen in and find out. See for privacy and opt-out information.
The Breakfast Club
13/05/2017 Duration: 31minIn our first episode, Shawn Pfunder and Isaac Irvine talk about the 80's classic John Hughes film - The Breakfast Club. Find out how this movie took us to church and taught us that we're all just a little bit weird. Hear how this episode shaped us all as teens growing up in the 80's and if it holds a very different meaning re-watching it as adults. See for privacy and opt-out information.