UKPN Radio 21st October 2011
21/10/2011 Duration: 57minJoin the UKPN Radio Lads for their first Friday night live show after 18 months of Sundays! They'll be discussing weird and wonderful creatures plus much more! Join them in the interactive chat room at between 9 and 11pm (UK) 4-6 est
UKPN Radio 16th October 2011
16/10/2011 Duration: 01h59minThe UKPN Radio lads discuss The REAL Exorcist story plus much much more! Join them in their chatroom for an interactive live camera webstream and discussion.
UKPN Radio 25th September 2011
25/09/2011 Duration: 02h01minJoin us live on as we chat to Para Science's Steve Parsons. There will be an intyeractive chat room and video stream throughout the live show!
UKPN Radio 18th September 2011
18/09/2011 Duration: 02h04sJoin us on to listen and be involved with our interactive chat and visual stream during the live show! We will be joined by Spiral Paranormal's Marq English on this episode. Be there or be square!!
UKPN Radio 11th September 2011
11/09/2011 Duration: 01h59minJoin the interactive fun on The lads will be joined by UPIA and Phenomena Magazines Dave Sadler!