Facebook Answerman

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:22:52
  • More information



The Facebook AnswerMan will answer all of your Facebook related questions! Please submit questions to the show to get them answered. Ask your questions at www.FacebookAnswerman.com


  • Remembering Kyle Lake - 10 Years Later

    30/10/2015 Duration: 20min

    My yearly tribute to my dear friend Kyle Lake who was tragically killed in a freak accident while baptizing a member of his church. Please listen and share.

  • Remember Kyle Lake - 9 Years Later

    30/10/2014 Duration: 18min

    Today I remember my friend Kyle Lake. Kyle died suddenly on October 30, 2005. He was a father, husband, son, pastor, friend and great guy.. Please listen and share.

  • Copyblogger's Epic Fail!

    23/10/2014 Duration: 35min

    Recently the huge site Copyblogger decided to delete their Facebook page. While this is their decision for sure I think it's a huge mistake and I hope others don't follow their lead. This is more about poor management than a problem with Facebook.

  • @Scobleizer says: Don't Post Crap!

    22/05/2014 Duration: 24min

    I was following along with a post that Robert Scoble made about a musician friend bitching about the Facebook news feed and how no one saw his posts. Robert gives some amazing free advise on the post and I want to talk about it today. www.facebookanswerman.com

  • Win a Free book on my Birthday!

    09/05/2014 Duration: 05min

    Today, May 9th is my birthday! 39..uggg.. In celebration I'm giving away a signed copy of Facebook All-In-One for Dummies! Listen to find out how.

  • FB Newswire Should PISS You Off!

    01/05/2014 Duration: 09min

    Facebook's announcement about FB Newswire seems like a direct contraction from a previous statement they made about the newsfeed. .And I'm kinda pissed off!

  • Did Facebook Kill Timeline Contests?

    23/04/2014 Duration: 20min

    Facebook made some recent changes to the news feed algorithm that might kill the newly popular "Timeline Contests".

  • Is Facebook Trying to Screw You?

    03/04/2014 Duration: 28min

    Lots of people are complaining that Facebook is screwing businesses with all the changes to the news feed algorithm. Are they correct?Facebook, Facebook ads, Facebook news feed, Facebook posts

  • 9 Ways to Game the Facebook News Feed

    20/03/2014 Duration: 31min

    http://facebookanswerman.com/38Page owners often complain that Facebook is dead, when the reach of their posts plummets.Fewer fans are seeing content from some businesses, and those companies are crying foul. They claim Facebook is out to get page owners by charging them money to show posts to more fans.For those complaining, I have this advice:Stop whining & do something about it!Complaints won’t get you anywhere.It’s time we all take control of our pages — and here are 9 ways to get your Facebook posts in front of more fans.

  • 5 Reasons to Not Do MLM on Facebook

    06/03/2014 Duration: 25min

    http://facebookanswerman.com/37 Raise your hand if you or someone you know on Facebook posts often about a product they are selling?Put your hand down silly — people are going to think you’re nuts!On a daily basis I see friends and family members posting on Facebook about the newest product they are selling.Maybe it’s candles, weight loss supplements, electricity, cell phones, 3D eye lashes or whatever.While there’s nothing wrong with being involved with an MLM company it becomes rather obnoxious when all you talk about on your profile is the latest wares you are peddling.Don’t get me wrong times are tough and I’m all for people making a buck — and I’m all for MLM/Direct Sell companies.In fact I’ve been a member of many MLM companies and learned some hard lessons of what to do and not do on Facebook when it comes to selling.

  • De-Bunking the "Facebook Fraud" Video

    28/02/2014 Duration: 30min

    You've likely seen by now the "Facebook Fraud" video by Veritasium.Millions have viewed the video and now consider it gospel. But I think it's complete crap! Find out in this episode.

  • 7 Proven Ways to Get More Facebook Likes

    20/02/2014 Duration: 28min

    Perhaps one of the toughest things for any Facebook page owner — especially new ones — is growing a fan base.4-5 years ago on Facebook building a page happened faster as there were less pages competing for our attention.Today however business must have a clear plan in place to grow a sustainable fan base that is both growing and engaged.But how does someone do this? Find out in today's show. Read more at www.facebookanswerman.com/35

  • Photoshop Is Dead to me! Use Canva!

    14/02/2014 Duration: 10min

    I suck at graphics and hate trying to figure out Photoshop. But with this new site called Canva I can now create great looking graphics on the go! Plus if you listen in you can find out how to get $10 in free credits! You an also go to this link to find it: http://facebookanswerman.com/34

  • Stop Bitching About Facebook Changes!

    07/02/2014 Duration: 25min

    http://facebookanswerman.com/3399% of the time the past year or so I’ve bit my tongue when I hear Facebook page owners and other Social Media Marketers/Mangers griping about Facebook changes.Pre-2013 I would complain about everything and call everyone out when I thought they were being stupid.But I found that no one likes “that guy” and I had become known by many as a griper and complainer — which was never my intention.I simply thought I was being helpful, but discovered I was actually hurting myself in the long run.But I have to speak up for a moment about something that is really bugging the crap out of me…And it’s all of the Facebook page owners and Social Media “Experts” griping about changes to the Facebeook news feed algorithm for pages.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH PEOPLE!!!

  • 7 Ways to Increase Sales on Facebook

    22/01/2014 Duration: 30min

    http://facebookanswerman.com/31 Often times on Facebook marketing related blogs the tips and advice given really only applies to online businesses.Most of the so called “experts” giving the advice only run a page for their training in the social media niche so when advice is given about how something worked for them many times it does not apply in the real world…I’ve always been bothered by this and that’s why typically the tips you get from me are real world tips based on my experience running a small business page on Facebook.I’ve helped local businesses with Facebook and currently run 2 of my own small business pages that are geared towards local customers.Running a page hyper targeted locally is 1000 times different than running a Facebook page that teaches you how to market.There are different challenges, different tactics and different methods that must be applied.Today let’s talk about 7 ways your local business can use Facebook to increase sales.

  • Remembering Kyle Lake - 8 Years Later

    30/10/2013 Duration: 13min

    This event has been hard, real hard for me. On one hand I understand where he's gone and I know he has received he gift that we all long for. But, on the other hand I'm overwhelmed at time with grief and anger. I either want to laugh about the jokes and stories Kyle used to tell over a burger and shuffleboard at Crickets, or cry, no sob, over the loss of perhaps one of the most influential people in my past, or I get so pissed off I cuss at God and want to give up this whole damn thing we call religion. Why would our God allow something like this to happen to a man of God who is doing His work?? Just makes no sense to me...I think what pains me most is that I never took the opportunity to tell Kyle how much he meant to me and how much he influenced me. It's funny how we don't realize those things until something tragic happens.. We get so wrapped up and caught up in ourselves, and our own pursuits that we forget to pause and thank the ones that got us here. So, I want to take a moment and publicly thank Kyle

  • HUGE Facebook Contest Rule Changes!

    28/08/2013 Duration: 16min

    Facebook just made a huge announcement and changed the rules regarding Facebook pages. No longer are you required to run a contest via a 3rd party app. This IMHO kills contest app companies.It’s now Easier to Administer Promotions on FacebookWe’ve updated our Pages Terms in order to make it easier for businesses of all sizes to create and administer promotions on Facebook. Here’s what Page administrators need to know:We’ve removed the requirement that promotions on Facebook only be administered through appsNow, promotions may be administered on Page Timelines and in apps on Facebook. For example, businesses can now:Collect entries by having users post on the Page or comment/like a Page postCollect entries by having users message the PageUtilize likes as a voting mechanismAs before, however, businesses cannot administer promotions on personal Timelines.Accurate tagging is required in promotionsIn order to maintain the accuracy of Page content, our Pages Terms now prohibit Pages from tagging or encouraging peop

  • Is Facebook's Edgerank Dead??? Find Out.

    09/08/2013 Duration: 29min

    Facebook had a press conference this week and revealed for the first time what makes up the news feed algorithm. Along with the new transperancy was announced new elements that determine this algoritm, which ultimately shows you what you see when on Facebook.I'll also give you my rant of the week and find out what my page of the week is!I'll also tell you how to get targeted fans to increase your Reach.To learn more about Facebook ads go to http://facebookanswerman.com/fbadmistakesTo find out more about Post Planner go to www.postplanner.comCheck out Shortstack at www.facebook.com/shortstacklab

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