Polar Eyes is a podcast where alumni, experts and educators of the Students On Ice Foundation share experiences and insights from across the polar
Listening Deeper
12/04/2017 Duration: 29minLike an symphony orchestra, our world is a rich, vibrant auditory landscape filled with the sounds and frequencies of all things. How do these sounds affect us? How are natural soundscapes evolving, and how can we record and protect them? In this episode, Nick Castel helps us listen deeper to the audio of the polar regions with the help of bio-acousticians, musicians and SOI alumni from around the world. Featuring the natural sounds of seal, whale, kittiwake, glaciers, waterfalls, throat singing, expedition sounds, and one of the most silent places in the world. Layered with the music of Ian Tamblyn, Katya Potapov and Charlie Panigoniak. Give us a message to download Gordon Hempton's book "Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox", a guide to natural sound design.