It a preaching podcast. You click the play button and listen to a frank sermon. Can't get much simpler than that!
Robert Brown - Sermon On Luke 19 28 - 40
22/03/2016 Duration: 15minRobert Brown's Palm Sunday sermon contemplating Earthly Glory vs. The Glory of the Cross
Robert Brown - Sermon on Luke 22:39-46
14/03/2016 Duration: 16minRobert Brown's sermon on Luke 22:39-46. Potentially a Maundy Thursday sermon, but done in conjunction with a series on the last hours of Jesus' life (this is the 5th and final in the series).
Robert Brown - Sermon On The Nails And The Cross
11/03/2016 Duration: 18minThis is a bonus episode because Robert preached twice this week! The sermon isn't on a particular scripture but more a object from scripture - the nails and the cross of the crucifixion!
Robert Brown - Sermon on Luke 22:35-38
07/03/2016 Duration: 19minA sermon on Luke 22:35-38, Part 4 of a sermon series on the final hours of Christ's life on Earth. Also, a bit of thought on Luke 22:36b and literally arming oneself.
Robert Brown - Sermon on Luke 22:24-34
06/03/2016 Duration: 17minThis is a sermon on Luke 22:24-34, the 3rd part of a series on the last hours of Jesus' life.