Do you want to become fluent in English? Our host, Scott from New York, will teach you everything you need to know about both spoken & conversation English!Subscribe today and start your journey to speaking better English!
08 - Speak English faster by using "kinda"
24/12/2014 Duration: 03minDo you want to learn how to speak English faster? Today we learn how to use the English Slang "kinda."
07 - What does a "perk" mean in spoken English?
23/12/2014 Duration: 03minIf you have a job, you are going to want to know what a "perk" means in English. Listen today and learn more at
06 - Advanced English - Are you going nuts?
22/12/2014 Duration: 05minToday we have an advanced English lesson. We talk about a news story and going nuts.... Learn more at
05 - What is the most popular TV show in America?
19/12/2014 Duration: 04minDo you know what the most popular TV show is in the USA? Listen to our learn spoken and conversation English podcast to find out! Go to for more free daily english lesson!
04 - What does Nerdy mean in English?
18/12/2014 Duration: 02minIn todays Spoken English lesson we teach you how to use the English slang "nerdy." Remember to check out for more daily English lessons.
03 - Stop messing around!
17/12/2014 Duration: 02minAre you interested in learning spoken and converation English? Check out this show to learn about the phrase "stop messing around!" We give lots of great examples and teach you everything you need to know!
02 - I Can't Breath?!?
16/12/2014 Duration: 03minAre you interested in learning news or spoken English? In today’s show we teach you about a news story that took place in the America. Listen and subscribe to learn more.
What does "Don't Worry About It" mean in English?
15/12/2014 Duration: 03minDo you know what don't worry about it means in English? In this epiosde we discuss how to use this type of conversation english and how to use it. Remember to visit our website for more notes and a video about this show.