The only role-playing podcast where YOU are in control!
Episode 17 – Revelations
16/03/2018 Duration: 01h30minOur heroes find themselves on the cusp of getting the answers they need. Ricken deep below the Goblin Academy converses with the mysterious goblin Arbor, an occult specialist with a scientific mind. In his attempt to create a more perfect being Arbor used his own essence to create the goblin Becky, bestowing them with dangerous powers. Above in the dormitory Aiden and Cricket contemplate their next move. Why had Aiden become so brash, what doe he know the others don't?
Episode 15 – The Faceless
17/01/2018 Duration: 02h47sTalk about a cliffhanger! After our adventurers won their first round in the Bone Fighting Tournament, they set off for their lodgings courtesy of Romaine. Along the way, Aiden feeling jaded from his party members bonding, took it upon himself to investigate the Faceless One and Mr. Bones as they wandered into a secluded part ofGoblin Academy. Seeing his dash away from the group Cricket and Ricken split up to find Aiden and Romaine who had requested a meeting in the Central Observatory. Will our heroes find each other before fate strikes its cruel hand? Will Ricken survive the Central Observatory alone? Find out this week(month..... again so sorry for the lateness) ON CHOOSE MY OWN ADVENTURE! We are sponsored by Audible this week. Audible is the premier destination for audiobooks, podcast and even radio programs. For people on the go or folks who need something longer lasting then a single music track, Audible can provide an escape to another world! For our listeners we are offering a free audiobook with t
Episode 14 – Who is Ironheart?
31/10/2017 Duration: 02h36minThe first bout begins! Who will come on top? Ricken and company playing as the Chimera? or the new challenger, IRONHEART? FIND OUT THIS WEEK on CHOOSE MY OWN ADVENTURE! This week we are sponsored by AUDIBLE!, use the link: WWW.AUDIBLETRIAL.COM/CMOA to get your free audiobook! Cancel anytime! We also are sponsored by RPG ARMORY! Customer service is always a top priority, and if you need dice or an amazing Dice Bag, that blooms like a flower???? WHAT!? Then find them on Facebook at or search RPG Armory on Amazon! Don’t forget to follow CMOA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! @CMOApodcast
Episode 13 – The Three Eyed Newt
07/10/2017 Duration: 02h04minReturning to their search the group arrived at the Chop Shop to meet with Petul and build their bone constructs. During this process Petul told them the story of his youth, as well as some interesting information about our fuzzy blue mammal. The party reunites with some familiar faces, and get to FINALLY spend some of that good good dosh. Follow us online @CMOAPODCAST for Instagram and Twitter And Find us on Facebook for regular updates as Choose My Own Adventure!
Episode 12 – You’ve Got Muscles, the Rise of Snake Benjamin
25/08/2017 Duration: 02h02minOur Adventure takes a curious turn, as our group finds themselves having to create not only new personas, but also bone constructs ready for the Bone Pit fighting Championship! Along the way they discover Magic Gatorade, Fancy Goblin Bedais, and The Muscles of Champions!
Episode 11: The Mysterious Mr. Bones, The Final Fight of the Manticore.
11/08/2017 Duration: 02h24minOur Adventure begins with a spectral fight, as our heroes with Batu in tow fight a shadow wolf guarding a mysterious blood symbol in Kale's secret chamber. Will they survive this encounter? Will they ever reach the bone-fighting tournament? Will they meet the coolest Bone Supplier in Torpor? And who is this Manticore fellow? Is it Vince McMann? Hulk? Check out this week on CHOOSE MY OWN ADVENTURE! SPONSORED THIS WEEK BY AUDIBLE! VISIT WWW.AUDIBLETRIAL.COM/CMOA FOR A FREE AUDIOBOOK!
Episode 10 – Extracurricular Activities
29/07/2017 Duration: 01h40minFate and Destiny are altered when three Heroes spin the wheel and take upon themselves to explore the vast realm of Feyris. Traveling through towns, forests and vast plains the adventurers Aiden Deepbrooke, Cricket Moonleaf, and Ricken Graves have finally made it to the Magical city of Torpor. Quickly detained at the city's entrance, the city guard's believe Ricken is a recent missing person! And Whats this about KALE? Some kind of Superfood party? Check this week on CHOOSE MY OWN ADVENTURE! Sponsored this week by Audible! Visit for a free audiobook!
Episode 9 : The Jewel of the Ariboor Plains, onward to Torpor!
15/07/2017 Duration: 01h37minFinally, the group hits the final leg in their trip to Torpor. After a quick jewelry run, the group shares some of their inner turmoil and their theories about the future together. Cricket contemplates what what she wants to share. This week we are sponsored by AUDIBLE!, use the link: WWW.AUDIBLETRIAL.COM/CMOA to get your free audiobook! Cancel anytime! We also are sponsored by RPG ARMORY! Customer service is always a top priority, and if you need dice or an amazing Dice Bag, that blooms like a flower???? WHAT!? Then find them on Facebook at or search RPG Armory on Amazon! Don’t forget to follow CMOA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! @CMOApodcast
Episode 8 – The Song of the Forest
29/06/2017 Duration: 02h14minThis week we are sponsored by AUDIBLE!, use the link: WWW.AUDIBLETRIAL.COM/CMOA to get your free audiobook! Cancel anytime! The gang's all together again! But it seems their reunion won't be celebrated as they are sent to fetch a powerful artifact, a new friend in tow. Will this Half Orc Bard bring joy and song or misery and deceit? Find out this week on CHOOSE MY OWN ADVENTURE! Guest : Fiona W Dunn! Find her work: Her Webcomic Verdancy: Or her social media: @FIONAWDUNN Don't forget to follow CMOA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! @CMOApodcast
Episode 7 – The Fortune’s Prize
15/06/2017 Duration: 49minIn this episode we return to Cricket and Aiden's festivities with Taryn's band of Merry Men( and Women!) They encounter a mysterious wagon and its cargo within. We apologize for the shortness of this episode but i can promise you the next one makes up for it in kind! Don't Forget to Rate and Subscribe and vist us on the web @ or at www. You can also find us on Twitter @choosemypodcast, Instagram @choosemyownadventure or Facebook!
Episode 6 – Ricken’s First Date
07/06/2017 Duration: 01h33minOh No! Ricken and Sevis have found themselves separated from Cricket and Aiden! Will they survive the horrors that await them or will they reside forever in goblin solitude? Will their romance bloom into a green skinned flower, or will their hearts be shattered like the ruins around them? I guess you'll have to listen and find out in this episode of "CHOOSE MY OWN ADVENTURE!" Guests: Zak Guder - returning as Sevis and John Golden - as Chet. You can find John's webcomic BoneMen at Or follow him on Instagram @johnpgolden We are also sponsored by the RPG Armory - you can find their dice and bag sets here at: or in the amazon store here: I thoroughly enjoy the Blossoming dice bag they have on there it really does hold a lot of dice and acts as a rolling platform so you don't scuff your table. Also if you listen in this episode we rolled like gods so these dice are no joke. Check em out and support the show i
Episode 5 – Wine, Women, and Ted
26/05/2017 Duration: 01h16minOh No! Where did Ricken and Sevis go? What will Cricket and Aiden do without their lovely goblin accomplice? Apparently sweet arrow tricks and river dancing? Either way Ted is there and he's giving the group all sorts of Heeby Jeebies and maybe a prophecy? Its a lot of fun and backstory happening this week on Choose My Own Adventure!
Episode 4 – Sevis the Menace
10/05/2017 Duration: 01h05minAfter a lengthy encounter with the dark and weird Baltheron our heroes continue on their original quest to Torpor. Along the way the gang finds some new fly-ass threads, equipment and potentially a new ally? Guess you'll have to find out in Choose My Own Adventure! Guest : Zak Guder
Episode 3.8 Final Chapter Prologue – a.k.a. the Bathroom Brawl
25/04/2017 Duration: 58minOur group is separated, the perfect opportunity to strike! In a melee of epic proportions, the group fights against the murderous Baltheron in the bathhouse. Aiden is scared, Cricket is naked, and Ricken is learning to care for their comrads. Can the group survive the aqueous encounter?
Episode 3 – The One with a Bunch of NPC’s
18/04/2017 Duration: 01h16minNow that our heroes have made it to Rockledge they have some business to take care of. Mainly meeting everyone in town and trying to pawn off these cursed weapons. Is anyone stupid enough to take them off our hero's hands?
Episode 2 – Unbearable Situation
15/04/2017 Duration: 01h24minOur Adventurers set off in earnest to find their acquaintances stolen items. What awaits them at their destination, and why does it smell like wet fur?
Episode 1 – How I Met Your Goddess
13/04/2017 Duration: 01h10minChoose My Own Adventure Our Adventurers find themselves in bodies different then they were before. With no memory of their past lives or how they got here, Cricket, Aiden, and Ricken must work together to find out their mysterious origin. Why are they together and why is Aiden so confused about the local geography. Tune in every other week for Choose My Own Adventure!