Techquila is a podcast where nerds talk about tech and take a shot of tequila every ten minutes! We try to keep the podcast to around an hour but sometimes go over or under (usually over). We cover a wide range of topics including consumer electronics, developing technologies, gaming, science research, and how they affect our lives.
Techquila Take: Pokemon Sword & Shield
24/11/2019 Duration: 25minDusty Hill ,from the pokemon podcast Prize Count, joins me to talk about Pokemon Sword and Shield and why these games are *awesome*
58: The Economy of Smartphones
26/07/2019 Duration: 02h01minHolden and Mike join me to talk about the economy of smartphones from material mining to the end of their lifecycle and we got pretty fucking drunk doing it. --- Reach out to the podcast at: [Patreon]( [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitch]( [Youtube]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Facebook]( [Email -]( --- Citations: [The spiralling environmental cost of our lithium battery addiction]( [Is your phone tainted by the misery of the 35,000 children in Congo's mines?]( [You can’t buy an ethical smartphone today](https://www.en
57: Pokémon Ranking Tier List - THE DEFINITIVE RANKING
09/07/2019 Duration: 02h52minOn Techquila Episode 57 Jo and Jose join me to take on the task of coming up with THE OBJECTIVE ranking of Pokemon games! [Watch the video here on Youtube!]( [Check out our final ranking here!]( --- Reach out to the podcast at: [Patreon]( [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitch]( [Youtube]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Facebook]( [Email -](
Sober Thougths: Pokemon Direct
17/06/2019 Duration: 35minI have Jordan and Britney join me to talk about the Pokemon Direct on 6.5.19! This was before the Nintendo Direct that gave us more info so we didn't include that. [Pokemon Direct 6.5.19 Sword and Shield)]( Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
Sober Thoughts: WWDC 2019
09/06/2019 Duration: 35minMiachel Caputo and Holden DePardo join me to talk about our highlights of WWDC! [Mike's preview of iPadOS (timestamped at mous accesability)]( --- Mike is at [@Tech247tv]( and Holden is at [@RespawnAimFire]( --- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
56: Pokémon Queer Fandom (Pt. 1)
27/05/2019 Duration: 01h15minJo Padilla and Kyle Nolla join me to talk about the Queer fandom of Pokémon, and I have a couple interviews with folks from the Slack community of the Pokémon podcast It's Super Effective! [The queerest moments in Pokémon history and why LGBTI people connect to it]( [all Pokemon are gay and trans]( [All (or most) of James' Crossdressing in Anime]( [The Player Makes the Avatar Makes the Player - Kyle's Article]( [Pokémon X/Y Might Feature a Transgender Character]( --- Kyle is at [@DrPiggyPhd ]( --- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitt
Sober Thoughts: Pixel 3a
16/05/2019 Duration: 41minThis week Mike Caputo and Holden DePardo join me to chat about the Pixel 3a and our takeaways from Google's announcement! --- Mike is at [@caputo]( and Holden is at [@Holdendepardo]( --- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
55: YouTube, a Colorful Cast of Freethinkers, Misfits, and Nazis
25/04/2019 Duration: 01h53minOn Techquila Episode 55 Ashley and Eric join me to talk about the colorful cast of miscreants that inhabit the Youtube sphere (as well as some gems). We get off topic several times, but this is a depressing topic so we needed the comic relief. We did our best to cover the bases of what we think is super important *now*. [00:03:01](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:03:01) - What we’re drinking [00:05:04](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:05:04) - Background [00:08:49](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:08:49) - Notre Dame Fire [00:12:06](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:12:06) - The Great Radicalizer [00:25:51](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:25:51) - 2 Chainz Most Expensivest Shit [00:27:50](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:27:50) - Joe Rogan [00:37:56](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:37:56) - Liquor & Sotol [00:45:12](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:45:12) - PewDie fucking Pie [00:56:43](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:56:43) - Step Your Pussy Up! [00:58:52](http://
54: Music Streaming Services & Avoiding Facebook/Google
09/04/2019 Duration: 01h56minOn this episode Casey Mendoza joins me (for the first time) to talk about music streaming. All the big players (of course we talked about Deezer). We also chat about privacy and how to (begin) avoiding Facebook and Google. ------------- Casey is at [@CaseyMdoza ]( and []( ------------- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
53: Assembling Nintendo Labo Pt. 4
02/04/2019 Duration: 01h28min[Watch this episode on YouTube!]( I'm joined by Kyle Nolla and Chad Innis yet again in another installment of us drunkenly assembling Nintendo Labo! ------------- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
Sober Thoughts: Poké Talk!
24/03/2019 Duration: 01h05minI'm joined by Kyle and Joe (first time) to talk about the Pokemon Sword & Shield announcement and anything pokemon related that our little hearts desired! We talk about everything from the announcement itself to starter evolutions, hopes, and rumors! Had a lot of fun, I hope to have these folks on again when more Sword & Shield info is revealed! Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
52: Assembling Nintendo Labo Pt. 3
04/03/2019 Duration: 40min[Watch this episode on YouTube!]( I'm joined by David Montes and Eric Earley in yet another installment of us drunkenly assembling Nintendo Labo! ------------- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
51: Prime and Punishment - Dildos en Fuego
04/02/2019 Duration: 01h46minDante and Chad join me this episode to chat about video games, FB, Amazon, and dildos. And CHAD DRANK FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER. As always these guys are too fucking fun. [00:05:34](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:05:34) - Metroid Prime 4 [00:15:01](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:15:01) - Facebook & Google Certificates Revoked on Apple App Store [00:25:51](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:25:51) - Anthem [00:44:50](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:44:50) - FB merging Whatsapp, Messenger, Insta DMs [00:51:20](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:51:20) - Prime and Punishment [01:04:32](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=01:04:32) - [LOL]( [01:08:50](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=01:08:50) - Light Phone 2 [01:16:34](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=01:16:34) - Deorbital [01:21:46](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=01:21:46) - YIIK & She Dreams Elsewhere [01:32:53](http://localhost/#pla
50: Smash Bros. Extravaganza - Safe Space
21/01/2019 Duration: 01h52minHoly shit, this one was too fun and too long... It's episode 50!!! And with me to celebrate are Kyle Nolla, Alex Cohen, and Eric Schulkin. We talk about an awesome Twitch charity for a trans support org, the fucking Gillete ad, the infuriating lack of gamecube games/virtual console on the Switch, and for our main topic we talk A LOT about Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. In our Smash conversation Kyle tells us about how Nintendo is interacting with the Smash Brothers grassroots scene, her PhD research (in which she studies Smash Bros. play), as well as her direct experiences with sexism as a researcher and commentator. We also talk about how awesome the game is, like a lot. [00:03:37](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:03:37) - Gilette Ad [00:09:19](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:09:19) - [HBomberguy]( Donkey Kong 64 Charity Stream for [Mermaids]( Trans Support Org Sidenote: [FUCKING
49: CES 2019
13/01/2019 Duration: 01h33minMike Caputo and Jayna Fontenot join me to shoot the shit on what we found interesting, dumb, and creepy during the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show! We talk about Google Assistant, Apple Airplay, TV tech, and much more. [Link here for the LOL moment!]( ------------- Mike is at [tech247tv]( Jayna and the Pretty Witty Podcast is at [@PrettyWittyPod]( ------------- Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
48: Labor in the Modern Tech World
20/11/2018 Duration: 01h27minDante Douglas and Nina Hernandez join me to talk about labor in the tech industry! It's a complicated subject and I've got some smart folks here with me to help break it down! We talk specifically about Tesla, Amazon, and the gaming industry. (The Google walkout was on the list but we went over time. Also Nina had to slip out early at the end, I tried to edit that out as covertly as possible.) [00:03:57](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:03:57) - Tesla [00:22:56](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:22:56) - Amazon [00:49:28](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:49:28) - Gaming Dante is at [@VideoDante]( and []( Nina is at [@NeenThirteen]( Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](mailto:techquilapodcast@gm
Sober Thoughts: New iPad Pro
10/11/2018 Duration: 41minChad Innis (from Respawn Aim Fire) and Alex Cohen join me to talk about the Apple announcement and try to convince me to buy Alex's old iPad Pro! [02:30](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=02:30) - New Mac Mini [05:30](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=05:30) - New Macbook Air [12:17](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=12:17) - New iPad Pro Reach out to the podcast at: [Reddit - /r/Techquila]( [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Patreon - Techquila]( [Email -](
47: Tech-in-TV, Kanye 5.0, Rumor Mill is Back!
21/10/2018 Duration: 01h25minAshley Robinson (from Pretty Witty Podcast) and Eric Schulkin join me to talk about Tech in television and a slew of other topics! [00:03:23](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:03:23) - Pixel 3 [00:06:20](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:06:20) - Google Pixel USB-C Earbuds [00:10:09](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:10:09) - New Palm Phone [00:24:11](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:24:11) - Facebook Portal [00:30:43](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:30:43) - Facebook Lied About Video Metrics [00:36:50](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:36:50) - Tech-in-TV [01:02:50](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=01:02:50) - Suggested Apps [01:13:01](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:24:11) - Rumor Mill is Back! Reach out to me at: [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Email -]( [Reddit - /r/Techquila](
Sober Thoughts: Pixel 3, Pixel Slate, Google Home Hub
13/10/2018 Duration: 01h07minThis episode Holden DePardo (from Respawn, Aim, Fire) and Daniel Yun join me to talk about the Google announcement. We break down our thoughts on each product and what the significance of each is. Also the "not pink" color is pretty dope! [00:01:20](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:01:20) - Beginning of the Google Presentation [00:08:40](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:08:40) - Google Home Hub [00:19:16](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:19:16) - Pixel Slate [00:35:01](http://localhost/#playerJumpTo=00:35:01) - Pixel 3 Reach out to me at: [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Email -]( [Reddit - /r/Techquila](
46: Apple Announcement & Android vs iOS (Very Drunkenly)
26/09/2018 Duration: 02h08minOoOoF. This is a long one! Holden DePardo (from Respawn, Aim, Fire) joins me today to talk about the Apple announcement (iPhones & Watch) and more importantly we *rant* about iOS vs Android while getting *drunk*. Guess that's what this podcast is about? 00:06:10 - iPhone XS, XS Max, XR 00:30:55 - Apple Watch Series 4 00:42:15 - Android vs. iOS ??:??:?? - Too fucking drunk to be coherent Reach out to me at: [Twitter - @TechquilaCast]( [Email -]( [Reddit - /r/Techquila](