Autumn Miles Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 297:32:39
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Autumn Miles is a speaker, author, wife and mother. She's the founder and CEO of The Blush Network, the host of The Autumn Miles Show, the author of Appointed, and a premier contributor for The Blaze.


  • Episode 211: Q&A with Autumn - Seasons of busyness, hearing audibly from the Lord, and claiming promises from Scripture

    24/09/2024 Duration: 46min

    Join Autumn as she answers YOUR questions! From personal questions to deep theological questions, Autumn brings wisdom in each answer to your awesome questions!   Bible References: 1 Samuel 3 Joshua 6:16 James 1:5 1 Corinthians 10:13 John 10 Hebrews 13:5 Phil 1:6   Links from the show BOOKS:  SPEAKING:  MERCH:   If you have a suggestion for the ministry, a question for Autumn, a testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook:  Instagram:    Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

  • Episode 210: If God has told you something WEIRD, what do you do? Where do you go?

    17/09/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Has God ever given you something that is so hard to wrap your mind around? You’re looking at something God has told you, and you’re saying, “I have no idea how to make sense of this! It’s weird, it feels icky, and I don’t understand it.” You have no idea what to do with it. Jesus told his disciples one of the weirdest things to understand in John 6, which led them to have to decide if they stay with Jesus or withdraw from him. Jesus had already showed them his miracles before he told them something that shocked them. When God gives us a hard saying, what do you do?   Monologue: Autumn welcomes fall with an incredible fishing story about her son, Moses.  Message: Autumn encourages believers to trust God even when He has said something that makes no sense. Question: “Is salvation once and for all or can someone walk away from the Lord and lose their salvation?” Praise Report: A listener shares how she and her husband have strived for unity and God showcases His faithfulness to them.   Bible References: 2 Samuel

  • Episode 209: When Deliverance is a PROCESS

    10/09/2024 Duration: 59min

    Sometimes deliverance looks like a parting of a Red Sea and you simply walk through. But what about those times when it’s a process? Peter, imprisoned and in need of a supernatural act of God to achieve freedom, was not given an instantaneous deliverance. The angel of the Lord walked him out in small, bite-sized, easy steps. He told Peter to put on his shoes, to gird himself, to put on his cloak, and take one step at a time to the outside. Maybe the deliverance you’re praying for isn’t going to show up in one big miracle, but God will take you through a step-by-step process that leads to your freedom. If you need a supernatural act of God to get you out of whatever prison cell you are in, this message is for you.   Monologue: Autumn welcomes fall with an incredible fishing story about her son, Moses.  Message: Autumn describes the process that the angel of the Lord took Peter to bring him to deliverance from an inescapable prison. Question: “What do you do when you believe God has confirmed a promise over and

  • Episode 208: FEAR NOT Part 4 - Trust what you DON’T see more than what you DO see.

    03/09/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    Jacob, terrified, acted upon what he heard from his messengers instead of what God’s word to him was. When we receive news of situations that we will have to face, it LACKS context. Esau was never meeting with Jacob to kill him, but Jacob could not shake it. God told Jacob that He was protecting him and has already gone before him. When God tells you to face your fears, He has a blessing for you that follows. ALL of His promises are for your good.     Monologue: Autumn shares how her kids are impacted when she advocates for them, just as God steps in for His children.  Message: Autumn encourages believers to have faith that God will do what He said He was going to do, even when the news sounds like you should be fearful. Question: “What do you do when you believe God has confirmed a promise over and over again but you are still in a waiting season? I’m starting to feel less confident and more crazy!” Praise Report: A listener thanks Autumn for being a vessel God has used to encourage them during their wildern

  • Episode 207: FEAR NOT Part 3 - Before Jacob could receive all that he was blessed to have, he had to face what he feared the most.

    27/08/2024 Duration: 54min

    Jacob received the blessing of his father and his father before him, but not without his brother threatening to kill him in revenge for Jacob’s deceit. God knew that before Jacob could become who he was blessed to be, he had to face his brother. The fear kept him from experiencing all the blessings that he was to have. Sometimes, we as believers can find ourselves cherry-picking verses from the Bible to live by and believe. But what about the verses about anxiety and fear? Be anxious for nothing, don’t worry about tomorrow, do not fear for He will be with you. We know these, but do we live by them as much as we live as saved, sanctified, and set apart? We must face the fear. It’s not a fun challenge, but we must overcome it. This episode of the Fear Not series is the first half of part 3.    Monologue: Autumn recaps settling her oldest in her new college dorm room.  Message: Autumn recounts a personal testimony and a moment in the Bible when God gave specific instructions to face a deadly fear. Question: “Hav

  • Episode 206: FEAR NOT Part 2 - The threats you DON’T see should prove to you how much you shouldn’t fear the ones you do see.

    20/08/2024 Duration: 01h50s

    Jesus didn’t just send His disciples into a storm, He MADE them get into the boat, TWICE. But what’s even more interesting about Jesus forcing His disciples to face a storm is what Jesus completely blocked His disciples from being threatened by.  God does the same thing with us. Whatever storm we are facing today, whatever scary situation has our in a chokehold, it bears no weight against the authority of the Almighty who has already blocked things from being a threat to you and you don’t even know it. The disciples had no idea that the people wanted to make Jesus king after He fed the five thousand, but Jesus knew it was a threat to His disciples and to His ministry. God used the storm He MADE the disciples face to show them a greater understanding of Who He is. We should not fear whatever “storm” God has led us to, because He has something He wants to show us.    Monologue: Autumn celebrates her older son’s 16th birthday and shares a new special tradition she started for sending off her oldest to college. 

  • Episode 205: FEAR NOT Part 1 - Live in GOD’S Facts, Not the Lies of Fear

    13/08/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    What does the world fear? We might think of divorce, bankruptcy, illness, and other things, and we would find that these are things that we, a believing remnant, might also fear. But what does GOD say? What are His facts? He commands us to “fear not,” but how do we do that when we face traumatic, horrible, hard things? We need to look to God’s Word to reassure ourselves that God is the solution to every problem we could ever face in this world. The world tells us to fear. But we, believers, have the stability of hope that the world does not, because God is right beside us and is the solution.    Monologue: Autumn gives an update on how the back-to-school preparations are going in the Miles household.  Message: Autumn shares the last two steps for what to do when the new season makes you nervous. Question: “How do you let go?” Praise Report: A listener shares how in spite of the terrible and traumatic circumstances, God’s provisions for her in her wilderness was just like Peter’s walk to Jesus on the water.   

  • Episode 204: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 4 - Be strong and courageous, you don’t need their opinions.

    06/08/2024 Duration: 39min

    All five steps for how to step into the next season with confidence conclude in this episode of the 4-part series, “When the NEW Makes You Nervous!” Process your past, listen and receive, Obey and do what the Word says, be strong and courageous, and don’t get too many opinions. The Hebrew translation for Joshua 1 can tell us a lot about the nature of what God was telling Joshua in their private conversation. God wasn’t asking Joshua to be physically strong. He was asking him to be MENTALLY strong and courageous, so He could use Joshua as a vessel for the nation of Israel’s victory. And not only did Joshua take God seriously, he didn’t seek others’ opinions. Joshua allowed nothing to deter him from what God called him to do, and in doing that, Joshua became one of the most successful leaders of Israel.    Monologue: Autumn gives an update on how the back-to-school preparations are going in the Miles household.  Message: Autumn shares the last two steps for what to do when the new season makes you nervous. Ques

  • Episode 203: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 3 - Obey to do

    30/07/2024 Duration: 43min

    The third step to do when the new season you face makes you nervous is simple: meditate on the Word and live it. God gave this command to Joshua, because He saw what was coming. He saw the trials, the mistakes of the Israelites, the cities and strongholds they will face, the tensions within the nation of Israel, and Joshua’s heart. Joshua needed the Word of the Lord to be in his mouth so that he could lead successfully in this new chapter for the nation of Israel as they entered the Promised Land. God sees what is ahead of you, and He is asking you to simply breathe His Word. Do this, and watch what happens.    Monologue: Autumn shares the current summer shenanigans with her kids.  Message: Autumn encourages believers to not just read the Word, but to meditate on the Word and do it, and see what God does with it. Question: “How do you know when it’s time to let a friendship go?” Praise Report: A listener shares what happened when she prayed for specific needs at her workplace, from rough relationships to empl

  • Episode 202: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 2 - Listen and Receive

    23/07/2024 Duration: 46min

    Now that you’ve made peace with your past, what is your next step? Are you afraid of repeating failures you’ve made before? Before God set Joshua out for the new season, God had a private dialogue with Joshua to tell him exactly what he needed to know. Joshua needed to know what he was doing, who he was doing it with, where he was going, and why. But God did not tell him how. God told Joshua only what he needed to know so that he could process and move forward with the same courage he had 40 years prior, the moment he was deemed a failure by human standards but a success by God’s standards.   Monologue: Autumn’s son has the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Brazil.  Message: Autumn tells believers the next step of listening and receiving from a loving God to bring you into the new season. Question: “Is it okay if I’m a Christian but my therapist is not?” Praise Report: A listener shares her experience with finding a new church to call home after a divorce from her ex-husband and God restoring a huge part

  • Episode 201: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 1 - Make PEACE with your past

    16/07/2024 Duration: 52min

    When facing a new season, there is something missing in our day and age that we need to be doing. We go go go, move on to the next without a thought about anything that’s in our past that may still be deeply affecting how we step into the new season. We need to take the nation of Israel’s lead and make space to grieve and mourn the bad things, make peace with the things we won’t be able to get over, like the death of a person, and celebrate the good things. Before God even called Joshua to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land, God gave them a GIFT of time to mourn, make peace, and celebrate Moses’ life. What things of your past are affecting how you step into the new?   Monologue: Autumn shares her experience with her six week sabbatical and a special gift her husband gave her.  Message: Autumn dives into the private conversation God had with Joshua and what believers can take from His words to Joshua. Question: “How do you handle your best friends moving in together when they’re not married?” Pra

  • Episode 200: WILDERNESS Part 6 - A Real Life Wilderness Success Story with Pastor Elizabeth Demarest

    09/07/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Do you want to know how to SURVIVE in your current wilderness season? This week, Pastor Elizabeth Demarest shares her real-life example of how she survived a wilderness season, sharing biblical principles that we’ve discussed these past few weeks in action. You CAN have hope in this season. You CAN survive the wilderness. It is time to trust and move forward.   Monologue: Autumn tells of a lesson she received in the middle of a parking lot.  Message: Autumn interviews Pastor Elizabeth Demarest about her 7-year long wilderness season and what we as believers can learn from her story. Question: “I want to start a small group at my church, but I feel inadequate. Do I start one anyways?” Praise Report: A listener shares how they used to be skeptical of everyone, even testimonies, but God gave them new eyes to see others how He sees them.    Bible References: John 11 Ephesians 2   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you

  • Episode 199: WILDERNESS Part 5 - God is the ultimate comfort in your wilderness

    02/07/2024 Duration: 49min

    The comforts you had in bondage look a lot sweeter when you no longer have them in the wilderness. You’ve got to understand that while you had those comforts then, you do not need them in the wilderness! God removed you from the bondage of those comforts because He WANTS you to be free. The Israelites had forgotten how they cried out to God to deliver them because they missed the “free” fish and other luxuries they had in slavery. They were oppressed, and the comforts no longer persuaded them to stay in oppression. Don’t be fooled by glamorizing the comforts you used to have, because your freedom is not worth the price those comforts require.   Monologue: Autumn praises her younger son’s “skills with a Z” in basketball and swimming.  Message: Autumn reminds believers that any comfort they had in bondage was not worth the oppression and bondage that God delivered them from. Question: “Have you ever doubted your faith?” Praise Report: A listener shares how God made moves in her life so she would depend fully on

  • Episode 198: WILDERNESS Part 4 - What looks like the wrong direction in the wilderness is often the right way.

    25/06/2024 Duration: 43min

    What looks like the wrong direction to you might very well be the RIGHT way. Have you been fighting what seems like a step back, a demotion, or a weird move that God has been asking you to take? God may be asking you to trust Him, because your obedience to step back will allow Him to CATAPULT you forward. Joseph was given dreams of how he would be a leader and be bowed to by his brothers and parents. But what happened next in his life was not a step up, an elevation, or even a fraction of what we would expect from such a vision. Joseph was thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, and put into prison before the Lord elevated him among all the people. The Israelites left Egypt with no concept that they would have to face the wilderness, but God knew that if they saw war, they would turn around with their tails tucked between their legs, right back into slavery under Egypt. But God had a plan to use the wilderness, what we view as the “wrong direction,” to strengthen His people, including you today.    Monologue: Aut

  • Episode 197: WILDERNESS Part 3 - Perspective in the Wilderness

    18/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    Israel’s reputation before the wilderness was not good. Egypt considered them their property, other nations saw them as weak, and Israel’s own mindset of themselves was poor in spirit. God knew that taking them through the wilderness would not only transform their reputation, but their perspective. Israel went from complaining about not knowing what was next, not knowing where their food would come from, and not having any control over their situation, to a complete transformation of trusting God ENTIRELY and trusting Him alone for ALL of their needs. At the end of their wilderness season, they looked at whatever challenges they face with courage and without fear. God will use your wilderness season to transform you and your reputation in the same way.    Monologue: Autumn tells of their family’s summer plans and how the month of May went in the Miles’ household.  Message: Autumn provides the kind of perspective believers should have as they face their wilderness season. Question: “How do you encourage your g

  • Episode 196: WILDERNESS Part 2 - Testing in the Wilderness

    11/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    In the wilderness, we will face challenges. These challenges are designed to change our “Egypt mentality,” because for where we are going, IT DOES NOT WORK. Wilderness seasons transform your mentality, so you can be prepared to enter the next place God has set aside for you. The comforts you’ve held onto in bondage are gone. We must learn to rely on God and His provision, because ultimately, THAT is what will put us where God is leading us to. There are three challenges you will face in the wilderness, and when you know how God dealt with these three in Scripture, He will also deal with you that same way.    Monologue: Autumn recounts the time her family of 6 and her brother’s family of 5 squeezed into her parents’ house for Christmas and summer break.  Message: Autumn encourages believers facing testing in the wilderness that God will provide in every kind of challenge they face. Question: “If God is sovereign and all-knowing, then why do we pray?” Praise Report: A listener shares how they used to live a hor

  • Episode 195: WILDERNESS Part 1 - The Call to the Wilderness

    04/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    How do you WIN in the wilderness? The Israelites were led by God into the wilderness, not the enemy. In your life, when a season of walking through the wilderness comes, what is your perspective? Are you complaining? Are you looking back at the Egypt God pulled you out of and wishing to go back? Or are you looking for God in a new way? God brought the nation of Israel out into the wilderness, and He did not abandon them. In fact, He revealed Himself to them in a new, deeper way, and assured them that He was NEVER without them. In your wilderness season, God will never leave you. He wants to speak to you in new ways, reveal Himself in new and deeper ways, and He is leading you through the wilderness. So what is your heart posture as you go through a wilderness season?   Monologue: Autumn shares how she navigated a tough moment when her youngest daughter, Haven, came home after another child at school made fun of her for being adopted. Message: Autumn reminds believers that the enemy is not the one that puts th

  • Episode 194: Favor Follows Faithfulness Part 3 - Courage that rallies the masses is a BYPRODUCT of your faithfulness to the mundane tasks that only God sees you do.

    28/05/2024 Duration: 59min

    The story of David and Goliath is super well known, but have you considered how David did not suddenly have the courage or even the favor of the people and his own when he sought to face Goliath? David knew the crown was coming for him, and yet, he remained consistent with his mundane, day-to-day lifestyle of faithfulness. David EASILY could have been prideful when he showed up with a Lunchable for the army of Israel and his brothers, but David's courage was a direct result of his faithfulness to his relationship with the Lord.    Monologue: Autumn reminisces on nostalgic moments in her daughter Grace’s life as she prepares to graduate in just a few days. Message: Autumn encourages believers in their day-to-day systems of faithfulness through a different lens of the story of David and Goliath. Question: “What does it mean in the Bible when it says God will restore the years the locusts have eaten?” Praise Report: A listener shares how a recent episode gave her confirmation that God told her that she had not m

  • Episode 193: Favor Follows Faithfulness Part 2 - People notice your talent first. But God uses your talent to bring about positions of favor.

    21/05/2024 Duration: 01h03s

    David after his anointing was sought after by King Saul because of his talent and his character. Because of God’s favor on David, Saul’s people took recognition of him through his talents and his abilities. When God places His favor on you after your faithfulness to steward well what He has given you, what skills and talents will you have honed in and perfected for God to use to elevate you among others? The work you do now, the talents you perfect and the skills you hone, God will use them to give you recognition among men after He places His favor upon you.    Monologue: Autumn chronicles the hectic week before Mother’s Day and getting her mom’s card to her on time.    Message: Autumn follows last week’s topic of gaining the favor of God with gaining the faithfulness of others. Question: “Do you have any recommendations or resources on how to get advocacy in my church as a woman leader?” Praise Report: A listener shares how they have been faithful to serving in their church and is celebrating 4 years of sob

  • Episode 192: Favor Follows Faithfulness Part 1 - Your faithfulness to the repetitious, normal things GAIN you favor in heaven.

    14/05/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    God is the God who sees and who hears. In the everyday, mundane, thankless tasks, God sees your faithfulness in them. You put food on the table, you fold the laundry, you clean the bathroom, and maybe nobody thanks you for it. But God sees your faithfulness to the things He has given to you to steward. Maybe you’ve been faithful at your job, but you didn’t get that position you’ve been working so hard for. But God sees your faithfulness. And He rewards it. God saw David’s faithfulness, even when his own father didn’t. God chose David and David didn’t even know it. God is specific with His favor because He sees when you have been faithful to the things you are doing right now.    Monologue: Autumn shares her excitement for the new season upcoming in her family’s lives, especially with her two youngest.   Message: Autumn dives into the beginning of David’s story and how God saw David’s faithfulness when no one else did. Question: “We have been faithful to our church and tithing and worshiping the Lord for many

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