Strategos International Podcast



It's a dangerous world out there. Strategos International is here to make your part of it safer. In our show we address topics including workplace violence, intruder response and security for executives, meetings and VIPs. Learn more and contact us at is your source for intruder response training, executive protection and tactical instruction for law enforcement and military personnel.


  • How domestic violence turns into workplace violence

    05/08/2020 Duration: 01min

    You may have a happy workplace and a great corporate culture. You're people may love coming to work. So how could workplace violence be a threat to you? Unfortunately, you're still at risk. Most acts of workplace violence stem from conflicts outside of employment. Domestic violence is one of the leading causes. Thankfully, victims of abuse and their workplaces are not helpless. By educating and supporting employees in crisis, we can become aware of threats that may spillover from domestic life into the business world. And we can take adequate workplace security cautions. Vaughn Baker, president of Strategos International, explains how to be proactive in this Strategos Security Minute.

  • Church Security: Prepare Now to be Better Than Before

    16/04/2020 Duration: 34min

    Most churches are unable to meet, but the quarantine will end. When it does, will your church security team be rusty ... or ready? DHS predicts the isolating circumstances of the pandemic may result in psychological instability and outbursts of disruption and violence. In this interview, Barry Young of Strategos shares 7 Ways to use this time to build your security ministry. Need more information? or

  • Get equipped and inspired at the National Christian Protectors Conference

    09/01/2020 Duration: 17min

    The National Christian Protectors Conference is March 26-28 in Kansas City, Mo. It’s dedicated to equipping and inspiring protectors to live out a courageous faith. The event is packed with educational and tactical training, world-class keynote speakers and nightly worship. In addition, you’ll network with likeminded people and have the opportunity to explore resources with vendors offering security gear and knowledge. Register at

  • Countering Critics of School Active Shooter Training

    25/10/2019 Duration: 42min As school active shooter training has grown in prominence, critics have begun raising their voices. They're concerned about causing unnecessary anxiety – even trauma. Others object to heavy-handed tactics. And a few say the training doesn't work. School's been back in session for awhile now, but in the run-up to a new year there were a number of criticisms made of school active shooter training. These include: •Students, even young children, are included in the training and they are traumatized as a result. Some drills are heavy handed: Infamously, in Indiana, teachers were reportedly shot with plastic pellets in a mock execution that left welts and drew blood. Beyond this, some teachers complain of being traumatized. A final complaint, and perhaps the toughest, is there is no evidence the drills are effective. With lives at stake, Strategos VP Mark Warren responds to these criticisms and shares how training saves lives.

  • Vaughn Baker: Using Data to Know Your Adversary

    08/08/2019 Duration: 29min

    With two mass shootings in two days, the U.S. Secret Service’s report on active shooters is extremely relevant. In this interview, Strategos President Vaughn Baker discussed recent events, the report and its implications for making workplaces, churches and schools more secure. Learn more at

  • Barry Young: The Top 7 Questions (and Answers) About Church Security

    11/06/2019 Duration: 42min

    Until recently, the words “church” and “security” were seldom seen together. Now they’re a permanent fixture in the English language. Strategos’ Barry Young eats, sleeps and breathes church security. In this interview, he shares the “Top 7 Questions About Church Security” and answer yours as well. In addition, you may be interested in a related resource: The Church Security Handbook by Vaughn Baker, a practical, biblical guide for protecting your church in uncertain times.

  • Workplace Violence Aftermath: Surviving Litigation, OSHA Fines and Citations

    22/05/2019 Duration: 27min When workplace violence strikes, our first concern is the safety of our employees. But after the smoke clears, businesses discover the challenges have only begun. These include the threat of government fines and litigation. How can we be prepared to protect ourselves from active shooters and also lawsuits and regulatory penalties? Guy Beveridge, director of business development for Strategos International, provides answers.

  • Bulletproof backpacks, bulletin boards and panic buttons: Security solutions or security blankets?

    16/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    In the aftermath of school shootings, many new "security" products are flooding the market. They're being quickly swept up by parents and schools. But will they make students and teachers safer? In this interview, Mark Warren, executive VP of Strategos, addresses the topic "Bulletproof backpacks, bulletin boards and panic buttons: Security solutions or security blankets?" More at

  • Guy Beveridge: Improving Your Situational Awareness

    19/03/2019 Duration: 25min Guy Beveridge of Strategos International explains how to improve awareness of your surroundings. He addresses: •The difference between awareness and paranoia •Environments that present threats •Viewing everyday activities through the lens of awareness Strategos International is a leader in training businesses, schools and churches to proactively respond to active shooters, intruders and workplace violence. In addition, we provide: •Consulting – We evaluate facilities and organizational security, helping clients develop a proactive security plan. •Tactical training for military, law enforcement and security professionals. •Surveillance and investigations. •Executive protection for people and property. Learn more at

  • Barry Young on the National Christian Protectors Conference

    05/02/2019 Duration: 24min Barry Young, vice president of Strategos International, shares about the tactical training and keynote speakers at the National Christian Protectors Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, April 25-27. Are you a protector? A Christian? Then this conference is for you. It’s designed for: •Law enforcement •Military personnel •Firefighters •EMTs •Church security teams •Private security •And all other protectors KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Join us for: General Jerry Boykin, Family Research Council Kamal Saleem, President, Koome Ministries Pastor Phil Hopper, Abundant Life, Lee's Summit, Mo. Stephen Willeford, hero of the Sutherland Springs church attack Barry Young, VP, Strategos International TACTICAL TRAINING Tactical courses are taught by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and U.S. military personnel. Topics include: •Church Security •Compliance and Control •Low Light Firearms Applications •Child Protection •Ministry to First Responders •Lockdown Procedures •Crisis Casualty

  • Vaughn Baker and Mark Warren discuss "Active Threat: Workplace 911"

    05/12/2018 Duration: 36min Mark Warren, Sr. Vice President, and Vaughn Baker, President, of Strategos International, discuss their new book "Active Threat: Workplace 911." The book is an expert guide to preventing, preparing for and prevailing over active shooters and other workplace attackers. This new work shares practical advice for businesses, schools, churches and any organization that is at risk from a violent intruder. Strategos has trained more than 150,000 people worldwide since its founding in 2002. Learn more about the book and Strategos at  

  • Are Active Shooter Panic Buttons the Solution for School Security?

    03/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    In an effort to protect students, more than 20 schools in Illinois – and more than 150 nationwide – have installed active-shooter panic buttons. When you lift a shield and press a button, they automatically alert the police. Does this technology spell the end of active shooters? Strategos President Vaughn Baker addresses the pros and cons of these devices and the top three things every school can do to improve security.

  • Barry Young: Church Security as a Ministry vs. "Sunday Special Ops"

    17/07/2018 Duration: 26min Barry Young, Strategos' Director of Church Security Ministries, discusses why church security should be viewed as a ministry and not merely a tactical operation. This interview is from a Facebook Live broadcast. Follow us on Facebook at Strategos International is a leader in training businesses, schools and churches to proactively respond to active shooters and violent intruders.  The firm also: • Evaluates facilities and overall organizational security to protect people and property • Provides tactical instruction for law enforcement, military and private security personnel • Provides executive protection for businesses, executives, VIPs and others in need of personal security

  • Strategos Security Week: The Santa Fe, Texas, Shooting – What Can We Learn?

    23/05/2018 Duration: 31min In this edition of Security Week, Strategos President Vaughn Baker looks at lessons we can learn from the Santa Fe, Texas, school shooting. Vaughn discusses immediate actions schools can take to become more secure. In addition, Baker addresses the idea that the Texas shooter displayed no “red flags” and shares concerning behaviors that were observable. This video originally appeared on Facebook Live. Subscribe to our Facebook page at Team.Strategos to get immediate notifications of future live streams. Strategos International is a leader in training businesses, schools and churches to proactively respond to active shooters and violent intruders. The firm also: • Evaluates facilities and overall organizational security to protect people and property • Provides tactical instruction for law enforcement, military and private security personnel • Provides executive protection for businesses, executives, VIPs and others in need of personal security Let us know how we can be

  • Strategos Security Week: Instincts and Ignorance, Reacting vs. Responding

    09/05/2018 Duration: 26min

    Strategos President Vaughn Baker discusses how we instinctually react during a crisis, how it can endanger us and how we can overcome our natural tendencies. Learn more at

  • Strategos Security Week: Preventing and Prevailing Over Workplace Violence

    18/04/2018 Duration: 25min A shooter recently wounded three people at YouTube's headquarters before turning the gun on herself. About 9 months earlier, a major UPS distribution center was also the target of workplace violence. Vaughn Baker, president of Strategos International, discusses steps organizations can take to prevent and prevail over violence in the workplace. Strategos International is a leader in training businesses, schools and churches to proactively respond to active shooters and violent intruders. The firm also: • Evaluates facilities and overall organizational security to protect people and property • Provides tactical instruction for law enforcement, military and private security personnel • Provides executive protection for businesses, executives, VIPs and others in need of personal security

  • Strategos Security Week: Parents Behind the Police Tape – Responding to a Nightmare Scenario

    24/02/2018 Duration: 32min

    It's a nightmare scenario: Your child is at school and you get word that a shooter is on the scene. What you do as a parent before, during and after the event can either help or hinder the police response. What should do and avoid? Mark Warren of Strategos International provides insights.

  • Strategos Security Week: Lessons from The Parkland , Florida, School Shooting

    24/02/2018 Duration: 55min

    Strategos Vice President Mark Warren analyzes the school shooting at a Parkland, Florida, high school where 17 people were killed and at least 14 were injured. In the interview, Mark highlights areas where all schools can enhance their security to thwart active shooters.

  • Strategos Security Week: Fighting Back Against Workplace Violence; The Role of Guns in Churches

    23/02/2018 Duration: 22min

    Vaughn Baker, president of Strategos International, answers questions about workplace violence and church security in this edition of Strategos Security Week. Vaughn addresses a 2018 Bureau of Labor Statistics report chronicling a massive increase in workplace homicides, suicides and drug overdoses. He also discusses the proper role of weapons in churches and the perception that a church security ministry can and should create.

  • Tis the Season to be Jolly ... and Alert

    23/11/2016 Duration: 03min Vaughn Baker, president of Strategos International, shares how to enjoy the holidays yet remain alert for threats to public or personal safety. Strategos International is your source for intruder response training, executive protection and tactical instruction for law enforcement and military personnel. • Intruder response training: We equip the true first-responder (personnel already on the scene) to counter active shooters and other threatening intruders in schools, churches, offices and other workplaces. • Executive protection: We provide executive protection and security for VIPs, CEOs, executives and others high-profile figures. • Tactical instruction: We provide tactical and SWAT training and education for police, law enforcement and military personnel. Learn more about how we can serve you and our online Strategos University at

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