The latest news, previews, and reviews with a unique New England spin.
New England GameCast Episode 8 – CES 2014
16/01/2014The crew is back again to talk about Brett winning a bud light prize package, his new TV, Dan’s new 2DS, the cool things out of Consumer Electronics Show for 2014 including Razer’s project Christine and steam machines and how Call of Duty needs to reinvent themselves.
New England GameCast Episode 7 – We’re Back
08/01/2014It’s been quite a while, just about six months since our last podcast and we’re back to talk about everything that we’ve missed. This includes the release of the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, as well as the normal what we’ve been playing and how our lives are going.
New England GameCast Episode 6 – E3 Edition
12/06/2013It’s the E3 2013 discussion. Learn about the latest on the Xbox One, The PlayStation 4 and tons of games including Super Smash Bros for Wii U, Kingdom Hearts 3, Tom Clancy’s The Divison, The Crew, Watch_Dogs, Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, Star Wars: Battlefront, Mirrors Edge 2, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Halo 5, Ryse […]
New England GameCast Episode 5 – Summer Time
03/06/2013It’s summer time on the fifth episode of the New England GameCast. Check out the announcement of THIEF, the NHL 14 cover vote, How the Microsoft Press Conference at E3 will shut you up, our review of the Starship Damrey for 3DS, Nate’s new gaming computer and our thoughts on the Xbox One reveal.
New England GameCast Episode 4 – The Xbox One
23/05/2013The Fourth episode of the New England GameCast recorded May 20th, the day before the reveal of the Xbox One. Find out if we predicted anything right (unlikely). We also talk about the latest news in the gaming industry.
New England GameCast Episode 3 – The Short One
14/05/2013“The Short One” Dan is in a race against the clock, and his terrible battery life to record the third podcast. Can he make it the whole way through? oh, and we talk about some throwback games, a run in with the police, and the stupid things we’ve bought.
New England GameCast Episode 2 – Fight
30/04/2013Hear about the Dan’s recent purchases, reviews for Eador: Masters of the Broken World and Dead Island Riptide, Why the 3DS is the system to own, and even the Watch_Dogs release date in the second episode of the New England GameCast. Hell, we might even beat someone up!
New England GameCast Episode 1 – PAX East 2013
25/04/2013The very first episode of the New England Game Cast features Dan Farrell, Brett Cailler, and Nate Beaudoin. The three talk about the introductory stuff. Things you can expect for the New England GameCast, our plans for the future and a bunch of games mixed in with some stories from PAX East 2013, our charity […]