A blog. A podcast. A couple of guys talking to people.
6. Belonging
17/04/2021 Duration: 24minJust wanted to share some thoughts about belonging to a religious community, both in a physical sense (i.e., a congregation) as well as a sort of ideological one (e.g., particular writers you resonate with). Pardon all the pauses.
5. Shroom Theology (with Chano Arreguin)
24/03/2020 Duration: 01h19minTheology is the study of the nature of God, religious beliefs, and religious experiences. There is revealed theology, the knowledge of the supernatural obtained directly from God (through revelation), and there's natural theology, knowledge of God sought through reason and nature. In this episode we explore what I'm calling shroom theology, knowledge of the divine—the mystery—resulting from psychedelic experiences. Yes, shroom theology. Enjoy! -Enrique
4. Fast-track Heretic (with Slade Lade)
14/11/2018 Duration: 01h07minFor this episode, I sat down with my good friend Slade Lane. I recorded this conversation back in May when I visited Lincoln. Slade and I spent quite a bit of time in the same coffee shop talking about all kinds of things, but often coming back to God, religion, and spirituality. He is one of the people who, for better or worse, introduced me to ideas that pushed some of the boundaries that characterize a more conservative approach to understanding God. So, naturally, I asked him about his growing up in church and how his ideas about God evolved. I hope you enjoy this conversation by two laypeople. -Enrique
3. A Pastor's Take (with Michael Paradise)
06/06/2018 Duration: 52minPastor Michael Paradise is the Young Adult Pastor at College View Church (CVC), a Seventh-day Adventist church in Lincoln, Neb. During my studies at Union College (also an Adventist institution), I took a first-year course from Pastor Paradise and while I did not had a ton of interaction with him, I immediately gained an appreciation for his ministry when he started a series of meetings to discuss belief (and unbelief). With an impressive Goodreads record (for real, though) and a commendable openness for discussion (in that order), I decided to sit down and listen to his perspective on God. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did and that you can find some interesting material to chew on. -Enrique
2. How We Think About Stuff
15/04/2018 Duration: 59minIn this episode we discuss two ways in which we think can think about how we think (yes, very meta): schemas and models. Do not be afraid, they are very intuitive concepts that provide nice frameworks to think about any kind of questions.
1. An Introduction
11/03/2018 Duration: 59minThis episode serves as an introduction to the type of conversations we will be having around the issues of faith, spirituality, and belief in God. We are laypeople trying to figure out what we believe and why we believe it.
#024 - Trudy Holmes-Caines
12/06/2017 Duration: 01h05minI sat down with Dr. Trudy Holmes-Caines before leaving Lincoln, Neb., and had a wonderful conversation for this podcast. She is a professor of psychology at Union College who came to the United States to pursue graduate studies. We discussed her life in Jamaica and how language plays a role in one's identity, as well as how the immigrant cultures differ from the culture in their respective countries of origin.
#023 - Michael Paradise
24/05/2017 Duration: 59minBefore leaving Lincoln, Neb., for good, I sat down with Michael Paradise in his office at the College View Seventh-day Adventist Church where he serves as the young adult pastor. I was curious to know what it is like to work with young adults and what made him want that job—it may have something to do with having a pretty wife. After a fun chat, I left so he could continue eating pizza and playing worship songs on the guitar, which is basically his job description—according to him, not his employer.
#022 - Honest and Sel-revealing
06/05/2017 Duration: 01h02minSlade and I have been spending quite a bit of time attempting to read at our local coffee shop, but we just end up talking whenever we run into each other. We decided to talk for the podcast about some of the Christian books we've read—or more specifically, just me ranting about an "honest and self-revealing" book I read. Enjoy!
#021 - A Farewell
20/02/2017 Duration: 34minAfter a few months without coming back to the studio, Slade and I return to say goodbye … kind of. Since the last episode, we have both been working on new projects: he's launched a new blog called "The Obsessionist," and I'm about to release a new podcast on Mexican politics, society, and culture titled "Independientemente." We hope to soon be back with new episodes for this podcast. So, as my English idioms fail me at the moment I turn to Spanish now: esto no es un adiós, es un hasta luego.
#020 - Natalie Bruzon
31/10/2016 Duration: 01h12minThis week on the show: Natalie Bruzon. I had the pleasure of working with her (meaning for her) at The Clocktower, our college's newspaper. Now, she lives in Orchard, a tiny town somewhere in Nebraska (and where's Nebraska?), where she works as editor of Antelope County News. A few weeks back she came to Lincoln, so we sat down to talk about her new life, creating community, working for a newspaper, and the upcoming election. I had a lot of fun producing this episode, and I hope you enjoy our conversation. -Enrique
#019 - Hannah Ashburn
10/10/2016 Duration: 01h05minThis week on the podcast we have Hannah Ashburn. She is an artist finishing up her college degree and finding what the next step is. Besides talking about what it is like to grow up white and how creepy I think Gothic paintings are, we tried to discuss the intersection between various art forms and history. Perhaps I shouldn't talk about things I don't know, but here we go! Check out our book recommendation from our previous episode: Sonia Nazario's Enrique's Journey
#010 - Claudia Pech
30/09/2016 Duration: 01h17minIt's been a while. We are bringing you some new conversations soon. But this time, we are re-releasing our episode with Claudia Pech. Back in December, we talked about Trump's comments on Mexicans, the difficulties of being an undocumented immigrant, and the state of the conversation surrounding immigration. After listening to a lecture by Sonia Nazario (Pullitzer Prize winner) on immigration for the E. N. Thompson Forum on World Issues at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I decided to re-release this episode and go buy her bestselling book, "Enrique's Journey."
#018 - Micah Robinson
02/09/2016 Duration: 01h17minThis week on the podcast, Slade sat down with Micah Robinson to discuss our guest's journey with music. They had an amazing conversation, of which I can't say much because Slade doesn't want me to. He says you should just go listen to it! (I agree.) Check out this week's recommendations: García Márquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold Amelie (2001) - recommended by Hannah Ashburn Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
#017 - Tyler Morrison
16/08/2016 Duration: 01h05minToday on the show we have Tyler Morrison, a talented Christian singer-(now)songwriter. On September 4, he'll be releasing his debut album "Surrender." Tyler is here to share all about how his music ministry has evolved and where it may go. To receive a free download of "He Leadeth Me" visit and subscribe. This week's book and film recommendations (check them out!): Dave Eggers's "What Is the What" (recommended by Pablo Colindres) People Places Things (recommended by Slade) If you liked this episode, share and subscribe on Facebook, iTunes, and Twitter!
#016 - Pablo Colindres
02/08/2016 Duration: 01h09minIn this week's podcast, Pablo Colindres joins us to discuss the election. Our guest brought an interesting gift to alleviate the confusion of talking about Trump and Twitter and why you shouldn't vote for a third-party candidate. Also, Pablo has a great show in the works. Click here to check out what he's up to in his podcast "Mesa." This week's book and film recommendations (check them out!): Marina Keegan's The Opposite of Loneliness (recommended by Enrique) Even the Rain (recommended by Slade) Let us know what you think about today's topic and share the podcast! Of lovers and fools
#015 - Discussions, discussions
19/07/2016 Duration: 59minA couple weeks ago, I (Enrique) wrote about those infamous Facebook debates. For this episode, Slade and I expand on the subject and share our experiences trying to avoid such discussions and sometimes taking part in them. Why can't we be more civilized? How can we engage in healthy conversation? I don't know, but perhaps Slade does. Also, in this episode we introduce two new sections: book recommendation and film recommendation (maybe we need some creative names). This week's book and film recommendations (check them out!): Peter Rollins' The Idolatry of God: Alejandro G. Iñárritu's Amores Perros:
#014 - Why not "Of heroes and villains"?
04/07/2016 Duration: 52minWhy is this blog titled "Of lovers and fools"? This week on the podcast, I welcome Slade Lane as my co host to discuss how the blog and podcast got their name. We talked 4th of July, graphic novels/comic books, copying García Márquez, and, our favorite political commentator, Sean Hannity. What's coming next? I have no idea. Visit the blog!
#013 - After Graduation with Slade Lane
05/06/2016 Duration: 01h08minAfter a while, a new episode of the podcast is here. This time, Slade is back to talk about life after graduation. We both recently joined the ranks of the unemployed and this change has resulted in many a fearful look at the future. We hereby present our musings on these matters. Visit the blog!
#012 - Debbie Pinto
04/03/2016 Duration: 01h44sToday on the podcast, Debbie Pinto talks about leadership. An energetic and optimist student, she's held several leadership positions during her college career at Union College. Although she didn't have the qualities she thought made a good leader, she realized her strengths were equally useful. From executive vice president of the associated student body at Union to president of said organization, Debbie is now the president of the Adventist Intercollegiate Association. Visit the blog!