The Motorcycle Podcast
HFP021: The Lost Tapes of MotoSota | The Moto Collective | CROIG | Evel Twin Street Tracker
13/01/2017 Duration: 01h08sThis episode is the first of its kind for the Hold Fast Podcast, first off sorry for the delay on releasing this episode. The file got misplaced on one of my drives and after finally finding it I wasn’t sure I liked the audio either way its here now! This was recorded at the MotoSota Show up at the Norseman Distillery back on October 1st 2016. I got the idea to do a live recording of some interviews right at the show so that we could give people who couldn’t make it a little taste of what it was all about. This is also the first episode with no real intro music or a formal intro, its kind of a rough cut show but I like it. Guests: Aleks Nedich founder of the Moto Collective | David and Andrew from CROIG | Jeff Castellari with his Evel Twin Street Tracker
HFP020 : Born Free Peoples Champ 4 Builders | Brian Durk | Charlie Dorius | The Palace | Minnesota Bike Builders
25/02/2016 Duration: 53minBrian Durk and Charlie Dorius are two of the most original and talented bike builders I know, they introduced me to a whole different world of Motorcycles and were the gateway to a group of solid friends that inhabit “The Palace”. When I heard they were teaming up to build a bike for the #peopleschamp4 I knew they were going to kill it. Its not just them either, they’ve brought in a little help from everyone at The Palace and other friends to make this thing a reality. I really can’t even begin to describe with words what they have going on there, so I will let the podcast do it for me! I hope you have a sense of humor because this conversation gets weird! I will update this post as the build continues! Speed Club Website Speed Club Instagram Charlie Dorius Instagram Jared the sound man’s Instagram Show Class Magazine
HFM019 : Ben Giese | Founder of Meta Magazine
16/09/2015 Duration: 01h03minI met Ben while attending Motos In Moab last May, I had been eyeing up his XS650 when we finally struck up a conversation. We were chatting about that bike when he brought up the fact that he “worked” at Meta Magazine and handed me a couple copies of which I of course immediately consumed hanging around at the camp site. Meta is one of those magazines that you can sit and page through a million times and not get sick of it, the stories are great, the pictures are beautiful and its printed on nice heavy paper. Meta is a moto magazine that should be on every two wheel addict’s coffee table. It wasn’t until after the trip that I found out Ben was one of the founders of this kick ass magazine company. Being infatuated with entrepreneurs and motorcycles I knew I had to have him on the podcast and let me tell you Ben did not disappoint. We chat about everything from his upbringing with motos all the way up to the starting of the great Meta Magazine itself. Sit back, relax and get inspired because this one will get
HFM018 : Juan Coles |Motos In Moab | Salty Bike Revival |Distinguished Gentleman Ride Utah
13/07/2015 Duration: 01h08minIf you’ve been following me for awhile now, you know I went out to the event Motos In Moab this past May, what you might not know though is who put it together and the stories of all the crazy adventures that took place inside that great Memorial Day Weekend so here with me in this episode is one of the co-founders of Motos in Moab Juan Coles. He fills us in how the event came to be, what actually happened at Motos in Moab and tells us his plans for future events, one of those being the Salty Bike Revival in Salt Lake City, Utah August 22nd 2015. So shut off the TV, pop in the headphones and take a listen to what Juan has to say, you will not regret it! Show notes: Juan Coles Instagram Motos in Moab Instagram Salty Bike Revival Salt City Builds
HFM017 : John Christenson | Oil And Ink Expo | Photographer
07/04/2015 Duration: 51minI started this podcast with the hopes of bringing people together to tell the stories of how motorcycles effect their lives and I would never had thought that I would make so many friends during the process. John is one of those friends now, we connected via the amazing world of Instagram and from then on we had talks of getting together to do this interview. It took last years Handbuilt Motorcycle Show in Texas for us two Minnesotans to finally meet, after a beer or two and some great conversation I knew I needed to have him on the show, so last week we chatted it up over the phone and he filled me in on how the Oil and Ink Expo came to fruition. I’m experimenting a bit with shorter shows, so let me know what you think? I have been trying to keep them closer to the hour mark to make it easier on the guests as most of them have quite busy schedules. Enzo, my slightly needy border collie also decided to have a few words in this episode so there’s that, if its not construction work, family members popping ove
HFM016 : Scott Johnson | Fuel Cafe | Mama Tried Motorcycle Show
17/02/2015 Duration: 47minIts been awhile I know, but I promise the wait will have been well worth it! Last year was a little busier than I had hoped it to be but it was a great year filled with cool people and lots of lessons in life and business. That being said I am really happy to bring the podcast back with Episode 16 with guest Scott Johnson. I first met Scott Johnson at the Mama Tried Motorcycle show last February and right away I could tell this guy had a passion for motorcycles and life in general! I followed him on Instagram and started learning a bit about him and thought what better person to bring on for the first episode after my year break. I could have chatted with him for hours and hope to do that sometime on another episode of the podcast but with the second Mama Tried show coming up this weekend I just wanted to get this out there to all of you and let him get back to setting up another epic motorcycle show! So sit back, enjoy and thanks for waiting patiently for the come back of the Hold Fast Motors Podcast. […
HFM015 : Brandon Cretu | American Road Racer | Isle Of Man Competitor | Macau GP Competitor
06/02/2014 Duration: 33minThank you all for waiting so patiently for me to get back in gear for the New Year of 2014. My first guest of the year is Brandon Cretu the youngest American to ever race the IoMTT, I was so thrilled to get a chance to talk with him, to have him tell us his story of over coming a broken neck from a car accident and getting a chance to race in two of the most renowned racing events in the world! I know it is most everyone who enjoys motorcycles dream to make it to the Isle of Man for the TT races, but Brandon takes it to another level his dream was to race it and that is exactly what he did. Listen up and maybe take some tips on how you can get your chance at racing along side legends on the worlds most exciting race tracks. “Breaking 120” Video of Brandon Cretu American Road Racer-Breaking 120 from Hopper on Vimeo. Show Notes: Brandon Cretu Racing Website Brandon Cretu Twitter Brandon Cretu Facebook Isle Of Man TT Website Macau GP Website
HFM014 : Cam Elkins | Stories of Bike | Videographer
07/12/2013 Duration: 54minI had the pleasure of chatting with Cam Elkins the founder and operator of the amazing video series Stories of Bike. The videos are stories of motorcycles and the people who ride them simple as that, but the videos are far from simple. Cam brings out the emotions behind the motorcycle and the reasons people ride them. Cam resides in beautiful Australia, so we had to do some finagling to get the time zones to work out but we made it happen and what a great conversation it was! He tells me the story of how Stories of Bike came to be, why he does it and where he plans to take it. Cam shoots these videos on a minimal set up, but you would never be able to tell, because they look as if they came out of a Hollywood studio. He also has his brother create matching musical scores to each video, which just adds a whole different level of awesome to these motorcycle films. I’m done moving my fingers, go have a listen to Episode 14 of the Hold Fast Motors podcast and learn a little about how to use your passion to crea
HFM013 : Lanakila MacNaughton | The Womens Motorcycle Exhibit | Photographer
06/11/2013 Duration: 40minIts not often you see a collection of photos of women who acutally ride, unless you are at one of Lanakila MacNaughton’s exhibits. The Womens Motorcycle Exhibit is her way of presenting all the wonderful women who ride various styles of motorcycles to the world. Its hard to put into words how great her work is, so I figured I would let her tell you! One of Lana’s photos Photo Credit: Lanakila MacNaughton Show Notes: The Women’s Motorcycle Exhibit Lana’s Instagram The Womens Motorcycle Exhibit Facebook Page
HFM012 : ICON | Joe Gustafson | ICON1000 | Containment Conflicts Film
06/11/2013 Duration: 01h22minHappy Belated Halloween everyone! I’ve always wanted to get the guys from ICON on after seeing the amazing bikes they built for the ICON 1000 series and of course the fantastic riding gear they produce, so getting to talk to Joe Gustafson their marketing and communications specialist was a great opportunity! The best part was that we got to chat the same day they released their new film Containment Conflicts! We get a taste of what it was like filming the new Zombie / Moto flick, and some perspective on why they made it. Joe and I also chat it up about why we ride what we ride and how ICON stands out among riding gear. This was such a great interview I can tell just from talking to Joe that ICON has got a great crew working for them and that they will keep producing ground breaking products in the motorcycle industry. Show Notes: ICON’s Homepage ICON 1000’s Homepage ICON’s Twitter ICON’s Facebook ICON 1000 Facebook Containment Conflicts Film
HFM011 : Shaik Ridzwan | Co-Founder of The Mighty Motor | Motorcycle Storyteller | Photographer
08/10/2013 Duration: 01h35minIn episode 11 I talk with the man who brings you The Mighty Motor, Shaik is one of those guys you could talk to for hours, he has a passion for motorcycles and it shines through like the headlight of train rolling down a dark hillside. Shaik tells us about the birth of The Mighty Motor and how he goes about creating the blog posts that look like works of art on your screen. Shaik uses illustrations, photography and immersive storytelling to bring us into the universe he is conveying in each post. This episode has the potential to inspire you to get up off your ass and build something great in your life or to simply get up and plant yourself on your bike and ride. Show Notes: The Mighty Motor Website The Mighty Motor Twitter The Mighty Motor Instagram The Mighty Motor Tumblr Please remember to rate us on iTunes and feel free to leave feedback there as well! —->> Hold Fast Motors Podcast on iTunes Thanks for listening!!
HFM010 : Paul d’Orléans | The Vintagent | Ton up! | The Ride | Motorcycle Film Festival
24/09/2013 Duration: 59minIts here we made it to episode 10! I figured what better way to celebrate then to bring back the original and first time guest on the podcast The Vintagent himself! You all should know who Paul is by now but if you don’t he is the publisher of the fantastic online archive of motorcycle goodness, he is also a co author of the new BIKEEXIF book “The Ride”, the co-curator of the “Ton up!” motorcycle exhibit at Sturgis this year, and now he is judging at the Motorcycle Film Festival in Brooklyn NY this weekend. If none of this rings a bell to you then listen up and enjoy the magnificence that is Paul d’Orléans. PS A huge thank you to Paul for being a great guest and a good sport. We need to meet up soon! Show Notes: Ton up! Motorcycle Exhibit at Sturgis “The Ride” Motorcycle Book Motorcycle Film Festival The Vintagent Blog Pauls Twitter The Vintagent Facebook PagePaul d’Orléans
HFM009 : Astronautalis | Rapper | Motorcycle Enthusiast | Taste Of Freedom
12/09/2013 Duration: 42minThis podcast has been amazing so far meeting new people in every episode, but this one is special to me. Andy AKA Astronautalis has been one of my all time favorite musicians for about 5 years. I followed him all over the interwebs (not a stalker), and one day I saw him posting something about getting a motorcycle from Harley Davidson, so what do I do I get a even bigger man crush on him and finally ask him to be on the podcast. He said yes! Andy and I talk about all kinds of good stuff in this episode from the birth of his motorcycle passion all the way down to “Dewey The Good Samaritan”. The Harley Davidson “Taste of Freedom” Tour has placed the moto-bug in Andy’s head and it’s there to stay, and I’m happy to have him on the show to tell us about it! The Harley-Davidson Taste of Freedom Tour Stop 1 from Matt Devino on Vimeo. Show Notes: Astronautalis Homepage Astronautalis Twitter Astronautalis Facebook Astronautalis Tumblr Astronautalis Instagram
HFM008 : Alicia Elfving | MotoLady | Founder of | Blogger | Rider
21/08/2013 Duration: 01h03minIn episode 8 of the Hold Fast Motors Podcast I chat with the talented Alicia Elfving from I know most of you know who she is and most likely follow her work. Alicia and I had talked for awhile about getting together to do this episode and it finally all came together when both of our schedules jived enough to record it, we sat down together via the internet (as always) the Friday before I left for California on vacation. The talk lasted about an hour and let me tell you it was great, she is one of those people who you could talk to for hours and only think it was a few minutes. She tells us about the birth of the “motolady” website and her plans for the future of the brand. Her passion for motorcycles shines through everything she does, as well as her drive to show that motorcycling is not just a man’s world. The women she showcases ride as hard as most men I know, and usually look better doing it, with that being said listen up and enjoy the show! Show notes: The MotoLady Homepage The
HFM007 : Max Hazan | Hazan Motorworks | Motorcyle Builder
09/08/2013 Duration: 29minIn episode 7 of the Hold Fast Motors podcast I get to chat with Max Hazan from Hazan Motorworks. I found Max while looking through Iron & Air, as well as a post on Motomucci. I’ve seen some pretty mighty motorcycle builds but this guy lays down some crazy skills to make art of metal, wood and rubber. We chat about some of his inspirations and the history of his motorcycle building career. Here is the bike that was featured in Iron & Air Issue 9 that caught my attention. Its a 1996 Royal Enfield, or it was a 96 Royal Enfield now that it has been touched by Hazan it is its own beast in its own class. You can find more pictures of this bike and other on his website listed below in the show notes. In the interview we talk about the evolution of a bike build, as you all know I suck at drawing anything so every bike I have built has just came together or “evolved” as they go. He has a different approach I haven’t seen before. He does life size drawings as he builds. I found a picture of him doing this […]
HFM006 : Jordan Dickinson | Owner of Union Speed And Style | Fabricator | Builder
23/07/2013 Duration: 55minToday’s podcast is an interview with Jordan Dickinson from Union Speed And Style. Jordan has been a motorhead for quite some time now, I am happy he had time to chat with me as he has been a busy man getting his Born Free 5 bike ready. We chat about the build process and the adventure he had on getting his bike to the show in California. I always try to type up what we talk about on the podcast but its easier if you just listen and enjoy my friends. Some photos of Jordan’s astounding work I stole from instagram Show Notes: Union Speed And Style Union Speed And Style Facebook Jordan’s Instagram
HFM005 : Neale Bayly | Host of Neale Bayly Rides Peru | Motorcycle Journalist | Philanthropist
23/07/2013 Duration: 22minI had the pleasure and awesome chance to sit down and talk with Neale Bayly (on the phone) last month. Brett from Iron & Air told me about him during episode 4 of Hold Fast Motors Podcast. I instantly started searching for him on the web reading his posts about the new show, his stories of great rides and his fantastic reviews of bikes. Then to top it off I found out he was a fantastic Philanthropist, we chatted about his new show Neale Bayly Rides Peru as well as his work at Wellspring International Outreach. Trailer to his show: Iron & Air, Dime City Cycles, Triumph Motorcycles and Neale are also running an amazing giveaway to raise money and awareness for his foundation Wellspring International Outreach. They are giving away a cafed out 2013 Triumph Bonneville all done by Dime City Cycles. Check out this video here to learn more. This is a shorter episode so let me know if you like them this length or the full hour or more style. Listen up and enjoy. Show Notes: Neale Bayle Rides Twitter Neale Bayly Rides
HFM004 : Brett Houle | Co-founder of Iron & Air Magazine
13/06/2013 Duration: 01h16minIn episode 4 of the Hold Fast Motors podcast I get to chat with the awesome Brett Houle from Iron & Air. We started off talking about his roots in the motorcycle community, then moved on to the birth of the great Iron & Air brand. I had no idea something as cool as Iron & Air would have started out as just a instagram account then moved to being one of the premier destinations for moto-inspiration. He also filled me in on the Triumph Giveaway they are doing right now, its your chance to own a beautiful bike built by the guys at Dime City Cycles and it goes go a very good cause. I had a few little interruptions during the show so I apologize now, this whole podcasting thing has been a blast so far even with its little hiccups. Brett has some great stories to be told so listen up and enjoy. I also want to point out that the word fantastic was apparently really on my mind yesterday as I say it about a 100 times in this episode. -Andy Show Notes: Iron & Air Homepage Iron & Air Twitter Iron & Air Instagram Iron
HFM003 : Relic Kustoms | Jeremy Pedersen | Nick Pedersen
13/06/2013 Duration: 01h03minIn this episode I sat down in person with Jeremy Pedersen from Relic Kustoms and Nick Pedersen his brother. They are both close friends of mine and we actually did this interview/discussion in person, I sat the laptop up and set the mic up to pick up the whole room and we just went at it. The audio quality is not the best but it was fun to chat with friends about motorcycles, this will probably be the least professional sounding of the podcasts… but who said we were professional. Oh yeah a big thanks to Hamms Beer for fueling this chat as well. Show Notes: Relic Kustoms Homepage Relics Twitter Relic Kustoms Facebook Page Relic Kustoms Instagram Nick Pedersens Twitter Nicks Instagram Kustom Kulture Forever Show Jeremy was at recently Jordan Barne’s ’59 that was once his Dads bike
HFM002 : Nathan Millward | The Long Ride Home | Author
05/06/2013 Duration: 54minIn episode 002 of the HFM Podcast I got to chat with Nathan Millward, the man who rode a Honda CT110 from Sydney to London, then New York to California to Seattle To Alaska. He wrote a great book called “The Long Ride Home” which tells the story of his first journey the trip from Sydney to London, its a fantastic book so far and I recommend it to everyone! His book: Show Notes: The Long Ride Home: From Sydney to London Nathan Millwards Website Horizons Unlimited ADVRider Adventure Bike Rider Magazine Riders For Health