Newspapers & Technology



Newspapers & Technology is the premier publication dedicated to all aspects of the newspaper industry.


  • High Tech + Publishing + 30 years = ???

    14/10/2008 Duration: 35min

    News&Tech speaks to Doug Page, chief executive officer of about what the newspaper and publishing industry can learn from forward thinking agencies like the U.S. Army, Arizona State University and Join us as we discuss how inventions like flexible paper and nanobot technology will affect the future of publishing.

  • Local Marketing Trends

    20/08/2008 Duration: 51min

    News&Tech speaks with guests Deb Armstrong of Mediaspace Solutions and Mel Taylor of Mel Taylor Media about local market trends as they impact the newspaper industry via the print and online arenas.

  • Interview with Dario DiMare of Dario Designs

    29/04/2008 Duration: 05min

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — News&Tech Publisher Mary L. Van Meter speaks with Dario DiMare, president of Dario Designs, Inc., about steps international newspapers are taking to make money and what U.S. papers can learn.

  • Kodak interview with Jack Knadjian

    11/04/2008 Duration: 12min

    Newspapers & Technology Editor, Tara McMeekin, and Mel Taylor speak exclusively with Jack Knadjian, of Kodak's Worldwide Newspaper segment.