Fpv Life - Live Youtube Stream & Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 84:42:30
  • More information



FPV LIFE is a Live and Interactive YouTube stream and Podcast.Hosted on the Vek FPV YouTube channel, we discuss all things FPV; freestyle and racing drones, events and the community. We interview all the players in the FPV Scene... The best Pilots, tech Developers and most importantly...you! Interact with the show by engaging in the live youtube chat to ask guests anything you want!


  • Episode 51 ft. Joshua Bardwell, Zoroe & Botgrinder

    01/09/2018 Duration: 01h19s

    FPV Life returns from hiatus with Random FPV at the reigns! Vek chats about the future of the show and Bardwell, Zoroe and Botgrinder join to discuss various FPV topics such as content creation.

  • Episode 50 ft. FU-RC

    09/12/2017 Duration: 59min

    We chat with Chris from FU-RC about the design and manufacturing processes of products old and new such as their moulded carbon fibre frames, single bolt motors, and 4S2P batteries. Tune in to hear about how FU-RC was sabotaged from the inside!

  • Episode 49 ft. Trappy & Snake - Long Range/Crossfire

    02/12/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    All your crossfire questions answered straight from the source! Flight time, antenna mounting, frequency selection, Crossfire troubleshooting, dos and don'ts are all covered Listen to hear why Trappy loves long range, or why Snake can't fly without the CRSF protocol! Snake's burnt house GFM: https://www.gofundme.com/snakes-house-burnt-down

  • Episode 48 ft. The Hosts of The FPV Show - GAPiT, Blue, and Dirt

    09/09/2017 Duration: 01h36min

    Joined by Le Drib and Chad Kapper, this iconic trio discuss with Vek their approach to podcasting and how the two podcasts complement each other. GAPiT reveals his secrets to smooth flying, as well how many M&Ms will give you the same energy as a Lipo.  Listen now to hear how the FPV court ruled the Le Drib ancklegate case!

  • Episode 47 - Are clones ruining the hobby? ft. Joshua Bardwell

    02/09/2017 Duration: 01h35min

    Featuring a wide range of subjects such as whether clones are detrimental to the hobby, preventative measures against cloning, and the difference between clones and OEM rebrands, this episode ensures you're gonna learn something today! Bruce Dally also makes an appearance, to share his experience with cloners and UBAD/La Forge. Tune in to hear about Lexie's secret alter ego...

  • Episode 46 - Hammering Steele ft. Team BMS & FinalGlideAus

    26/08/2017 Duration: 02h19min

    Coming off the high of the MultiGP international open, our guests chat about the event and many of the recent controversial topics in FPV. We hear about how Thomas handles racing nerves, his thoughts on Start stands, and his spec quad choices, as well as discussion of "Hammergate, Steelegate and Roogigate". Find out why Thomas takes a nappy to every race!

  • Episode 45 ft. A_Nub

    25/08/2017 Duration: 02h43min

    After a surprise visit from Wild Willy, the two DRL veteran pilots turn this episode into comedy gold, alongside insider info into other DRL pilots, X-Class and gear. Tune in to hear A_Nub's perfect NASA ground control impression!

  • Episode 44 - Tiny Whoop ft. Jesse Perkins

    06/08/2017 Duration: 01h53min

    Tiny Whoop team pilots come to discuss the origin story of the company, how to building dive with a Tiny Whoop, and the best flight controller choice for a micro. Tune in to hear about how many whoops Jesse has lost, as well as about the infamous Tiny Whoop Thief!

  • Episode 43 ft. Botgrinder, Le Drib & Chad Kapper

    05/08/2017 Duration: 01h38min

    FPV Court is in session! What is the Botgrider guide to ruining the hobby? And Where did Charpu go?   Listen to learn about hypetrain hopping!

  • Episode 42 ft. Onigiri & kViN

    29/07/2017 Duration: 01h47min

    What's it like to be a female in FPV? Why move to Australia? How can we make FPV a spectator sport? What is the hardest part about editing? All will be discussed and more. Listen to see if Onigiri thinks kViN 'tiny whoops' ;)

  • Episode 41 ft. Chad Nowak & Vik Lanning

    22/07/2017 Duration: 02h07min

    Full of many different topics, from how to transition from parks to bandos, to how to collect and manage footage for a video, to goals in FPV, this episode is not one to miss! Have a listen to hear the meaning of 'chicken sandwich' as well as what the guest's worst day in the hobby has been.

  • Episode 40 ft. The FPV Life Audience

    08/07/2017 Duration: 01h52min

    You're the star of the show! Listen as the FPV Life community comes together to chat about various topics from how to prevent over regulation, to whether our equipment should be standardised. Listen to hear what we decided will be the next 'game changer' in FPV!

  • Episode 39 - MultiGP ft. Chris Thomas & Joe Scully

    30/06/2017 Duration: 02h01min

    Tune in to hear all about the upcoming International Open by MultiGP, spec racing, and even potential plans for a MultiGP world championship.

  • Episode 38 ft. Nurk (Bulbufet)

    25/06/2017 Duration: 01h56min

    We hear about Paul's experience with DRL, his personal gear, and his pre-race ritual. FPV Capitalism and commercial drone use are among some of the other topics of discussion. Check out this episode to find out why Random is giving his kid steroids...

  • Episode 37 ft. Project Blue Falcon

    10/06/2017 Duration: 01h36min

    We chat about the beginnings of JC's channel, the new 32 Bit ESCs, the Runcam Split, Radio preferences, as well as some of JC's own designs! Check out this episode to hear how the channel got it's name!

  • Episode 36 - The FPV Life Quiz!

    04/06/2017 Duration: 39min

    How well do you know FPV Life? Think you've got what it takes? Listen as Vek and Vex guide the audience through an interactive Quiz via Kahoot.it

  • Episode 35 ft. Chris from Armattan

    03/06/2017 Duration: 01h40min

    Hear about upcoming Armattan products, the extent of their lifetime warranty, Aramttan team pilots, and Chris gives away a fully built Chameleon!  Check out this episode to hear about the origin of the Armattan brand!

  • Episode 34 ft. Trappy

    03/06/2017 Duration: 01h45min

    A jam packed episode with many topics such as updates on TBS gear (Such as Racetracker, Crossfire, Unify) as well as the Drone Squad app, and more. Tune in now to hear how Trappy got into FPV!

  • Episode 33 ft. Johnny FPV

    27/05/2017 Duration: 01h37min

    Racing or Freestyle? Why not both! We chat about what it takes to make good FPV videos, Johnny's upcoming custom gear, and his Air Hogs sponsorship. Listen to hear why Johnny has abandoned the soft mounted motors!

  • Episode 32 - RaceFlight ft. Preston & Le Drib

    21/05/2017 Duration: 02h08min

    "I want everyone out there that like being on the bleeding edge of this hobby to help us build something that is going to be truly the best it can be" Things start off breezy with a discussion about RaceFlight's 'Glue Mode' and RF's user interface. However, things started to heat up, as Random questions Preston if RaceFlight is making the hobby too simple, Vek wants to know why there is so much secrecy around both the hardware and firmware and Le Drib needs to know plain and simple - which is the best version of Raceflight out there? Have a listen to find out if everyone is still friends...

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