BK HeightsCast is a home-grown weekly recording by Brooklyn Heights residents Alyssa Bereznak and Joe Sullivan.
24 Octogenarian Brawl
19/05/2016 Duration: 33minJoe and Alyssa discuss the opening of the cat cafe, a streak of disturbing brawls at Pier 2, and a growing rift between yoga goers and Verizon protestors. Meanwhile, the Verizon store gets one-star Yelp reviewed, and the duo ends the Friend of the Farmer saga with a final verdict. Plus! Joe recounts a special rainy day celeb sighting.
23 A Known Brooklyn Heights Resident
13/04/2016 Duration: 45minIn a very special episode, Brooklyn Heights resident Liz Goodwin joins us to discuss a neighborhood celebrity sighting. Plus: news of a cat cafe, a one-star review of Swallow Cafe, and a Craigslist posting that proves at least one person in BK Heights has attended SantaCon.
22 Reagan was President
30/03/2016 Duration: 22minThis week in news, Christmas came really early with a winter-themed film shoot in the Heights. Also, apparently bank robberies are still a thing? Because our neighborhood hosted one earlier this month. Listen for a brief dramatic re-enactment from Alyssa. Joe digs into the archives for an uplifting 2-star Yelp review of Montero's straight out of the Reagan era. And the Craigslist item of the week invites you to "recreate a world of dreams and pure fantasy" as you walk down the aisle.
21 A War On Young People
16/03/2016 Duration: 21minIn news, intrigue abounds in the secret underground tunnels (sanctioned by the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications) connecting the Jehovah's Witnesses' properties that are up for sale. Also, our snapchat-obsessed generation claims another victim as the Brooklyn Heights Association shutters its house tour initiative. Our one-star Yelp review of Clark's Restaurant features breaches of both restaurant and Yelp review etiquette. For the Craigslist item of the week, Alyssa and Joe question the relevance of rocking horses in a modern world.
20 Sauce Drama
17/02/2016 Duration: 23minIn news, a fresh lawsuit marks the latest salvo in Save the View's battle to curb Pierhouse's obstruction of their eponymous view, and local blog-commenter Willow Street Watch is vindicated as the city's helio tourism gets a significant reduction. Garden of Eden gets a close-up in this week's Yelp one-star review of the week, and the aquatic-themed Craigslist item of the week is decidedly untelling.
19 Extra Tartar Sauce
11/02/2016 Duration: 25minIn a special opposite day episode, Joe and Alyssa switch responsibilities and the episode goes to hell! In episode number 19, we delve into the latest in a series of petty crimes on Joralemon St, offer a very brief but juicy celeb sighting, and read an extra saucy one-star Yelp review of Atlantic Ave. Chip Shop. Plus: a $70,000 item up for sale on Craigslist that's sure to get you pumped.