There Will Be Geek

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 54:05:03
  • More information



Welcome to our world...There will Be Geek is three occasionally knowledgeable long-term geeks wittering on about our favourite subjects, opining on things that make us happy/sad/interested/annoyed, and occasionally shining a light into the darker recesses of all things Geek. Enjoy!


  • Episode 54 - A Very British Apocalypse

    17/06/2020 Duration: 55min

    This week, Mike and Cav explore the end of the world from a British point of view, what with the world ending and all. We look at what makes a British Apocalypse distinct and different, with Triffids, Zombies, Aliens Invasion, and Killer Geordies. Plus out Thimble of Win has to Face the Music after conquests, and investigates some Mould. Thimble of Win Links   Plus bonus Mitchell and Webb:  

  • Episode 53 - Newsbelch

    24/05/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    We're back, and this time it's...well, news. This week it's all about our take on recent Pop Culture News. We have strange new worlds, the biggest fight between '80s metal legends since David Lee Roth and Vince Neil had a punch up in a Wetherspoons car park, bats leaving the cave, many people realising that this is the way, sandy Al Pacino comparisons, and snide (or should I say Snyd?) cuts. All for your earhole pleasure. Newsticles  

  • Bonus Episode: DOOM Eternal Review

    12/04/2020 Duration: 23min

    This time around we're doing things a little differently, what with one thing and another. Once we've got our systems set up for separate location recording we'll be back on our normal programming. Today, this is just Cav on his own, giving his review of DOOM Eternal, which is well worth your time. There's a lot of detail in here, and if you're even considering purchasing the game, you should definitely give this a listen.

  • Episode 52 - Guilty Pleasures (a.k.a. Suck My Fuck Actually)

    27/02/2020 Duration: 55min

    This week, we look into the world of Guilty Pleasures. Is there such a thing? What constitutes a guilty pleasure? Is it simply liking cultural artefacts that others don’t, or is it more nuanced that that? What do your favourite geeksplorers feel shame about (answer; not much)?   Plus Cav watches a bunch of movies so you don’t have to, Mike baldly goes, and Chani gets cross about animals: Thimble of Win Links    

  • Episode 51a (mini episode) - Rise of Skywalker Before and After Reactions

    22/12/2019 Duration: 14min

    This week two of your favourite swashbuckling geeksplorers present their very brief thoughts on Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (General Chani was unavailable for this one, doubtless off training her minions in a secret location). We'll return with a full reaction episode in a week or so, once we've had time to watch it again and gather our thoughts.

  • Episode 51 - Area 51

    02/12/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    We're baaaaaaaack! After a long hiatus, and a slight relocation of TWBG Towers (80m to be precise) we return with a look at the role of Area 51 in popular culture and find... a lot less than we thought we would. Maybe it's a conspiracy. Maybe the government really are hushing everything up. Maybe Naruto running at a secret base is a bloody stupid idea. Who knows? Well, hopefully after listening to this you'll be a little wiser. Or is that what they want you to think...?   All that, plus Chani makes mushrooms when she pees while ferrying a baby, Cav refuses to take his helmet off while making pew pew noises, and Mike answers the question about who watches the Watchmen (apparently it's him). Watch the skies people. Thimble of Win Links    

  • Episode 50 - Police Procedurals

    11/04/2019 Duration: 52min

    This week, we've got to drag this one back to the precinct because the Lieutenant is breaking our balls. We're playing it by our own rules, busting the bad guys and chasing them down back alleys full of boxes and produce. Yes, for Episode 5-0 we're looking at Police Procedurals. We look at our favourite examples of the genre, and ask why they hold such fascination for us. Plus Chani's jonesing for Borderlands, Cav's only joking, and Mike says the magic word. Game be the game.   Thimble of Win Links Joker Shazam Borderlands   Fuck scene    

  • Episode 49 - The Predator Series

    01/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    Do you like horror franchises? This week we have a doozy. Arnold Scwarzenegger as the Final Girl, Bill Paxton as annoying-douchebag-who-gets-killed, Topher Grace as Really? Him? and Olivia Munn being officially done with this shit. Yes. It's the various permutations of Predator. We go as deep as we can stomach, and sometimes deeper than that. Plus Cav gets Mouldy and Piratey, Mike gets into Ninja Sex, and Chani has epic ranty beef with RDR2. Thimble links:          

  • Episode 48 - "Also Starring..." What Makes a Good Character Actor?

    17/02/2019 Duration: 40min

    This week we look at the often unsung heroes of small and silver screen, the Character Actor. We salute our favourite examples, and look at what makes them good at what they do.   Plus, Cav fiddles with his Dragonballs, Mike enjoys Discovery, and Chani goes Mads for Polar.   One of these days, the puns might get better. But today is not that day. Thimble Links  

  • Episode 47 - What We Loved In 2018

    31/12/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    For the last episode of 2018, we wanted to talk about all of the things we've loved in the world of popular culture this year. We talk about our picks from the worlds of Gaming, TV and Film, with some expected and some surprising choices. There's cowboys, spies, assassins, custard cream enthusiasts, and all points in between.   Here's wishing you a happy new year, ans we look forward to seeing you again in 2019!  

  • Episode 46 - Worst Christmas

    13/12/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    This week, we return triumphant to kick over the nativity scene, proposition the Carol singers and give Santa a wedgie. We look into the very worst pop culture offerings that Christmas has to offer, be it TV, Film or Music, getting our urchin hands dirty so you don't have to. Plus Chani gets her cowboy on, Cav breaks the earth, and Mike goes gooey over thirteen.   Ho Ho Ho fuckers. Thimble Links Red Dead Redemption 2 Broken Earth Trilogy Doctor Who

  • Episode 45 - The Terminator Series (Part 2)

    12/08/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    ...and then there was everything else.   This week, we look at the creditable failures, the blind alleys, and the baffling dumpster fires that constitute everything in the Terminator franchise after Terminator 2. We take a closer look at the films, the TV show, the games, and the toy line (yes, really). We also take a look at "Music Inspired By" the franchise (yes, really; check this out), and pull no punches in our analysis of everything Terminator after 1991. Plus Cav makes Crab Cakes, Chani fondles a Cougar, and Mike gets excited about a bald captain. Thimble of Win Links Clutch - Hot Bottom Feeder Far Cry 5 Sir Patrick Stewart - Star Trek Announcement

  • Episode 44 - The Terminator Series (Part 1)

    06/08/2018 Duration: 59min

    This week, your Geek Resistance Heroes are sending noble warriors back in time to 1984 and 1991, desperately trying to rescue Sarah and John Connor. We talk about where it all began for the Terminator films, and we start with the two offerings that arguable define the franchise. There's Naked Arnie. There's prop-based puns. There's irritating children. What more could you ask for? Plus Cav wants to Glass you, Chani's feeling Mythical, and Mike can;t wait to Cleave.   Thimble of Win Links    

  • Episode 43 - Solo - A Star Wars Story

    16/06/2018 Duration: 43min

    This week, we dissect Solo: A Star Wars Story. Plus Mike feels the need, Chani and games might fall out, and Cav gets his promotional rant on.   Links  

  • Episode 42 - Douglas Adams

    26/05/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the southern hemisphere lies a small unregarded podcast. Presenting this podcast for a period of roughly two years are a group of ape-descended life forms who - with the exception of Chani - are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea..."* Today we release Episode 42, and there was really only one thing we could talk about. So we present to you our take on the works of that most glorious, frustrating, hoopiest of froods, Douglas Adams. Plus Cav gets Manic, Chani starts Following, and Mike is Alluding to another podcast altogether...   (* with apologies to a much better writer)   Links: (even has a reference to Cav!)

  • Episode 41 - Free Comic Book Day

    12/05/2018 Duration: 57min

    There are certain dates every year that the Geek Calendar can be set by; your local big convention, the first of the big tentpole blockbusters, San Diego ComiCon, and so on. Free Comic Book Day has firmly established itself as one of these the world over, so on May 5th, we popped down to All Star Comics here in glamourous Melbourne to see what delights awaited us. We then hotfooted it back to TWBG Towers to read, digest, and then record this episode based on what we found. There were secret agents, robot dogs, preludes to war, and utter batshit insanity. And that's just the comics.   Plus in our Thimble of Win, Chani gets lost in the Ink Machine, and Mike and Cav get some serious Avenging in (so, potential spoilers).   Thimble of Win Links:   Episode Links: h

  • Episode 40 - Vampires - Do They Suck?

    06/05/2018 Duration: 59min

    This week, we debate all things Vampire - where do they come from, what is it that appeals about them, which are the best examples of the genre and so on. We pick out our favorite bloodsuckers, and those we'd rather stake out on a tropical island at noon. And there's bonus Nicholas Cage.   Plus Chani wants the kids to get off her lawn, Cav gets all piratey, and Mike is up to something fishy...   Beaver Piñata!   Links:  

  • Episode 39 - Internet Challenges

    22/04/2018 Duration: 58min

    This week, we explore the world of internet challenges, from condoms, to laundry pods, to ice buckets, and all of the other nonsense in between. Plus, we give a big shout out to Steven Taylor, doing yet another insane bike challenge charity fundraiser ride. More details below.   And in the thimble of win, Cav waxes lyrical on Steve Buscemi, is underwhelmed by rimming, and Chani pats all the dogs.   Links:  

  • Episode 38 - Ready Player One !SPOILERCAST!

    18/04/2018 Duration: 24min

    Welcome back to our short mini-episode, where we review Ready Player One.   Let's just say...reactions were mixed.

  • Episode 37 - Physical vs. Digital Media

    01/04/2018 Duration: 54min

    This week, we debate the issues surrounding Physical vs. Digital Media. Is it better to own a physical object outright, or are we OK with digital versions of our favourite books, films, or music. And what of Cloud Storage and subscription fees? We give the whole shebang a once over. Plus our Thimble of Win deals with Banjo LARP, Non-Verbal Amish Sci-Fi, Cowboys, Space Jockeys, and Art-House Powered People.   Links:      

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