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Third Industrial Revolution
15/04/2015 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode our guest is Vladimir Hermand , a French guy who’s curious enough to explore the world , now studying and traveling in Japan. Topics: 1. 3D Printing 2. Arduino 3. Hackathon 4. Travel experience 5. Photographer 5. Geeky history , first time computer experience
Supertop Team is Super!
11/03/2015 Duration: 55minSupertop Tokens Castro Unread Twitter: @supertopsquid
Don’t worry , Jacob ! You’ll get your 20 beers …
25/09/2014 Duration: 01h48min1: Who is Velvet ? What do you do ? How was the experience to study in the U.K ?2: , what words would you use to define Smartshanghai (essentially) ?3: Is Ad. the most important thing for smart shanghai ? What else ?4: Is it hard to run an English site in China ?5: … Continue reading →
Much easier to point out the problems than to solve them
20/08/2014 Duration: 01h57minNotes Who is Isaac ? :how many people are registered on it and has it changed the situation yet ? what”s your opinions on Obama care ? is food in general safe in the U.S ? like milk or meat (beaf ,pork , chicken , etc. ) will 3D printing technology change the future of … Continue reading →