This is the University of Notre Dame MBA Blog that will be utilized to provide information and podcasting capabiities to prospects, current students, faculty, staff and alumn.
Dean Carolyn Woo discusses mission of the MBA program.
12/12/2008Dean Carolyn Woo discusses carrying Father Sorin's mission forward in the MBA program in this podcast.
The Notre Dame MBA Career Catalyst Program
06/10/2008The Notre Dame MBA Career Catalyst ProgramThis is a podcast of John Rooney, Senior Associate Director of the Notre Dame MBA Career Development Office discussing the Career Catalyst Program that assists Notre Dame MBA students with their achieving their career goals and objectives.
The Notre Dame MBA from an Alumni Perspective
25/09/2006This is a podcast of Notre Dame MBA Alumni M. David Paredes, MBA 2006 and Brian Lohr, Director of Admissions for The Notre Dame MBA Program.
The Notre Dame MBA Finanial Aid Podcast
17/08/2006This is a podcast of Brian Lohr, Director of MBA Admissions at the Univeristy of Notre Dame adivising prospects on the Financial Aid opportunitiues.
Notre Dame MBA Admissions
13/07/2006This is a podcast of Brian Lohr, Director of MBA Admissions at the Univeristy of Notre Dame adivising prospects on the admissions process.