Ask a vet features Dr. Brett Bauscher and a panel of experts answering questions about animal care and discussing important pet care topics.
Early Spring Advice
30/04/2015 Duration: 52minApril 25, 2015 - Debbie Cook, Master Gardener and Certified Arborist, goes into a lot of detail on this show about what is happening with all of the trees in our area. Listen in to see what you should be doing right now. Debbie particularly wants to remind us that bees are very busy right now. If you happen to see a swarm, please let it be. The bees are only looking for a new home. However, if you or someone around you has an allergy and you are nervous about the swarm, please contact an experienced beekeeper to have the bees relocated. Listen in to find out how and when to fertilize your perennials while Debbie explains the three numbers on the packaging. Debbie talks about soil temperature for your tender plants and gives some great advice. Wondering what should be done to bulbs right now? Debbie has the answer.
Ask A Vet Podcast: Spring Dog Questions
14/04/2015 Duration: 32minWe sat down with Dr. Brett Bauscher of the Canyon Small Animal Hospital in Caldwell, Idaho to ask questions that were submitted by customers. Quite a few questions were asked about lumps and bumps that are found on pets along with arthritis, bad teeth and the ideal age to have a dog fixed. Dr Bauscher answers these typical questions first and then dives into customer questions.
Watch What Your Dog Eats This Holiday
30/11/2012 Duration: 10minNovember 30, 2012 - From Thanksgiving to Christmas, Americans celebrate a season filled with treats, snacks, and other great foods. We’re tempted to share what we eat with our dogs, but as Dr. Brett Bauscher, DVM, of Canyon Small Animal Hospital in Caldwell, Idaho points out in this Ask a Vet podcast, chocolate, chewing gum, and even dough can be like poison to your pet.
Should You Spay or Neuter Your Pet? Plus, Resistant Bacteria
29/09/2011 Duration: 30minAsk a Vet, September 20, 2011 — When should you spay or neuter your dog or cat? Or for that matter should you spay or neuter your pet at all? In this excellent episode of the Ask a Vet podcast, Dr. Brett Bauscher of the Canyon Small Animal Hospital discusses the issues around when to spay or neuter your pet, including providing an explanation of why some organizations favor sterilizing pets early. Plus, are pet owns contributing to the problem of resistant bacteria? Dr. Bauscher lets you know.
Inappropriate or Problem Urination and Why Pets Do it
17/08/2011 Duration: 31minAsk a Vet, August 17, 2011 — We love our pets and are concerned when they either have trouble urinating or when they are urinating in an inappropriate way like when cats pee outside of the litter box. In this episode of the Ask a Vet podcast, Dr. Brett Bauscher of the Canyon Small Animal Hospital takes up a question from a listener about a pet that seems to be having trouble urinating. Dr. Bauscher discusses several possible causes that apply to both dogs and cats, including bladder infections, bladder stones, and even feline lower urinary track syndrome. The podcast also deals with the related issue of pet diabetes.
Table Food, Pet Treats, and Combating Fleas and Ticks
11/07/2011 Duration: 34minAsk a Vet, July 11, 2011 — Are you sabotaging your pet’s nutrition and behavior with table food? Are pet treats helpful? Is free choice feeding hurting your pet and your wallet? Do you need a doggy toothbrush? Or what should you do to combat fleas and ticks? Dr. Brett Bauscher covers these topics and more in this informative episode of the Ask a Vet podcast
The Real Meaning Behind Pet Food Labeling
20/06/2011 Duration: 36minAsk a Vet, June 20, 2011 — Host Joe Masar speaks with Dr. Brett Bauscher; Robin Fisher, a pet food expert; and co-host, Armando Roggio about the real meaning behind pet food labeling. Are some brands really better than others? What are animal by-products? And what is the difference between beef, chicken, or lamb protiens. The panel also discusses how to keep pets calm when traveling or during noisey holidays like the Fourth of July.