A guide to the Joss Whedon's Buffy Verse featuring reviews of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, books, collectibles, comics, news, and other geeky goodness. In Joss, We Trust.
Episode #032 Back to School Lessons!
08/09/2009In this episode: Episode Review of Lessons, Designer Imposter: Mad Men, Genuine Molded Plastic, and local Chicago Horror Events. Click to Listen!Episode Review: 7:1 LessonsDesigner Imposter: MadmenGenuine Molded Plastic:Buffy Eaglemoss Fig & MagazineAngel and Spike Eaglemoss Fig and MagazinesTooned Up FaithBuffy Corkscrew I scored at Wizard World!In Closing:Wildclaw Zombie BowlingWildclaw
Episode #031 Wooly Headed Liberal Thinking
17/08/2009Click to Listen:Puppet Show! Where are They Now? Armin Shimerman! Gaming in the Whedonverse: Chaos Bleeds, and Trivia!Annotated Buffy: Puppet Show IGN Chaos Bleeds InfoChaos Bleeds Wiki
Episode #030 Whedonverse Ramble: Non-Joss Buffy, Dollhouse, and More
07/06/2009Click to Listen!In this episode: Talk about a Buffy film without Joss, Dollhouse, Cabin in the Woods, Castle, TV Renewals, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, True Blood, V, Twitter, Hulu, and much much more...
Episode #029 Drunken Dollhouse Ramblings!
27/04/2009Gwen, Casey, Brian, and I talk Dollhouse..and stray off topic a few times. Enjoy!Support my MS Walk campaign!Wildclaw Theatre presents the Revenants featuring Brian as a Zombie!
Episode #028 Destiny, Spangelus, & Wild Horses!
19/09/2008In this episode: my take on Angel season five's "Destiny" and a Music in the Whedon-verse segment on Wild Horses from Buffy season three "The Prom".New Undead America Forum location:
Episode #027 Super Secret I'm Sorry Episode
03/09/2008Click to Listen!I know you are shocked...i whipped this one out tonight to prove that I am not dead and I still love you. show notes will happen sometime soon...jsut not tonight as it's like 95 degrees in my sodding computer room and i am risking an electrical fire by sweating on my computer....ScytheTooned Up StatuesJudge StatuePuppet AngelDIM Mini-mee James MarstersRobert Tonner DollsBuffy