Liam Sherriff is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Business Mentor on a mission to help new and aspiring personal trainers build, grow and sustain a profitable personal training career.
Fitness Industry Insights Ep. 4 - Top Client Retention Tips From The Retention Guru Paul Bedford
25/01/2016 Duration: 22minIf you're looking at ways to build a long term sustainable business in fitness then retention should be top of your list of things to work on. Selling is great, marketing is great but it requires so much more effort than keeping the clients you already have, which is why we got The Retention Guru Paul Bedford on the show to tell you exactly how to do it!
Fitness Industry Insights Ep. 3 - Katie Bulmer-Cooke on the Do's & Don'ts of Social Media
04/01/2016 Duration: 15minIn this episode multi-award winning fitness business mentor, star of BBC's The Apprentice and winner of too many to name fitness awards Katie Bulmer-Cooke is here to talk about the DO's and DON'T's of using social media as a fitness professional and I put her on the spot at the end with my killer question - enjoy!
Fitness Industry Insights Ep. 2 - How Much Should I Charge For PT?
07/12/2015 Duration: 06minWhen you're just starting out as a PT - how much should you charge your clients? What should you consider when decided your prices? Answers to those and my advice on the TWO things I think you should consider when deciding your prices are in this episode!
Fitness Industry Insights Ep. 1 - 3 Tips For Faster Client Results
23/11/2015 Duration: 15minAs a personal trainer - getting results is CRUCIAL! If you don't get results it's unlikely you'll get clients so we're starting our first ever episode of the Fitness Industry Insights podcast with 3 things new trainers MUST be doing to get faster results for their clients!