A hard hitting talk radio show which boldly ventures beyond the spin, deception and propaganda of mainstream news.
Update on Assange, Bitcoin and abortion law
23/06/2017Today's show covers a wide variety of topics. We take a look at the latest developments in the stories of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. We discuss the bitcoin bubble and where crypto currencies are headed. We look at a controversial abortion law which was narrowly blocked in the NSW parliament which would have legalised full term abortions. We also present an extraordinary document in the form of a letter to the New York Times written by Albert Einstein about the fascist threat posed by the state of Israel. Related Links Julian Assange rape investigation dropped by Swedish prosecutors after seven years Chelsea Manning, who gave trove of U.S. secrets to WikiLeaks, leaves prison Here's why Bitcoin prices rose by 60% over a month 'Completely out of step': Abortion to remain a crime in NSW after reform bill fails Einstein Letter Warning Of Zionist Facism In Israel TOP BRITISH PRIVATE SCHOOL TO INTRODUCE GENDER NEUTRAL UNIFORMS Bitcoin soars above $1,700 as market cap adds $1 billion in ju
Trump changes course to please the globalist establishment
30/05/2017In today's show we examine the facts surrounding the US airstrike against Syria which took place on April 7 2017.
Pope Francis’ attack on libertarianism deconstructed
30/05/2017In today's show we analyse a letter by Pope Francis to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in April 2017. This letter contains a savage attack on libertarian philosophy which is tantamount to a repudiation of the most basic values of moder liberal democracy. The basic message is in line with a Marxist / collectivist viewpoint which percieves individual rights as a threat to the greater good of the greater number. It is hard to see how these words accord with the basic teachings of Christianity: Finally, I cannot but speak of the serious risks associated with the invasion, at high levels of culture and education in both universities and in schools, of positions of libertarian individualism. A common feature of this fallacious paradigm is that it minimizes the common good, that is, “living well”, a “good life” in the community framework, and exalts the selfish ideal that deceptively proposes a “beautiful life”. I
Is a pieing a legitimate form of political protest?
30/05/2017Is a meringue pie in the face an assault or a political act? Today we look at this question in the context of the pie assault of QANTAS CEO Alan Joyce. There is a long tradition of "pieing" as a political act. Bill Gates was famously "pied" in 1998. Yes it's illegal, but many people who get pied are big enougn not to press charges. Not so in the case of Mr Joyce. We also look at the issue of "universal basic income" as a proposal for alleviating the problems of long term unemployment. Related Links Finland's universal basic income trial for unemployed reduces stress levels, says official Federal budget 2017: Turnbull says welfare drug test policy 'based on love' Federal budget 2017: Welfare groups say new requirements 'vilify the unemployed' Parents with non-vaccinated children to lose $28 in Family Tax each fortnight
Did Milo Yiannopoulos endorse pedophilia?
03/03/2017Today we examine the evidence that Milo Yiannopoulos endorsed or excused pedophilia. We examine this issue in the context of our ongoing study of gay culture (see previous episode on pizzagate). In his conversation with Joe Rogan, Yiannopoulos suggests that inappropriate sexual relations between "very young" men and adults is common among the rich and famous Hollywood set with which he has mixed. Yiannopoulos also appears to be comfortable with the fact that he was molested as a 13 year old, describing it as a sort of coming of age experience, and asserts that this is not unusual among gay men generally. Yiannopoulos describes laws regarding the sexual abuse of minors as applying an "arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have of the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships". As a result of the public exposure of these statements Yiannopoulos was dumped as a speaker at the CPAC con
The Iran Gambit
23/02/2017Iran, with the 4th largest oil reserves in the world, is a country which has been highly significant for the geoplitical strategies of Western powers since the end of World War II. The West has employed various tactics in its attempt to maintain control, including politcal subversion, destabilisation, installation of puppet leaders, sanctions, the lifting of sanctions and veiled threats of war. Today we take a look at the history of Iran's relations with the West and we evaluate the recent assertion by US President Donald Trump that Iran is the "world's number 1 state sponsor of terrorism". We also reflect upon the interesting observation that each successive wave of extremist ideologies and militant political movements which have emerged from the Middle East has been a response and a reaction to invasions, occupations and interference by Western powers, right up to the emergence of ISIS in the past few years. We further reflect on the way in which the anti-Islam rhetoric of t
Brendon O’Connell on Iran, Israel and freedom of speech in Australia
23/02/2017Today we welcome Brendon O'Connell back to the show. Brendon was convicted in 2010 under controversial anti-discrimination laws after posting a series of Youtube videos depicting Israel as a "racist, homicidal regime". After his release, Brendon continued with his activism and was charged again, but fled to Iran while on bail. He joins us today from Kuala Lumpur. Brendon talks of the infiltration of Australian security networks, telcos, banking and medical systems in Australia by Israeli intelligence operatives. He also talks about his experiences in Iran and his understanding of the political currents in that country. Finally, Brendon goes through some of the issues regarding legislation in Australia which threatens freedom of speech and his intention of taking his case to the High Court. A highly unusual and eye-opening interview! Related Links Brendon O'Connell's Blog Alternate Blog Brendon O'Connell's Youtube Channel
The age of Trump begins
15/02/2017In today's show we reflect on the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. We examine some of the key issues of contention in Trump's policy plans and review some of the earlier TNRA shows covering Trump's campaign. Other issues covered in today's show include the concept of "universal basic income" and its possible connection to the rollout of a cashless welfare card as part of a plan to eliminate cash globally. Related Links All References to ‘Climate Change’ Deleted From White House Website at Noon Today Why we should all have a basic income Davos 2017 - A Basic Income for All: Dream or Delusion? Why a universal basic income is a poor substitute for a guaranteed job Cashless welfare card: Future of scheme remains uncertain despite interest from towns
The truth about torture
15/02/2017In the wake of recent statements from Donald Trump on torture, today's show delves into the issue of torture in depth. What is torture? What is its real purpose? What is its connection to psychopathology? How does the glamourised Hollywood treatment of the subject distract us from understanding the real issues? Related Links Trump: Torture absolutely works Trump: Defense Secretary Mattis can 'override' me on torture S-21, The Torture and Killing Machine Christopher Hitchens - On Newsnight discussing torture "Taxi To The Dark Side" – Trailer