Listen as we interview scientists on the cutting edge of research into ecology, evolution, and paleontology.
#5- EcoTalk Alice Hughes
05/05/2014 Duration: 52minIn this episode of EcoTalk, we speak with Alice C. Hughes, Associate Professor at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden in Yunna province, China. We speak with Alice on bats and conservation in Southeast Asia. You can find more about Alice's research here. I recorded this podcast last summer while working with Alice as mentors on NAPIRE: Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience for Undergraduates. Madison Ball produced this podcast and support for EcoTalk comes from the National Science Foundation (USA). Photo credits for cover art: Wiki Commons and Alice C. Highes. -Andrew Michelson
#4- EcoTalk Anne Wiley
28/03/2014 Duration: 43minEcoTalk is back from our hiatus! Listen as we talk with Anne Wiley about her conservation efforts with Hawaiian birds that combines, biological, chemical, and geological techniques in groundbreaking ways! Check out her work here. This episode is also the first with our new producer, Madison Ball. Welcome, Madison! -Andy Images coutresy of wiki commons and Dr. Wiley's Smithsonian website.
#3- EcoTalk Lara Roketenetz and Josh Koppen
13/11/2013 Duration: 44minListen as we talk to Lara Roketenetz and Josh Koppen about urban agriculture, environmental justice, and combating "nature deficit disorder." We talk about how to connect with nature even in cities and how we can work to lessen our environmental impact. Lara and Josh work with Green Triangle, Earth Day Coalition, and City Rising Farm in Clevaland, Ohio to grow food in cities, plant gardens in abandoned lots, educate people about the environment, and much more. Photo credit: plants from Wikipedia Commons and photo of Lara and Josh from Lara Roketentz.
#2- EcoTalk Jacquelyn Gill
16/10/2013 Duration: 46minListen to my interview with Jacquelyn Gill, assistant professor at the University of Maine. She was Voss postdoctoral fellow at Brown University when we recorded the podcast. We talk about how she can look through mud at the bottom of lakes to tell us about large herbivores, like mastodons and mammoths, and past climates. Jacquelyn blogs at:Contemplative Mammoth and you can follow her on twitter @JacquelynGill. Here are links to some of her publications that we talk about: Support for EcoTalk comes from the National Science Foundation (USA). Cover art photo credit: Photo of Jacquelyn comes from her academic website, mammoth comes from Jacuelyn’s blog, contemplative mammoth, and pollen comes from Wikipedia commons.
#1-EcoTalk Kelsey Feser Interview
02/10/2013 Duration: 35minListen to my interview with Kelsey Feser, graduate student at the University of Cincinnati. She uses seashells to assess the health of ocean ecosystems. Dakota Pirkowski produced this episode of EcoTalk. Support for EcoTalk comes from the National Science Foundation (USA). Photo credit of Kelsey: Dave Meyer. Mollusk comes from wiki commons.