Every week, US Citizenship Podcast brings you practice interviews, quizzes, resources, and the latest news that help you get ready for your US Citizenship Interview.
Winter Holidays Citizenship Quiz
24/12/2024 Duration: 06minCelebrate the Winter Holidays with 15 Civics Questions. I ask, you answer. Download a PDF of this quiz, click For more Citizenship Resources for the Winter Holidays, visit For more info on Inauguration Day, including the Oath of Office, visit Even during the holidays, study a little bit every day. I know that you will be a GREAT American citizen! All rights reserved. Do not remix!
A Quick Review of the Bill of Rights and the N-400 (2024) Part 9 plus Civics Questions
17/12/2024 Duration: 09minAfter a long hiatus, we are back with regular podcasts that feature questions from the new USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization. In honor of the Bill of Rights Day, December 15, we are pairing the first ten amendments with some questions from the new N-400 Part 9 and some Civics questions. Here is a pdf of the A Quick Review of the Bill of Rights and the N-400 (2024) Part 9 plus Civics Questions. Image: Bill of Rights depicted in cartoon format from 1971 Young Citizen teacher’s guide transparency. Courtesy: Syracuse University. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE and for teacher printable version. Before we begin, there are four news items: 1) On September 20, USCIS released their new “One Nation, One People: Civics Test Textbook” for adults preparing to naturalize. In support of their commitment 2gen civic literacy, USCIS also released “Color Me Civics: U.S. Landmarks and Symbols Coloring Book” in English and Spanish. You can download these free resources from USCIS. 2) Two new N-400 (2024) Part 9 resour
Alecia's Practice Citizenship Interview
08/10/2023 Duration: 10minIn honor of Hispanic American Heritage Month, we are featuring a N-400 practice interview wth Alecia from Colombia. U.S. Citizenship Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month page | video playlist U.S. Citizenship Resources for Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day page
Happy Autumn! Happy U.S. Citizen!
02/10/2023 Duration: 09minPractice Citizenship interview with Sofia from Morocco. A “Typical” Citizenship Interview Based on the USCIS N-400r (4 pages) USCIS 100 Remix Quizzes "Ones" 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 "Twos" 02, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92 "Threes" 03, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93
What's up with the Proposed USCIS Naturalization Test Redesign?
25/09/2023 Duration: 28minIn late September, DHS and USCIS released new resources about the Naturalization Test Redesign. This prompted updated commentary from VOA News, ILRC, Bill Bliss, and other stakeholders. In order to address and clarify to redesign process, USCIS will be hosting NIICE: National Immigrant Integration & Citizenship Education Conference, October 18-19, in Washington D.C. Plus resources to contact CONGRESS about the potential Government shutdown. And a QUICK CITIZENSHIP QUIZ that connects the Constitution, the Fed Code, and Adult Education. 7/19/2023 Naturalization Test Redesign Resources (DHS, USCIS) DHS Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman webpage July 19, 2023 Engagement with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on the Naturalization Test Redesign Initiative July 19, 2023 Naturalization Test Redesign Updates Power Point Presentation PDF648.78 KB0 July 19, 2023 Naturalization Test Redesign Initiative Readout PDF230.72 KB07/19/2023 July, 19, 2023 USCIS and Office o
2023 Constitution and Citizenship Week Quiz
17/09/2023 Duration: 11minHappy Constitution and Civics Week! Ten civics questions that follow the structure of the US Constitution. PDF: Video: Learn more at LINCS: Civics Resources for Constitution and Citizenship Week uscitizenpod: U.S. Citizenship Resources for Constitution and Citizenship Week
Citizenship Quiz for All Saints and Day of the Dead 2022
03/11/2022 Duration: 07minAll Saints and Day of the Dead are part of a 3-day festival that remembers the lives of those who passed before us in 2022. quiz pdf mp3 audio mp4 video More U.S. Citizenship Resources for Halloween, All Saints, and Day of the Dead
Constitution and Citizenship Week 2022 Quiz
24/09/2022 Duration: 06minTen questions for Constitution and Citizenship Week 2022 Download a pdf of this quiz: Pair this 10 Question civics quiz with one of the Mix-and-Match Citizenship Interviews ( for a quick mock naturalization interview. Find more Constitution and Citizenship Week 2022 resources at Find more Citizenship Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month 2022
Happy Pascha 2022! A Citizenship Quiz in Honor of Eastern Orthodox Christian Americans
24/04/2022 Duration: 06minHappy Pascha! A Citizenship Quiz in Honor of Eastern Orthodox Christian Americans pdf: I wrote this quiz for several reasons. First, to honor Central/Eastern European-American Heritage. Second, to showcase the diversity in the American Christian community. Third, to celebrate Easter. In the past, Western Christians and the Eastern Orthodox have been divided by religion, history, and politics, but as Americans, we are united as one people, and this year, we are celebrating Easter on the same day. This is recording is an update of a 2017 podcast featuring Branka and her husband Tony, both of whom were from the former Yugoslavia by way of Canada. Branka was a longtime colleague who at the time worked as a Projects Coordinator for OUTREACH AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NETWORK ( and had recently became a new US citizen. She then moved on to lead the Capital Adult Education Consortium. In late 2021, she and her family returned to Serbia where she c
Happy Birthday, George Washington!
22/02/2022 Duration: 09minHappy Presidents' Week! Happy George Washington's Birthday! Happy 2-22-2022! Today we have two quick practice quizzes. Check back with for new Presidents' Week quizzes and resources. You can also see a video version of this interview with closed captions on the uscitizenpod YouTube channel. Download the PDFs for this episode Citizenship Interview Quiz for Presidents’ Week 2022: Washington's Birthday Citizenship Interview: Series E / Practice 1 (voting/taxes) Mix-and-Match Citizenship Quiz: Name Two (or More) You can pre-order my new book, U.S. Citizenship for Dummies, by Jennifer Gagliardi at and other fine booksellers.
A Citizenship Quiz for Christmas
25/12/2021 Duration: 05minChristmas is a federal U.S. holiday. Christians celebrate #Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ. All Americans look forward to a long holiday of family, food, and fun. Here is a #Citizenship Quiz based on historical events which occurred on Christmas Eve (Dec 24) or Christmas Day Dec (25). Download the pdf and follow along: Video:
Citizenship Quiz for All Saints and Day of the Dead 2021
02/11/2021 Duration: 08minAll Saints and Day of the Dead are part of a 3-day festival that remembers the lives of those who passed before us. Twelve civics questions paired with the following Americans. Download the pdf at Nov 23, 2020: Bruce Boynton, African-American civil rights activist Dec 6, 2020: Paul Spyros Sarbanes, US Congressman Dec 10, 2020: Juan Pérez-Giménez, U.S. District Court for Puerto Rico judge Feb 6, 2021: George Shultz, three-time Cabinet Secretary Apr 4, 2021: LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Native American activist Apr 19, 2021: Walter Mondale, Vice-President Aug 5, 2021 Richard Trumka, labor union leader Oct 16, 2021: Colin Powell, Secretary of State Check out all our new videos on the uscitizenpod YouTube channel
Promoting Naturalization
21/07/2021 Duration: 19minOn July 2, 2021, USCIS released a new report: A Quick Review of the USCIS Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization. Dr. Patricia Hernandez and Teacher Jennifer Gagliardi do a quick review of the plan and look forward to it's implementation. USCIS Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization Executive Order on Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization pdf Naturalization Policies Fact Sheet LIS
F-1 Students Seeking Optional Practical Training Can Now File Form I-765 Online
14/04/2021 Duration: 06minRelease Date 04/12/2021 WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced that F-1 students seeking optional practical training (OPT) can now file Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, online if they are filing under one of these categories: (c)(3)(A) – Pre-Completion OPT; (c)(3)(B) – Post-Completion OPT; and (c)(3)(C) – 24-Month Extension of OPT for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students. OPT is temporary employment that is directly related to an F-1 student’s major area of study. Eligible students can apply to receive up to 12 months of OPT employment authorization before completing their academic studies (pre-completion) and/or after completing their academic studies (post-completion). Eligible F-1 students who receive STEM degrees may apply for a 24-month extension of their post-completion OPT. “USCIS remains committed to maximizing our online filing capabilities,” said Senior Official Performing the Duties of USCIS Director Tracy Renaud.
A Virtual U.S. Citizenship interview in Los Angeles!
27/03/2021 Duration: 29minDelia, a student of Dr. Patricia Hernandez, talks about her recent "virtual" citizenship interview
The Stressed-out USCIS Officer and More Tips for Your Citizenship Interview
28/02/2021 Duration: 12minDr Hernandez and Teacher Jennifer give tips about The Stressed-out USCIS Officer and More Tips for Your Citizenship Interview (in English) El estrés de los oficiales de USCIS, y sugerencias que pueden facilitar su entrevista de ciudadanía US Citizenship Resources for Women's History Month
2021-02-22 USCIS Reverts to the 2008 Version of the Naturalization Civics Test
22/02/2021 Duration: 03minYou will hear the announcement in English, Español, 廣東話,普通話, Tiếng việt 2021-02-22 USCIS Reverts to the 2008 Version of the Naturalization Civics Test USCIS Vuelve a la Versión del 2008 del Examen de Educación Cívica para Naturalización 美國公民及移民服務局恢復為2008年版本的入籍公民測試 您只學習100個公民問題。 新的128個問題太難了! 我們真高興! 謝謝美國移民局! USCIS Hoàn nguyên về Phiên bản 2008 của Bài kiểm tra Công dân Nhập tịch Bạn chỉ học 100 câu hỏi môn công dân. 128 câu hỏi mới quá khó! Chúng tôi rất vui! Xin cảm ơn USCIS! Thank you USCIS for listening to the people!
Happy New Year, Happy New U.S. Citizen Thao Nguyen!
16/02/2021 Duration: 16minBefore we start the interview, I share some news about the 128 civics questions (check with for confirmation). Then Thao answers N-400 and 10 civics questions, plus 1 reading and dictation question. Happy New Year, Happy New U.S. Citizen Thao Nguyen! Citizenship Resources for February Biden Is Planning To Scrap Trump's Version Of The Citizenship Test That Critics Said Was More Confusing Biden Is Planning To Scrap Trump's Version Of The Citizenship Test!
N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary Review PLUS!
05/02/2021 Duration: 09minThis is an extended N-400 Part 12 vocabulary review with Quynh. When she doesn't understand a questions, she asks for clarification. This interview is based on N-400r Part 12 Overview Quiz (27 questions)