Wednesday's Haul



A weekly review of last weeks comic books and a look at books out this Wednesday


  • Wednesday’s Haul 3/10/10– Sweet Tooth & Marvel: 1985


    As if to show how rusty I am at podcasting, I spend an entire show calling one of Jeff Lemire’s characters in Sweet Tooth by the wrong name.  Whenever you hear me call a character “Sheppard,” please substitute in “Jeppard”…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #13- The Great Escape


    Steve McQueen. James Garner. Richard Attenborough. Ty and Scott get together to talk about 1963’s THE GREAT ESCAPE. Click here to listen to the podcast.Similar Posts: Gutter Shots Episode #1– now with Obama sponsorship Wednesday’s Haul 11/7/07– The Real Episode…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #12- Shakespeare in Synechode


    It’s a regular mishmash episode as Ty and Scott talk about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Whiteout, The Surrogates, Marvel’s recent Thor by JMS, Planet Hulk & World War Hulk, DMZ and Synechode, NY. You can listen to the episode…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #11– Modok’s Love Life


    I know that Ty and I talked about Jeff Lemire last week but I had to start this episode with more Jeff Lemire talk, focusing on his use of color in THE NOBODY and then we talk about about his…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #10– Now with more Jeff Lemire


    In this episode of Gutter Shots, Ty & Scott tackle Jeff Lemire’s ESSEX COUNY and THE NOBODY.  After that, we spend the required time talking about last week’s purchase of Marvel by Disney, aimlessly speculating on what it will mean…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #9– Stayin’ Alive


    After a smallish break (don’t believe the rumors that Ty absconded with all of the Gutter Shots’ coffers even if those rumors were started by Scott,) our intrepid heroes are back for another stattershot look at the recent pop culture…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #8– What was the name of the con again?


    Call it the Chicago Comic-Con, call it Wizard World Chicago.  Call it the Chicago comic book show that isn’t actually in Chicago.  Whatever you want.  In this episode, Scott & Ty sit down to talk about their trips to the…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #7– (500) Days of Tony Stark


    This episode, Ty and Scott are back with some pre-season quarterback talk, their expectations of this weekend’s Chicago Comicon (formerly Wizard World Chicag0,) Darwyn Cooke’s The Hunter, Invincible Iron Man and (500) Days of Summer. Download the episode here.Similar Posts:…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #6– Just like rock’n’roll


    Friends say it’s fine, my friends say it’s good Ev’rybody says it’s just like rock’n’roll Fly like a plane, love like a car Hold lots of hands, babe I wanna be your man – oh Well it’s plain to see…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #5– the episode Audacity didn’t want you to hear


    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “podcasting is hard work.”  Sure the pay is great and the chicks dig it  but at the end of the day, it’s just you,  a microphone and a program that decides…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #4– On Target


    In this episode of Gutter Shots, Ty and Scott go to the shelves and pull out two crime classics; THE HUMAN TARGET and THE HUMAN TARGET: FINAL CUT.  Ten years ago, Peter Milligan and artist Edvin Buikovic took a somewhat…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #2: Confidentially


    Scott and Ty are back with another episode.  The discussion begins with 1988’s Comic Book Confidential, a documentary looking at the evolution of comics.  From there, they branch off and talk about the future of comic distribution and creation, arguing…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots #3– The first rule of Pod Club


    In Episode 3, our intrepid podcaststers talk about the top movie at the box office right now, Tranformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.  After that, Scott is interested in picking up the HBO series Eastbound and Down on DVD and…Read more →

  • Gutter Shots Episode #1– now with Obama sponsorship


    It’s the first episode of Gutter Shots.  In this episode, Scott and Ty talk about why they feel the need to put out a new podcast, sponsorship options for the show and Ed Wood.  When the discussion actually turns a…Read more →

  • Wednesday’s Haul 4/25/09– The Big Bang Postulate


    The podcast returns, talking about comics, The Love Boat and pondering where Charo is nowadays. As well as musing on the potential that would exist in a Love Boat remake, I spend some time talking about Paul Pope’s Star Trek…Read more →

  • Brand New Podcast– Wednesday’s Haul 3/4/09


    It’s a brand new podcast as I talk about Brand New Day, the revitilzation of Spider-Man and who gets the credit if Watchmen turns out to be a good movie?Similar Posts: Wednesday’s Haul 1/04/08– One More Podcast Gutter Shots Episode…Read more →

  • Wednesdays Haul 1/7/09–what happened to 2008?


    Wednesday’s Haul returns, refreshed and ready for a new year and a new batch of podcasts.  In this first episode of 2009, Scott talks about his general podfade in 2008 and his plans for 2009.  In between that, he also…Read more →



    I’m back finally with a new episode and, as part of this month’s Comics Podcast Theme of Politics in Comics, I’m talking about Kaiji Kawaguchi’s excellent manga series EAGLE: THE MAKING OF AN ASIAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT, a fictitious account of the…Read more →

  • Help us Grant Morrison. You’re our only hope.


    Wednesday’s Haul is back with an episode looking at Grant Morrison and the differences between him and Geoff Johns. You can download the episode here. Similar Posts: Wednesday’s Haul 6/6/07– All About Legion Podcast: Hey buddy, can you spare $2.99?…Read more →

  • Wednesday’s Haul 7/23/08


    It’s not so much a full episode but I wanted to get something out.  In this brief ep, I review Mark Millar and Tony Harris’s War Heroes and babble on about some other stuff. Look for a full episode next…Read more →

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