The fortnightly podcast about nerdy things.
Nerd Corner Ep 21 – JD & Matt Hansen Talk Star Trek Beyond and Other Star Trek Fun
23/10/2016 Duration: 01h13minThis week Matt Hansen joins us all the way from and Upper Pylon 2 on to have a bit of a catch up about Star Trek Beyond and the 50th anniversary. We also go on tangents about hipster nerds, talk about multiple cinema viewings of things and even discuss George Takei for a … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep 20 – JD and Cam Watch Avatar (Part 1)
01/10/2016 Duration: 02h01minWelcome one and all back to Nerd Corner. Our deepest apologies for out long absence but we’re back and In this,the first of two parts, JD and “Cam we play D&D with” have quite an overblown conversation about the etiquette on spoilers. What comes afterwards is an almost impromptu viewing of the first hour and … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep 19 – The Spoilerific Nerd Corner Force Awakens Discussion
08/01/2016 Duration: 02h06minIn the first edition of Nerd Corner for 2016 (the year Ghostbusters 2 told us the world would end by the way) JD is once more joined by Old School Nate and newcomer “Cameron We Play D&D With.” Unsurprisingly, just like every other podcast that exists, we’re talking Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens. … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep 18 – JD and Vic Talk Comic Book Movies Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
23/12/2015 Duration: 01h44minThis weeks episode of Nerd Corner is the eagerly anticipated second part of “JD & Vic talk comic movies” featuring regular host John Dee and esteemed guest Victor Dean Hampstead. In the second part we cover everything you wanted us to cover in the first half, and some stuff you probably didnt. Apologies to all … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep 17 – JD and Vic Talk Comic Book Movies Part 1
30/11/2015 Duration: 01h22minIn this special “Alfresco Podcastng” edition of Nerd Corner, JD is joined by Hazard Productions’ Victor Dean Hampstead. What started as a simple discussion about the Marvel Cinematic Universe veered all over the place for an hour before we even hit the topic at hand. We went so over time, this is Part 1 of … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep 16 – Nerd Corner talks about the Scream franchise
10/11/2015 Duration: 01h40minOn this new episode we have recovered from our clip show and JD is joined once again by “Old School Nate” and “Megan with red hair.” This week JDs list of disjointed subjects include things such as his continued avoidance of all things Star Wars, a quick review of Fant Four Stick, Nate’s disdain for … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep 15 – So It’s Come to This, a Nerd Corner Clip Show
25/10/2015 Duration: 44minFirst off we apologise for doing a clip show. This week due to scheduling (and a lack of a guest host) John Dee has cobbled together a collection of interviews he has done over the years. Featured talent: Danny John-Jules, Craig Charles, Robert Llewellyn, Terry Farrell, Nicole DeBoer, Grant Imahara and John Jarratt. As always … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep14 – The Nerd Messiah Cometh
09/10/2015 Duration: 01h13minThis week we don’t even have a clever excuse as to why John Hammond is absent. Subsequently John Dee is joined by his nerdy mate of his 27 years, Paul Parton. We go through the weeks nerdy news, talk about remakes for a bit and create three new hashtags #GetWellKes #HappyBirthday #NoRemakes. But the important … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep13 – Two Guys, a Girl & a Conversation about Video Game Movies
24/09/2015 Duration: 01h12minThis week on Nerd Corner John Hammond is again absent so John Dee is joined by “old School Nate” and “Megan with red hair” as they once again go through JDs list and discuss such things as Wonder Woman casting rumours, Ghost trains but not as you know them and even read out a real life … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep12 – Craven
04/09/2015 Duration: 01h06minDue to some emergency dental work John Hammond is absent and John Dee is joined by “Old School Nate.” This week we go through JDs trademark list, go on a few wrestling related tangents and spend some time paying tribute to the late Wes Craven. As always we can be praised or buried at or tweeted @nerdcornerau … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep11 – Jurassic Parkpodcast (Fixed)
15/08/2015 Duration: 01h19minThis week on Nerd Corner John Dee and John Hammond talk about a topic near and dear to Mr Hammonds heart – the Jurassic Park franchise. As always we steer clear of segueways as we go through JDs list of news items. Apologies for JHs sneezing fit midway through. Next time: Terminator. As always you … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep10 – Nerd Corner Talks About SDCC
31/07/2015 Duration: 59minIn a shocking turn of events John Dee and John Hammond did NOT record this weeks podcast in a car. Instead we lamented Hammonds broken phone and sat in JDs living room discussing another laundry list of nerdy updates, mostly the stuff that came out of San Diego ComicCon AND we promised an upcomign Jurassic … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep09 – Nerd Corner Plays Gloom
12/07/2015 Duration: 01h09minThis week it’s a very special Nerd Corner as John Dee and John Hammond are joined by “Behind the Panels” host Richard Gray. Instead of our usual shenanigans we bring in a whole new set of shenanigans as we try out the hilarious card game “Gloom” provided by and hosted at Good Games Hurstville. If you … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep08 – Nerd Corner Goes to Supanova
26/06/2015 Duration: 01h45minThis week on Nerd Corner John Dee is joined by “Rachel the ring-in” due to John Hammond and his time spent in an iron lung. In a special two hour Nerd Corner we discuss all the nerdy happenings that made it onto the trusty notepad and then do a ham fisted segueway to discuss Supanova … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep07 – Back in the Car
31/05/2015 Duration: 01h04minWelcome back to nerd Corner where we have already ended up back in a car. This episode, as always we take a look at the nerdy happenings, go on an impromptu revisit of our childhood shows episode and have a half baked conversation about SeaQuest DSV while John Hammond again awaits the arrival of the … Continue reading
Nerd Corner Ep06 – Nerds on the Road
18/05/2015 Duration: 01h04minWelcome to Geek Actually network debut of Nerd Corner. The nerdy podcast that’s been rebooted and relaunched more times than Windows ’98. In this weeks episode hosts John Dee and John Hammond present “Nerds in a car” as John Hammonds car breaks down en route to recording at JDs house. We discuss three weeks worth … Continue reading