Critical Studies in Media Communication, a Routledge and National Communication Association journal, provides a home for scholarship in media and mass communication from a cultural studies and critical perspective.
Book Review: Dead Matter: The Meaning of Iconic Corpses by Margaret Schwartz, Reviewed by alea adigweme
27/02/2017 Duration: 21minBook Review: Dead Matter: The Meaning of Iconic Corpses by Margaret Schwartz, Reviewed by alea adigweme #media #communication #mediaicons #corpse #icons
Digital Currents: How Technology and the Public Are Shaping TV News by Rena Bivens. Published by University of Toronto Press 2014. Reviewed by Luke Gaspard
27/02/2017 Duration: 20minDigital Currents: How Technology and the Public Are Shaping TV News by Rena Bivens. Published by University of Toronto Press 2014 #technology #digital #media #communication #news
Book Review: Imagining the Global: Transnational Media and Popular Culture Beyond East and West by Fabienne Darling-Wolf, Reviewed by Lindsey Decker
16/01/2017 Duration: 18minBook Review: Imagining the Global: Transnational Media and Popular Culture Beyond East and West by Fabienne Darling-Wolf, Reviewed by Lindsey Decker #Transnationalmedia, #popularculture, #hiphopstudies, #race, #gender, #glocamalgamation
Book Review: Islands of Empire: Pop Culture and U.S. Power, by Camilla Fojas, book review by Jessica Gantt Shafer
10/02/2016 Duration: 08minIsland Empire: Pop Culture and U.S. Power by Camilla Fojas, book review by Jessica Gantt Shafer. Empire, imperialism, colonialism, pop culture, film, television
Book Review: Feminist Surveillance Studies, edited by Rachel Dubrofsky and Shoshana Magnet, book review by Victoria L. Brown
10/02/2016 Duration: 07minFeminist Surveillance Studies, edited by Rachel Dubrofsky and Shoshana Magnet, book review by Victoria L. Brown. Feminism, surveillance, praxis, intersectionality
'Virtual Homelands: Indian Immigrants and Online Cultures in the United States', Reviewed by Alyxandra Vesey
19/06/2015 Duration: 08minBook Review: Virtual Homelands: Indian Immigrants and Online Cultures in the United States Reviewed by Alyxandra Vesey
'Special Affects: Cinema, Animation, and the Translation of Consumer Culture', Reviewed by Jamie Landau
19/06/2015 Duration: 08minBook Review: Special Affects: Cinema, Animation, and the Translation of Consumer Culture Reviewed by Jamie Landau
Interview with Kristin Lieb - part 2
25/03/2015 Duration: 23minInterview with Kristin Lieb, Miranda Banks - part 2 of 2
Interview with Kristin Lieb - part 1
24/03/2015 Duration: 20minInterview with Kristin Lieb, Miranda Banks - Part 1 of 2
Cable Guys: Television and Masculinities in the 21st Century
02/03/2015 Duration: 08minCable Guys: Television and Masculinities in the 21st Century
Breaking Bad: Critical Essays on the Context, Politics, Style, and Reception of the Television Series
26/02/2015 Duration: 07minBreaking Bad: Critical Essays on the Context, Politics, Style, and Reception of the Television Series, edited by David P. Pierson, book review by Christopher C. Barnes
Interview with Lisa Henderson, recorded by Katherine Sender
18/07/2014 Duration: 30min#NCA #CSMC #interview #LisaHenderson #KatherineSender
Inaugural Message from CSMC Editors, Katherine Sender, University of Auckland, and Peter Decherney, University of Pennsylvania
18/07/2014 Duration: 04min#NCA #CSMC #inauguralmesssage #KatherineSender #PeterDecherney
MP3: The Meaning of a Format by Jonathan Stern (Duke University Press, 2012). Review and audio recording by Ben Aslinger, Bentley University
05/06/2014 Duration: 05min#NCA #CSMC #bookreview #MP3 #JonathanStern #BenAslinger
AuthenticTM: The Politics of Ambivalence in a Brand Culture by Sarah Banet-Weiser (New York University Press, 2012). Review and audio recording by Amanda Nell Edgar, University of Missouri
05/06/2014 Duration: 08min#NCA #CSMC #bookreview #BrandCulture #SarahBanet-Weiser #AmandaNellEdgar