Christian Doctor's Digest is an audio magazine produced by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. Topics vary, covering such issues as bioethics, medical missions, financial stewardship, marriage and family, and much more. CMDA CEO Dr. David Stevens hosts CDD.
Dr. James Dobson: Protecting the Family
02/01/2020 Duration: 36minOn our inaugural episode of CMDA Matters, we are joined by Dr. James Dobson is an American evangelical Christian author, psychologist, and founder in 1977 of Focus on the Family, which he led until 2010. He then founded Family Talk, a ministry that promotes and teaches biblical principles that support marriage, family, and child-development.
December 2019 CDD #1 (full issue)
11/12/2019 Duration: 59minThe complete first December 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Peter Saunders, MD (new CEO of ICMDA) and Eric McLaughlin, MD (author of Promises in the Dark) and hosted by CMDA CEO Mike Chupp, MD.
Promises in the Dark
11/12/2019 Duration: 24minEric McLaughlin, MD, is a family medicine missionary physician with Serge in Burundi. He and his wife, Rachel, live at Kibuye Hope Hospital in Burundi, where they care for patients while training African doctors through Hope Africa University, a Christian Burundian university. They have the distinction of having three children born on three continents. He joins us to discuss his book "Promises in the Dark".
11/12/2019 Duration: 25minPeter Saunders, MD, is the new CEO of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA), a global movement uniting national Christian medical and dental organisations in over 60 countries. He was, until December 2018, the Chief Executive of Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK. Prior to that he was a general surgeon in New Zealand, Kenya and the UK.
November 2019 CDD #2 (full issue)
11/12/2019 Duration: 52minThe complete second November 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Mike Davis, MD (ending the AIDS Epidemic) and Ray Barfield, MD (expanding the role of the humanities and the arts in the formation of physicians) and hosted by CMDA CEO Mike Chupp, MD.
Reimagining Medicine
11/12/2019 Duration: 25minRay Barfield, MD is Professor of Pediatrics and Christian Philosophy at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He was the founding director of two programs at Duke: Pediatric Quality of Life Palliative Care and Theology, Medicine, and Culture. Currently he is the director of the Medical Humanities Program for the Trent Center for Bioethics, Medical Humanities, and History of Medicine in the Medical School.
Ending the AIDS Epidemic
11/12/2019 Duration: 17minMichael Davis, MD is a hospital medicine specialist in Chattanooga, TN. He graduated from East Tennessee State University / Quillen College Of Medicine in 2008 and specializes in hospital medicine, infectious disease medicine, and more. He discusses the bold plan to end the AIDS Epidemic.
November 2019 CDD #1 (full issue)
04/11/2019 Duration: 54minThe complete first November 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Eleanore Kue, MD (author of Healing Hands, Healing Heart) and John Ensor (author of Pregnancy Crisis Intervention) and hosted by CMDA CEO Mike Chupp, MD.
Healing Hands, Healing Heart
04/11/2019 Duration: 20minEleanore Kue, MD was born in Cameroon, Africa before moving to France to finish her education. In France, she went to medical school and obtained an MD degree. Eleanore and her husband came to the USA looking for the American dream. After giving her life to Christ, she went to Bible School where God called her to mission field. In 2009, she opened His Healing Hands Clinic to provide medical care to the uninsured and under insured in Lansing, MI and in 2013, planted His Healing Hands Church at the clinic. She is the author of “Healing Hands, Healing Heart: The story of Dr. Eleanore Kue.”, the story of what God has done in her life.
Pregnancy Crisis Intervention
04/11/2019 Duration: 26minJohn Ensor is an ordained Evangelical pastor, who for the last 25 years has served as a leader in the pro-life movement as a speaker, author, mentor, and co-laborer. Currently, John serves as the President of PassionLife, where he concentrates on helping missionaries and indigenous Christian leaders serving in countries plagued by abortion to equip the church in bioethics and pregnancy crisis intervention services.
October 2019 CDD (full issue)
08/10/2019 Duration: 55minThe complete October 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Ruth Haley Barton (author of Pursuing God's Will Together) and Barney Davis, MD (Sabboth & Rest) and hosted by CMDA CEO Mike Chupp, MD.
Sabboth Rest
08/10/2019 Duration: 20minBarney M. Davis, Jr., M.D. is a general psychiatrist in Phoenix, AZ, whose work providing counseling and consultative services to members of the international missionary community takes him to many remote areas. Through the organization of Godspeed Resources Connection (, he has continued to provide both on-field and virtual (telepsychiatry) care to missionaries in multiple locations. Barney serves as an officer within the CMDA Psychiatry Section.
Pursuing God’s Will Together
08/10/2019 Duration: 19minRuth Haley Barton (Doctor of Divinity, Northern Seminary) is founding president/CEO of the Transforming Center, a ministry dedicated to strengthening the souls of pastors and Christian leaders, and the congregations and organizations they serve. For over twenty years, she has ministered to the soul care needs of pastors and leaders based upon her conviction that the best thing we bring to leadership is our own transforming selves.
September 2019 CDD (full issue)
03/09/2019 Duration: 01h07minThe complete September 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Tim & Maureen Gaul, MDs plus LeAnne & Ron Blackmore, MD (MEI in Macedonia) and Walt Larimore, MD (author of Fit Over 50)) and hosted by CMDA CEO Mike Chupp, MD.
MEI in Macedonia
03/09/2019 Duration: 30minDrs. Tim & Maureen Gaul give an update on what is happening in Macedonia through CMDA's Medical Education International and then Dr. Ron & LeAnne Blackmore share their experiences when they participated in this short-term missions program that provides academic teaching and clinical training while spreading the gospel to doctors and students.
Fit Over 50
03/09/2019 Duration: 22minDoctors Walt Larimore and Phillip Bishop want to give you truthful and trustworthy advice to help you separate fact from wishful thinking and to identify misconceptions when you see them about Health, Fitness, and Weight Loss with advice you can trust to stay fit over 50.
August 2019 CDD (full issue)
07/08/2019 Duration: 01h18minThe complete August 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Den Trumbull, MD (author of Loving By Leading) and Mike Chupp, MD (new CEO of CMDA) and hosted by CMDA CEO David Stevens, MD.
07/08/2019 Duration: 32minMike Chupp, MD discusses his path to becoming CMDA's next CEO and his vision for the future.
Loving By Leading
07/08/2019 Duration: 18minDen Trumbull, MD, has a special interest in behavioral pediatrics & has written the parenting book, Loving by Leading: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Healthy and Responsible Children.
July 2019 CDD (full issue)
01/07/2019 Duration: 56minThe complete July 2019 issue of Christian Doctor's Digest with guests Tyler VanderWeele (research on the effects of Religious Upbringing & Health) and Ron Bryce, MD (discussing his book Fingerprint of God) and hosted by CMDA CEO David Stevens, MD.