On Cue

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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e Social Economy Centre of the University of Toronto announces its new podcast series, ON CUE: Community University Extension. The podcast features its 2008-09 Speakers' Series, which takes a close look at some of the most pressing issues affecting Ontario's social economy.


  • New Canadians and the Social Economy


    Speakers:*Farhia Warsame, Manager, Haween Enterprises and the Somali Network*Maryam Alefi Kurmally, Coordinator, Afghan Women's Catering Group*Jamila Aman, Executive Director, Northwood Neighbourhood ServicesFarhia Warsame discusses “Developing A Social Purpose Enterprise.” She will speak about her experiences in developing and growing, or supporting, Social Purpose Enterprises and will highlight what she has learned in the area of operations.Maryam Alefi Kurmally talks about the creation of the Afghan Women’s Catering Group. Afghan Women’s Catering is a collective of immigrant Afghan women who are either unemployed or underemployed.Jamila Aman talks about Northwood Neighbourhood Services and the two social enterprises they have started. 021809http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca/podcasts/soc_ent_021809.mp3

  • Youth And Social Enterprise


    Speakers:Andrew Macdonald discusses how Toronto’s Phoenix Print Shop offers practical, cost-effective and entrepreneurial ways to help youth sustain their gains for the long-term.Jennifer LaTrobe talks about “Boldness and Blunders,” a look inside a social enterprise and the genius of managing unreasonable goals.Tina Sorbara considers the co-operative model as a vehicle for student self-sufficiency and empowerment. She gives an overview of the Guelph Campus Co-op operations and governance structure to illustrate the potential of co-ops to provide valuable co-curricular educational opportunities to students.Moderated by Cathy Lang 012109http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca/podcasts/youth_se_012109.mp3

  • "If only researchers would talk to each other!" Four Traditions of Self-Help Group Research


    Speaker:Professor Emerita Thomasina Borkman, Sociology, George Mason UniversityThis presentation discusses four differing self-help traditions, three of which are international and have been ignored by researchers in North America. Dr. Borkman discusses the extensive benefits to individuals and community of these four self-help traditions.Dr. Borkman specializes in the sociology of health, illness, and disability. She is internationally renowned for her research and publications on self-help/mutual aid groups. A holder of a Fulbright Fellowship in 1995, she is also a past president of the Association for Research in Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Associations. 12/01/08http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca/podcasts/borkman120108.mp3

  • Participatory Local Development and Grassroots Planning: From Kerala to Leh


    Speaker:Dr. Manjula Bharati, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, IndiaYou are invited to listen to a presentation on the micro level planning process in Leh, India, an innovative participatory process influenced by the highly acclaimed People's Plan of Kerala. Dr. Manjula Bharati, an internationally renowned researcher who participated in both processes of democratic decentralization, will discuss key issues faced by local communities in understanding and articulating their own development problems, and how these can be resolved.Moderated by Dr. Daniel Schugurensky, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto 10/15/08http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca/podcasts/mb_101508.mp3

  • Social Purchasing


    Speakers:Dave Robinson… is the Sustainability and Community Involvement Coordinator at Mountain Equipment Co-operative (MEC) in Toronto. David speaks about how its ethical sourcing policy enables MEC to operate in a socially responsible manner. Peter Frampton… As Executive Director of the Learning Enrichment Foundation, Peter was instrumental in the establishment of the Social Purchasing Portal. Peter explains how the Portal allows corporations to leverage existing purchasing power to expand business opportunities for suppliers who provide added social value to their community. Don Wells… teaches in the Labour Studies Programme and Political Science Department at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Don played a key role in the process leading up to the decision by McMaster to adopt a “no sweat” and fair trade purchasing policy, and speaks about the issues involved in establishing and implementing purchasing polices at universities.Moderated by Darryl Reed, York University. 12/03/08http://socialeconomy.

  • K-Net: An Amazing First Nations Initiative in Telehealth and Online Education


    Speakers:Darlene Panacheese is the telehealth coordinator at the Mishkeegogamang Telemedicine Work Station, and gives us a video tour of the telehealth station.Linda Johnson is a high school teacher in Weagamow Lake, and talks about the Keewaytinook Internet High School.Brian Beaton is the coordinator of K-Net Services, the telecommunications department of Keewaytinook Okimakanak; a tribal council serving First Nations in Ontario's far north. He will discuss the migration of broadband and the development of applications such as telehealth and digital education through the expansion of the Kuhkenah Network, the largest First Nations-owned and managed broadband network in Canada.Brian Walmar is the Director of Research at Keewaytinook Okimakanak, a tribal council serving First Nations in Ontario's far north. The KO Research Institute (KORI) was created by the Chiefs with a twin mandate, to build research capacity at the community level and to build bridges with like-minded academics who are willing to put the

  • The Conversion of Alexandra Park Public Housing into Atkinson Housing Co-operative


    Speakers: Tom Clement, Executive Director, Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto, & Jorge Sousa, University of Alberta, September 24, 2008Tom Clement introduces, “Atkinson Co-op Revolution,” a short film about community development activities resulted in young people engaging in their co-op by running for the board of directors. Atkinson Co-op’s board now has five directors under 25 years of age, and Tom is joined by members of the Atkinson Co-op to respond to questions and to share their experiences.Jorge Sousa discusses the Atkinson conversion as it relates to housing policy and community building initiatives, including the need to align the two. Jorge also describes ongoing efforts to convert public housing projects into co-operative communities in other jurisdictionsThis session is moderated by David Hulchanski, Director, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.http://socialeconomy.utoronto.ca/podcasts/oncue092408.mp3