Mike and Noah tackle the world of nerd events. From comic books to movies to TV to everything in between. They'll bring on guests, they'll have topics, they'll probably go insane, but they'll be entertaining doing it.
012 - No One Wants to Be Mr. Pink - Reservoir Dogs
02/10/2021 Duration: 50minBetter late than never! Now you're all caught up!
011 - Next Time Just Spring for a Spa Day? - The Game
14/09/2021 Duration: 39minWe recorded this a while ago and you're just now getting it. Lucky you.
010 - In a Row!?!? - Clerks
04/08/2021 Duration: 51minDo we even have a release schedule anymore? Sorry about that. Things are weird right now. Enjoy the show.
009 - Keep the Bottle - Die Hard With A Vengeance
06/07/2021 Duration: 01h16minPart two of our return! We take a look at one of the best sequels of all time and Noah hates on a Chris Pratt time travel vehicle. Enjoy!
008 - Which Way is Up? - Memento
06/07/2021 Duration: 55minWe're back!!! Drink in TWO new episodes as we dive into a fantastic early Christopher Nolan gem.
007 - Those One Liners, Tho' - Commando
26/05/2021 Duration: 01h15minWe take a look at Army of the Dead on Netflix and deep dive into one of the 80's best action films, Commando! Please subscribe if you haven't already and shoot us a message recommending a movie for us to take a look at!
006 - Too Mean To Die - Payback
12/05/2021 Duration: 01h09minWe recap a bunch of movies and deep dive on a 90's Mel Gibson gem. Subscribe to our podcast if you haven't already!
005 - He's a Deadbeat Dad - The Time Traveler's Wife - SPECIAL GUEST NICK
28/04/2021 Duration: 50minNick stops by to talk Mortal Kombat (2021) and The Time Traveler's Wife, one of the more...unique double features we've ever covered on any podcast. Let your friends know about our show!
004 - It's the Future - Blade Runner - SPECIAL GUEST MASON
14/04/2021 Duration: 01h12minNoah's nephew Mason stops by to talk Nobody and Blade Runner. Let your friends know about our podcast! Please!
003 - FIGHT! - Mortal Kombat
31/03/2021 Duration: 01h16minWe take a look at the Synder cut of Justice League and deep dive into one of the 90's best...well...only video game movies!
002 - For the Fourth Time - Coming to America
17/03/2021 Duration: 01h09minNoah takes us through Coming to America and we talk about more bad movies. Thanks for listening!
001 - That New Show Smell - Con Air
03/03/2021 Duration: 01h23minNuke it from Orbit rises from the ashes of Nerd Soup. We deep dive into one of our guilty pleasures, Con Air and take a look at some other reviews as well. Be sure to keep your subscription going and hit that button if you're just joining us!
114 - The End?
13/02/2021 Duration: 01h02minNerd Soup comes to a close, but don't worry, something bigger is on the horizon. Keep your subscription going!
26/01/2021 Duration: 52minOur friend (and resident Marvel expert) Tom stops by the show to discuss WandaVision and some general Marvel things. Listen and subscribe!
15/01/2021 Duration: 01h44minKevin is back to talk about the best and worst of 2020. Noah's audio is a little weak on this one, that's my (Mike's) fault, sorry about that!
111 - TENET & WW84 REVIEWS!!! - (Special Guest Host KEVIN!)
04/01/2021 Duration: 01h05minMike's brother Kevin steps in to co-host this episode while Noah deals with a COVID scare (he's okay). We review Tenet and WW84 and they were...look, just listen, we promise the episode is at least entertaining. You can check Kevin's podcast, Trailer Hitch, out at the links below: apple podcasts
22/12/2020 Duration: 02h04minMore beer, film editing and the real reason Ryan is here...a lady named Rosalind. DOORSHAKESPEARE.COM
07/12/2020 Duration: 01h06minNoah interviews his friend and actor/editor Ryan Schabach, asking the hard hitting questions like: What beer would Duff beer be if it existed in the real world?
27/11/2020 Duration: 01h14minWe got some hate mail. Also Time Warp, but mostly the hate mail.
109 - “Faireies Don’t Stop Because of Dead Horses”
06/11/2020 Duration: 53minThe last one was late, so this one is early. Better? Please give us recommendations for things to talk about.